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andy kennedy

waterlogged in Buckna

24th Oct 2011

Messrs. Shannon & Maxwell enjoying the rain at Randalstown on Saturday!! A good close game 14-13 to the visitors. Now we know what they do in winter!!



20th Oct 2011

Re Sam Barr (Another well know name!!!!!)

JT was a guest of mine @ the NDCC dinner...we have been good mates for a long time.

I can confirm that unless JT decides to take a 100% pay cut, there is ZERO chance he will be playing at the Green next year!!!

Superb bowler is JT, could and should have played for Ireland on many many occasions.



20th Oct 2011

Sam where do you get your "done deal" information from?
The only "done deal" down here is Brian Walsh is the new NCU chairman and Christopher Harte president after last night's AGM.

sam barr

@ kfc in donemana

20th Oct 2011

Hear its a done deal johnny thompson on his way to the green to replace mr khan....

Neil Russell


18th Oct 2011

Re Timmy Morrow:(A name i haven't encountered before in Cricketing circles, but who am i to doubt the authenticity of your name,as you clearly have an expert knowledge of local cricket!!)

We at NDCC will of course miss team in the land could say they wouldn't!

What i will say is this, we have lost Andrew White, D.Kennedy, Ralph Coetzee, Marty Dalzell and a few other names over the past lot of years and still continue to win numerous trophies year on year.

You say that W'Town and Inst will be licking their lips with Taimurs departure??....mmmmmm...maybe the inexperienced players, but not the experienced ones. They know better than to write off NDCC. Always good battles between the top 3 teams in Prem League and long may that continue.

Time will of course tell, but it's a silly man that backs against ND.

Oh and fyi, Ryan Haire has been as equally, if not more consistent than any player at ND over the past decade.


Neil Hunter


17th Oct 2011

Re - The NCU Dinner

To all those involved in organising the dinner well done for what was a great night.

Its been a very long time since 400 turned up to the dinner and I hope that next year all those who turned up this year for the first time or had not been for a while will return to next years dinner.

Michael is right, we had a great night at the Lurgan table and certainly it was good to catch up with some fellow cricketers I havent seen for a while.

The Holywood table was in great form when it came to sticking their hands up to bid for the auction items, especially when they kept bidding for other people sitting at their table.



17th Oct 2011

NCU Gala Dinner
Great night enjoyed by many and expertly organised. Really enjoyed the Q and A a master stroke which blended seamlessly into the evening.
Well done Bryan and Co...

Timmy Morrow


17th Oct 2011

Rather than all the debate about CI spending the cash, I'm surprised there has been no debate on how NDCC are going to cope without Khan.

I would think he's got them 600+ runs/25+ wickets a year since 1999.....thats going to be very, very difficult to replace. He's been their one consistent performer since he joined & rarely, if ever, let them down when they needed him.

Yes, they have lost players in the past but Taimur has unquestionably been the best pound-for-pound OP in the NCU, he's the one they wouldn't have wanted to lose.

To replace him? I'm not sure their group of young players have anywhere near the quality of what either Waringstown (Halls, Nelson) or Instonians (Shannon, McCann) have. Both rivals will be rubbing their hands in delight.

Michael Shannon


17th Oct 2011

Re Downtown Al

I doubt very much that there was a Holywood connection in the last few days slanging match re Ross and Mark Adair - the rumours mentioned are ones that have been ongoing for the last couple of years and appear to be known by most people involved within the NCU. We at Holywood obviously do not want to lose the Adairs (our any of our young players that we have helped to develop) to other clubs but I would like to think that our members would not resort to making posts using fictional names !
(Apolgies Hiler - I know you said subject over !)

As for the 125th NCU dinner - magnificent setting for the dinner and in general a great night had by all. My only slight negative was that the presentation of the awards seemed to be very rushed - in hindsight perhaps this could have been given slightly more time ?
Special mention to the Academy and Lurgan tables who seemed to be having a particularly good time - no co-incidence that they were full of people who had played alongside each other for many years !

Good luck with the book Hiler !

andy kennedy

Alain Rolland fan club

17th Oct 2011

any info where the book launch to which Clarence refers will be held? On reflection about Saturday night - I reckon that Hiler has a portrait of an old man in his roofspace!! For those who don't understand what I'm talking about - see "Portrait of Dorian Grey"!

Clarence Hiles


17th Oct 2011

OK Guys let's move on from the CI bashing, name calling from nameless persons and all the little tit-for-tat rants that the subject arouses. Taimur Khan wasn't dragged off by the Vikings - he had his price. Most people do. We've just had a 125th Gala Dinner, this is AGM week and I understand a 552-page book on the Senior Cup is being released on Friday. There's so much better stuff to talk about!

You can call me Al.....

Down Town

16th Oct 2011

Shame that 'Florence' had to name names, seems there could be a Holywood connection maybe?
Anyway - IF the Adair brothers wanted to move clubs, would CI not be the obvious choice? Did Holywood not take their father, Ricky Adair from CI to Holywood in the first place?
Perhaps that makes the lad as much CI as it does Holywood? And would they not be moving for the same reason their Dad went the other way in the 80's?

I say good luck to CIYMS - its simply the green eyed monster thats the problem. And I dont think the CI boardroom will be changing their plans because of a few comments on a forum - especially when the comments come from people who dont show their real identity.

Perhaps a new topic of how the NCU 125th dinner went would be better talked about?

CI Man

East Belfast

16th Oct 2011

Ricky, thanks for clarifying that point and hope your boys have a successful season next year whoever they are playing for.

Andrew Haire - Finally a sensible well thought out posting. Superb

Andrew Haire


16th Oct 2011

Would just like to comment on all of the destructive postings regarding the integrity and recruitment policy of CIYMS....surely this debate is being sparked up once again by the same jealous, small minded people who are still living in the stone age!!

Surely people can understand that clubs require coaches/development officers to implement their youth development plans effectively and as one of the only Level 3 Qualified Coaches then CI could not have got a better man to implement their plans in what is becoming an increasing competitive environment with the 8 team league coming into place next year and the continual improvements being made throughout Irish Cricket as a whole. Other clubs need to stop all this bickering and worry about their own clubs somebody mentioned on this forum the majority of Premier League and even Senior One and Two clubs have made exactly the same appointment within their club over the last three to five years, so this can only be described as a progressive signing by CIYMS, especially taking into consderation the qualities of the man they have appointed!

A great man who has given North Down Cricket Club unbelievable service for over 12 years at the club, a great leader, player, coach, role model and most importantly a great man..a friend for life! Good luck mate!

NCU player


16th Oct 2011

Re Simon
Give it a rest, we're all bored. If you have any positive input to the forums, let's hear it.