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Ross Boultwood

Christchurch NZ

15th Oct 2011

Can everyone not just wait until the beginning of next season to see the first eleven at CI and other clubs. As nobody actually knows who CI has brought in with the exception of Taimur. If you feel it is right to continue this debate when you see the CI first eleven at the start of next year then feel free to do so but there really is no need for all of this when you are not involved with the club you really do not know the truth. I'm not saying that CI don't pay a few players but I cant comment on that as I am not a member of the committee so it is not my place to know and i'm ok with that. I am at the club to play cricket and improve on my own game and that's all i am concerned about. I just don't see where everyone is so interested in what CI are doing as a club.

I'm not on this to slag anyone off, I'm just trying to say give it a rest!

Look forward to playing some good competitive cricket next season with the 8 teams! No matter what happens it should hopfully turn out to be an exciting season for everyone in the NCU.

mark mcbriar

finding a valley to sing in come the morn!

15th Oct 2011

Honestly folks what are CI doing wrong? 200 kids on a week night and they've recruited probably the best coach about in Taimur Khan, that'll be a tick from me, I hope they will now bring in a top class pro for next season,nice if he/she was another ex-test star. Will they win the league next year? maybe not but it seems to me it won't be from the lack of trying so my hat's off to the guys at Belmont. Every year CI seem to come under scrutiny for being pro-active and 'eye-brow' raising the bar with their signings only to be shot down. As for poaching of players some clubs need to address what they are offering thier younger members, 100+ kids on a mon night means jack if you're offering a babysitting service, quality coaching will bring rewards, if only a handful end up making the grade, and CI can now offer great coaching and the chance to play premier league cricket so fair play!

craig irwin


15th Oct 2011

As a player that has seen both sides of the fence regarding payment I am intrigued at the arguments mentioned. The only time you need feel guilty is that if you are not fulfilling the job that you are paid for - surely this is the same as normal life- in all walks off life there will be market forces that will determine that decision. To Paul - thankyou for making me run around from about 6 fielding everything you and Charlie, Sid, David were hitting!

andy kennedy

"keeping her lit"

15th Oct 2011

Taimur from N.Down to CI - did I hear a wee whisper that there may be a defection in the opposite direction?


News to me Andy...

Neil Russell


14th Oct 2011

Re: Simon's comment re Taimurs Loyalty:

Nobody at NDCC holds one jot of annoyance towards Taimur. The offer he got from CI was clearly very significant. Up to them how they want to spend their money, it hasn't worked at all in the years they have spent BIG, but good luck to them.

Taimurs loyalty to NDCC has been superb since he first joined in 1999, he has turned down some superb opportunities during his time here,especially when he was in his prime.

ALL at NDCC wish Timi personal success in his move. A nicer, more friendly gentleman you would struggle to meet in cricketing circles.



East Belfast

14th Oct 2011

Re Florence

All of the 200 kids at CI are from CI. As they are all aged between 10 and 13 they can't be from anywhere else. They are all from the East Belfast catchment area, not enticed by money, car insurance or promise of free sweets but they come to CI as it is a safe, inclusive family club with great facilities and superb coaching.

Paul McCrum

Dallas USA

14th Oct 2011

Well said DK & some things are worth sharing - having played with & against Wayne Pearson for many years i can confirm Wayne to be a top athlete and all round cricketer (as well as a very fine man). Sadly, had Wayne played for a more 'fashionable' club (as perceived in some quarters) i have no doubt he would have played for Ireland - having 'sneaked' in a decade of practical Ireland cricket i speak from very real experience & can confirm i played with many less talented batsmen, bowlers & all-rounders than Wayne on the international stage. Balanced, dedicated and genuinely loved at Laurelvale CC and by those in the NCU who had the privilage to see the man in action.

CI Man

East Belfast

14th Oct 2011

RE: Florence et al

I really would love to hear the names of all the 'kids' we have lured 'for royalties' over the last 5 yrs from other east Belfast clubs?

I don't think you could call Hewitt,Heasley,Rofe,Cooper,Fourie,McMillan,McCord, or Bodi kids?

People as in any job/profession make it known they would like a change and if they are offered a package then they alone choose whether to accept it.

I am sick of having to repeat myself or Alan but the committee took the decision 4 or 5 years ago when we had no 3rd XI or an underage structure to make CI a strong club to go along with our quality facilities. The hope being that by building a youth section we could in 5-7 yrs time produce kids good enough to play Premier League cricket without the need for paying players. We are happy with how this is going - testament to this is when our colts won the colts cup in 2010 (none of which were paid or enticed with royalties or free insurance) beating Lisburn, instonians and north down on the way.

Taimurs signing is massive in terms of how we are trying to move our youth development on and help nurture the players coming through.

Perhaps we should start a debate on other clubs in both Premier league and Section 1 and their wage bills as I for one am getting bored of the CI bashing year in and year out - zzzzzzzz



14th Oct 2011

Nile - "why does the sun go on shining, why does the sea rush to shore"..........



14th Oct 2011

CI man - don't know who you are but DO know from grass roots level that you would not be worthy 'to tie the laces' of Wayne Pearson's boots - never criticise those you could NEVER emulate - you are confusing capability & ambition! Wayne you are a Champion..........



14th Oct 2011

Simon - change the record - it's 'beat out' by now and your boring anti pro/anti money rhetoric...........get out more!



14th Oct 2011

I see CI have now signed Taimur Khan...

I wonder - if and when CI finally buy the league, will anyone from their Club sit back and look at the trophy with any satisfaction...

I'm sure all at Comber are overwhelmed by Khan's loyalty - the sort of guy that will fit nicely into the CI set-up...!

NCU Observer

CI the new Man City !

14th Oct 2011

Khan To CI !!!

Good luck to Taimur Khan - I hope you have strong shoulders ! Unless of course the new Player/"Coach" turns out to be a worldbeater !!!

Nile smith


14th Oct 2011

Why do people conceal their identity on this blog?



14th Oct 2011

It seems the old "CI question" has opened a lot of debate.
The spending spree over the last 4-5 yrs doesnt really bother me, if my club had the money we would probably do the same. The only difference is we would be extremely concerned about a distinct lack of silverware and young "homegrown talent"
As ive previously said it is very concerning how smaller clubs in the east belfast area have been stripped of their youngsters.
Ive heard it all to often of stories of talented kids being lured to CI with various royalties.
I wonder how many of the regular 200 kids at training are from CI ? Its a shame that smaller clubs have no chance to develop and win leagues with their young talent.
It is getting to be a real problem as many clubs have the same concerns but are powerless to do anything.
When does it end ???