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Only bills in the post today !

14th Oct 2011

Alan CI,

Never worry about all this gossip of paying players, buying trophies and now even chat of free car insurance for prospective recruits !

If your selection panel choose me as their new player/coach for next season, I'll personnally see to it that these malicious rumours are put to bed once and for all.........How ?

Every player on 'my' team, will be there on merit, playing for his shirt/club and proud to be doing so !

And this will start with me !

I won't need paying to do something I love and am very passionate about, plus I have my own car which is already legally insured; but I may accept a small donation towards the cost of travelling from Moira to Belfast & return if this is acceptable with your committee.

Fondest regards again to you & all @ CIYMS C.C.



14th Oct 2011

Ok Simon here goes....To begin with I am sorry that you feel the way you do about my club but I can say that no young person has been given any kind of incentive to play for CI, certainly not since I have been Secretary of the club. As for a recruitment policy..We will talk to any person who expresses an interest in coming to play at Belmont, we DO NOT approach them! Our plans are simple, that within the next 5 years we will have a team of CI Men playing in the Premier League and many of these lads are already representing our club at with Ireland, the NCU and the Lords Taverners. I think 200+ kids at CI every week during the season isn't a bad way to start!!



14th Oct 2011

Its extremely hard to feel sorry for CI as a a club. Ive already heard that they already pestering youngsters with promises of car ins and other incentives
After spending thousands [ton up yet?] on legions of players over the last few yrs, surely there would be signs of home grown talent emerging ??
Ive no problem with talented kids moving clubs to better themselves but this continual buying of youngsters doesnt do anything for the image of the club



14th Oct 2011

North Down CC have 1 spare ticket for the NCU dinner tomorrow night, contact this forum for further info or 07855416236.



14th Oct 2011

I realise it is short notice but a couple of seats have become available for the NCU dinner tomorrow night. If anyone is interested please contact me on 07984547333.




13th Oct 2011

Re - Alan CI...

Instead of your phone ringing off the hook, let's hear this tremendous vision of youth structure so we can all learn for the benefit of the local game - maybe then you'll convince all the cynics...
For all our benefit, can you please expand on CI's schoolboy recruitment policy...?

Pete M


13th Oct 2011

Re David Morgan.

I dont think its necessarily "Jealousy" that people have towards CI, but more sheer annoyance that your club continue to "poach" and "Pester" the best clubs players. Of course, it is up to the individual whether they wish to take up an offer, but its a sad state of affairs when your club cannot produce even one "worthy" premier league player from within.


At least my name's in the hat !

13th Oct 2011

Alan CI.

Thanks for the acknowledgment, as I've already stated last time round I didn't even get a 'thanks...but no-thanks' rely to my application, but I hasten to add it was a few years ago and a different cricket club from your own that were advertising for a similiar post, so that maybe explains it !

I'll keep my eyes open for the post-man, & kind regards to you & all @ CIYMS.



13th Oct 2011

C.Boomer...Firstly, thanks for your application and I will take it to our next Committee Meeting and will let you know in due course.



13th Oct 2011

NCU Supporter / Roy Young....From your comments I can see that you know nothing about CI or any of the plans that we have put in place to bring our young players to the standard required to play in the Premier League. Rather than making comments like these, why don't you get my number from the NCU Book and give me a ring and I will explain our vision for CI in the very near future.



13th Oct 2011

Paul Russell.....As Secretary of CIYMS C.C., I would love to meet your "Reliable" source who says that Craig is coming back to us for next season. Maybe you could name the person for me so that I can hear for myself what is happening at my club, as I can say, with much sorrow, that Craig will NOT be playing at Belmont in 2012.


Here's my C.V. for the record !

13th Oct 2011

Whether you agree with it or not!

What a fantastic vocation, for some very fortunate individual to be offered the chance of a 'job' as a player/coach for a premier league cricket club (or any cricket club for that matter) and to be paid for the priviledge of doing something we all are passionate about and particapate in, within our own time throughout the cricket season, is really an opportunity not to be missed !

To C.I.Y.M.S. C.C.

I know this isn't the correct protocol, but I once applied for a similiar position and didn't even get a reply ! ( but I'm wiser now).. So as not to waste a stamp, paper or time:

1. I have 1 x O-level passed in 1982/83 in English.. hence the good spelling you may care to note !)
2. I passed my umpire's exam last year and am the proud holder of an ECB certificate level 1 .
3. I also successfully completed an ICC introduction to cricket course last year..(certificate to prove it).

Further to the above...I am a good cricket all-rounder and once took 6 for 20 odd against Indian Gymghana in the old NCU section 4 around the 1998... I think? (although I never recieved my Ulster-Bank engraved cut-glass vase for doing so?
Haven't quite ever got a fifty yet but still trying hard !!


Ps. I'm also a good catcher !



13th Oct 2011

why is this even a debate - who cares how a club recruits. Having stood 22 yards away - well in most cases about 30 yards away for fear of my life - i can say that mcmillian and the likes of pinear have had a positive effect on our local game in publicity, profile, spectator attendance and youth uptake.

Stuart Hughes

Dundee via Queensway

13th Oct 2011

-All views my own-

How another club spends their money is up to them as long as everything is within the rules. But that shouldn't stop people expressing an opinion on it.My view is that clubs should adopt a long term approach and guarantee themselves stability long after the money runs out.

That means investing in youth systems to attract as many kids as possible to your club and providing them with top quality coaching but also the opportunities to prove themselves. Clearly some clubs are going to have to increasing spending on players if they want to stay or become part of the 8 club elite but I think there is a danger that some may become short-sighted.

To those going on about spelling and grammar grow up, this isn't the playground.



13th Oct 2011

RE:Roy Young

The Player Coach will indeed only have to coach our kids one night a week but you will also see that the role involves playing for the 1st XI so in turn this will involve training with the team on a training night.

Roy, you are more than welcome to apply if you hectic social life allows the time.