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Ricky Adair


15th Oct 2011

ref Florence comment

Dear all,
For what its worth I just want to say that at no time has any club offered any inducements to my boys to move.

Please try to be factual when mentioning people by name on an open forum.




15th Oct 2011

Re CI member
If riling other forum users is your agenda then thats pretty sad
Florence named the talent that you have been hounding but you dont have to be Einstein to work it out. Everyone knows you have been torturing various youngsters for ages.
Invest in your own talent then maybe you wouldnt have to "rile" others...Pathetic



15th Oct 2011

With all this about transfers just though I would say that Obus Pienaar looks set to come back to The Lawn next year at the minute as he loved last year. He might be with South Africa A but they are touring Ireland next year apparently. He lit up the Premier league last year more than any pro has ever done in all my time.


Watching Liverpool blow their chance!

15th Oct 2011

As Andy Kennedy mentioned in a previous post, CI are receiving certain publicity on this forum that previously was aimed at Derriaghy. Now is because these two clubs are seen as "junior" clubs by many of those clubs that see it as their devine right to be in the top league, and these two teams have gatecrashed the top league and cup competitions over the last ten years or so?

CI till i die


15th Oct 2011

Its great to see so many people sticking up for the ethics of CIYMS....How many of them are being paid ??

andy kennedy

dreich Buckna

15th Oct 2011

surprised at the reaction to Taimur heading to Belmont - was it not an open secret from at least early September that the move was on the cards


September which year?

C.I. member


15th Oct 2011

Oh! Florence we have managed to rile you then..... naming names and all now., I would not even enter into such a downright up the left hullaballu.....pathetic. But its great to know we can hold our own . as for offering the adairs insurance....get one of them driving first

Derek Quinn

HQ -Ards

15th Oct 2011

Florance, please feel free to click onto the Hughes Insurnace logo on this website and take advantage of all the insurance products on offer to everyone in Northern Ireland from Business Eye's Company of the Year 2011

Sam Magill


15th Oct 2011

I agree with the points Russeller has made. It will be strange to see Taimur playing against North Down in 2012. He has been superb for North Down over his 12 years with the club, however his departure is an opportunity for some of the promising youngsters at NDCC to make their mark. I am sure at some point we will see Taimur playing for NDCC again. Taimur has three young children and everyone at North Down will fully understand that the financial offer made was too good to turn down.



15th Oct 2011

Florence : if you actually didnt hide behind a false name then people would take you seriously.


Daddy winkers lane

15th Oct 2011

re-ci man
Your a joke. Ive just heard that Taimur,your "youth development" mercenary has already been onto the Adairs from Hwood. Car ins and free tracksuits etc were dangled. I believe this will be the 3rd year your club will be trying to secure their talents.Surely if they wanted to be at CI they would go.Cregaghs U13s won the cup last yr, whos on your radar there ?
Is Taimur a "youth developer" or recruitment officer.
You can try and deny the fact that your club employs these underhand tactics but it is common knowledge in east bfast.
When you take your head out of the sand you should maybe call the youth coaches at cregagh,holywood,ards etc and im sure your eyes will be opened to what is going on....CI is renowned for it
The fact that 90% of cricketers in the NCU feel the same way about your club should spell it out to you....concentrate on what you have and not what you could have then maybe your club will get the credit it deserves

C.I. member


15th Oct 2011

I honestly cannot believe the rubbish I am reading, as for "FLORENCE" I would love to meet with you ! I too heard great stories over the last season about incentives BUT I had the intelligence to work out that it was wishful thinking and great imagination on behalf of some, and jealousy by others.. Why can you just not give credit to the extre,ely hard work our senior players have put into development of the young players.... and let it rest.......



15th Oct 2011

Re Bod
You're assuming Khan can see anything at the minute through the massive wads of cash pushed in his face!
Yeah right, it was a cricketing decision...

Steve McChesney


15th Oct 2011

Ref "Simon" - how can you possibly call someone's loyalty into question after 13 years at a club? taimur has been a fantastic servant to nd over the years and I'm sure the bulk of their members will wish him all the very best.

Perhaps Taimur saw what I saw - a forward thinking club with a fantastic set up and a blossoming youth section. I'm pretty sure he is entitled to make his own decisions without random people questioning his loyalty!!

I have learnt over the years that the level of "tapping up" is not all it seems to be. Did it ever strike you that these young cricketers are using fictional approaches to get themselves a better "deal" at their own club? It's not like that hasn't happened before!


The real Scott Pearson

Quinn's Rocks (Perth)

15th Oct 2011

Regarding comments about ciyms and my dad If I would I like to comment on matters of this sort I will do so myself I would appreciate if the fake scott Pearson on this forum will stop making comments using my name as All previous ones where not from me!!!! If there is any statements about dad he will defend himself. There is no need for people to use my identity