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14th Oct 2011

Simon...Like most people I do not like being called a liar, so if you would like to post some evidence and facts on the incentives offered, we can discuss further. One piece of advice...Never call a man a liar when you don't know the person and for everyones information I am NOT Mackey!!

Scotty - Australia

Sunny Aus !

14th Oct 2011

CI Man

Get your facts right - after nearly 30 years service to one club my dad was not a mercenary ! He was finished as a first eleven cricketer and decided he would help out another club who were struggling ! Unlike CI - we as a club have produced many players who are capable of playing at the top level of NCU cricket - come back and speak to me when you produce your first homegrown player who can do so !

PS Applying the sunscreen as we speak !

andy kennedy

enjoying 20-20 hindsight in Buckna

14th Oct 2011

not really convinced by Alan's comments about not "tapping" players. I note the careful wording that he uses so it may not be a "direct committee" approach but that doesn't preclude an approach being made by "a friend". As other posters have indicated, approaches HAVE been made to players in other clubs but perhaps this is not the place for naming names. Having said that, this is the "same old same old" debate - used to be directed at Derriaghy now its CI, again. I wonder if the most successful league side will be going down the road of oversea player next season? - their "machine" continues to turn out home grown talent with young Ally Shields being a revelation this season. I have seen some talented lads down the club so perhaps the CI "machine" needs a couple more years, but maybe,like the English Premier League, they don't wnat to wait for home grown success. My experience of Mr. McMillan was somewhat limiteed but I did form a view about his attitude. I was spectating at Ballymena on a wet Friday when CI were struggling and Craig, having been out, was reading the paper in a different part of the ground when I felt that he should have been with his team-mates trying to encourage them but perhaps that wasn't his role. I'm sure there were will be postings about his contribution but as I say, it was only my opinion. My other issue with parachuting guys in is the effect on "home" players who lose their place on the team. There are guys I see walking round the boundaries who have been lost to playing because of this. And lets come clean about this - they can be called Development officers, player coaches, etc. when the reality is that, with notable exceptions such as Solanky & Merchant, they are hired guns brought in to try to win the Premier title and the incredible amount of prize money! Perhaps someone in the know will let us know how much the Champions actually win. Or maybe its the entry into Europe!!. Recession? WHAT RECESSION?

Alan McIlwaine


14th Oct 2011


Yes sure we can talk about whatever tomorrow night at the dinner. This is my first post in quite a while.
Looking forward to tomorrow night.

Clarence: CIYMS certainly keeps the site hits moving!

CI Man

East Belfast

14th Oct 2011

RE - Scotty

I think you should maybe sit in the shade for a while as clearly the sun has clearly affected your judgment.

What I said in my post was that at AT LEAST one other person BESIDES the 'Pro' gets paid in every Premier League Club and in a lot of cases '4,5,6' as you state in your post.

As for your father, commendable but in the end he turned out like a number of Premier League Cricketers, a mercenary lured by £££

Wake up



14th Oct 2011

Micheal...Any chance of joining you at the 19th. Had enough of all of this!!!! Pity some people cant take another mans word on things!!!!!

Scotty - Australia

Sunny Australia

14th Oct 2011

Re CI Man -

Don't think anyone has a problem if you pay one man to play for your club - personally I think people have a problem when you (appear) to pay 4/5/6 people to play for you ! My dad played for one club during the best years of his playing life despite having many offers to play for other teams - he did however by his own omission take a cheque when by his own admission he was "dun" and could offer our our club no more !!

Roy Young

Ards - as usual

14th Oct 2011


With all due respect you must be new to the post ???????????


Daren't tell Mackey !

14th Oct 2011

Mackey(or Alan as you now prefer to be known !)

I would beg to differ with your statement that you as a club don't approach schoolboys - rather you wait for them to express an interest in joining you !I am a senior and longstanding playing member of a club and my son(s) is/are already being given assurances of things he/they may be given if he/they join CI ! Happy to chat to you at the City Hall tomorrow night about it !



14th Oct 2011

Re, Alan CI

I'm sorry, but I simply don't believe you - and i would suggest many don't either...

Bottom line is - if any club has declared open season on other clubs schoolboys - then in my opinion that is an incredible new low
Furthermore, if there is proof of incentives being offered to schoolboys then surely the NCU should be taking action...?

Stuart Hughes

Dundee via Queensway

14th Oct 2011

As I said in a previous post they are entitled to spend their money however they see fit but it really hasn't bought them that much success. As for their trumpet blowing that we are getting re youth cricket at CI, having watched some of your youth teams and played against both 3's and 4's I think some of you are perhaps getting ahead of yourselves.

The aspiration to have a team of people loyal to a club and willing to do anything playing for you is one that everyone shares. It is however not that realistic. I will commend CI for their long term approach re youth cricket as it is clearly where all clubs should focus their attentions.

I also think that CI are only one of a number of clubs adopting a strategy of paying a lot of people to play for them and a lot of the attention is probably misguided.

At the end of the day cricket should be about enjoyment and fostering a club spirit, as without these success is really meaningless.


19th Hole

14th Oct 2011

R. McKinney : Do you think that certain players haven't let CI know they would be interested in a move either by telling CI themselves or via a 3rd party?! You would be very surprised with how many do!


19th Hole

14th Oct 2011

Florence, did this youngster move to CI or use their offer to broker a better deal with their own club?

R. McKinney


14th Oct 2011

Re Alan from CI:

Are you seriously telling us "We dont approach them" (players) statement is true? C'mon, we are all grown up's here!

A couple of the top clubs ie Waringstown and North Down might disagree on the remark i'd imagine.

CI Man

East Belfast

14th Oct 2011

I have to laugh at all these comments.
There is not one team in the premier league who don't pay at least one other member of the team other than their 'Pro' and some of the figures they are getting would amaze you. Every club is at it
Open your eyes everyone.