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David Morgan

East Belfast

13th Oct 2011

The jealousy out there towards CIYMS is shocking.

McMillan brought a lot to NCU cricket never mind the 'Premmier' League and can hardly be called an 'obscene fiasco'?

Surely CI are to commended for trying to recruit locally and putting the interests of their kids and coaching to the fore front of their plans?

PS - with all this terrible grammar it must be old campbellians having a go.....



13th Oct 2011

I play for a Belfast Club and last year we had several attempts from a "Club" who shall remain nameless to poach our best schoolboys...!
If it can be believed, they were also "incentivised" to defect...!

I presume my club was not on it's own ?
Can anyone give examples, as I was under the impression this sort practice was a flagrent abuse of the NCU rules...

Maybe someone can confirm this ?



12th Oct 2011

RE, Paul Russell

Do you really think McMillan brought anything to the premmier league when he was here last...?

Personally I thought the whole thing was an obscene fiasco

P Edwards (not roy young)


12th Oct 2011

Re - Andy McMichael

Just wanted to agree with Roy Young...

Spot on mate - don't think many would argue...

ps, hope my grammar passes - I don't want to seem foolish and therefore render my posting beyond worth...!

Andy McMichael


12th Oct 2011

Re Roy Young.
"were" did you go to school Roy? The same place as NCU supporter, or maybe you are him. Thanks for all your concerns and interest in our player coach position but don't worry about CI affairs, our club will do that.

Roy Young


12th Oct 2011

Ref NCU supporter

I agree entirely with your comments - the ad looks like another opportunity to hide behind in order to bring in another 'hired gun'! Player/coach who is expected to do 1 (yes thats 1!) nights coaching with the young guys.

Were CI differ from most other clubs in the top flight is that they don't have any club men who could call themselves Premier league players - a couple of local players who help make up a first eleven made up of acquisitions from other sources might not be the strongest way to build a club - time will tell !

John Matthews


12th Oct 2011

re NCU supporter. As member of another premier league team it is obviously going to become more important to spend money in this next season whether that is on facilities, youth structure or professionals given the fact that teams want to play in the 8 team premier league. We're also in advanced talks with a big name.
By the way, did you attend English classes?

Paul russell


12th Oct 2011

RE:NCU Supporter

I have heard from a reliable source that CIYMS are at advanced stage of negotiations with Craig McMillan to come back for 2012 season.

I for one would welcome this signing, as surely it can only be good for the league even it is does buy them success - fair play to them.



12th Oct 2011

NCU supporter,

as a player in the lower divisions just looking in at the premier league i personally dont see what CI are doing different to anyone else in that league? They seem to get a lot of flack for a developing club with a booming youth structure. I dont think in the context of the league, paying 3 players is attempting to buy a top 4 finish???

David Mitchell


12th Oct 2011

No, this is not the start of 'there' spending. We've spent loads and loads already on developing our youth structure.
Time to sort out your grammar, be a man and identify yourself NCU supporter.

NCU Supporter


12th Oct 2011

I see CI are looking for a player/coach - is this the start of there spending? - with a player/coach and then 2 pros and Connell on top like last season and they will have bought a top 4 finish?

Any other transfer rumours or pros confirmed for next season in Premier League?

andy kennedy

dreich Buckna

11th Oct 2011

re the Waring cup I would ask why Instonians have not been "required" to replace the base?

jonathan lyttle


11th Oct 2011

Following the AGM of NIACUS which was held on 10th October 2011 at Stormont the following officers and Committee members were elected to serve for 2011/2012.

Chairman - Alan Neill
Vice Chairman - Louis Arneill
Secretary - Jonathan Lyttle
Treasurer - Michael Ross
President - Peter Lunney


Noel McCarey
Kevin McConville
Ivan Reid
Alex Adams

Umpires Appointment Secretary
Ian Houston

NIACUS would like to extend their most sincere appreciation to outgoing Chairman Noel McCarey and are delighted that he will continue to serve on Executive Committee. The Association is also delighted that Ian Houston will remain as our Appointments Secretary. Ian is a dedicated and much respected servant to local cricket and we are happy that he will continue to work for the greater good of local cricket. Finally congratulations to our new Chairman Alan Neill and I know that we wish him every success.

andy kennedy


10th Oct 2011

thanks Neil - Instonians "lost" it! Then it has been "missing" for a couple of seasons. I think if that is the case then is it not appropriate that they should replace it?

Neil Hunter

A very wet Belfast

10th Oct 2011


Regarding the base of the Waring Cup, refer to Inst 2nds as they lost it.