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Roger Bell


30th Aug 2011

Re: Andy

After consultation with clubs at the 3 roadshows, 1 up 1 down is now only being recommended between the new 8 team Premier League and Section 1. As we are now recommending Section 1 remains at 10 teams, 2 up 2 down will still apply between all other leagues

andy kennedy


30th Aug 2011

I see the working party report as it appears on the NCU site refers to 1up/down. I feel that this is a backward step - if it had been in place in the Premier league this season there would have been a considerable of "nothing" games.

Ryan McCarter

The Mall

30th Aug 2011

Was shocked to hear on Saturday afternoon about the sad passing of the young Ards C.C player Peter Ritchie. Sympathies to his family, friends and indeed his club.

I think a minutes silence before the start of every NCU game this weekend is appropriate. Really makes you think after all, it is only a game.

M. Parks (VCC)


29th Aug 2011

Victoria Cricket Club were very saddened to hear of the death of Peter on Saturday. Our thoughts and prayers are with Peter's family and friends, and with all associated with Ards Cricket Club.

Phil Thompson

Chairman Cregagh Cricket Club.

29th Aug 2011

I must say how sad i was to hear of the death of Peter Ritchie at the weekend.I played against Peter last year when he visited Cregagh with Ards 2nds.Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends, and all at Ards cricket club at this very sad time. We are due to play Ards 1sts this Sunday, and will of course speak to Ards and see if they want this game to go ahead.

Robert Best

Academy CC

29th Aug 2011

I would like to pay tribute to Peter Ritchie from Ards CC who sadly passed away at the weekend at the age of 24. He was a talented young top order batsman who I am certain would have had a bright cricketing future in front of him. A year ago on Saturday past I played against Peter for our 2s and in fact ran him out for a score of around 20. Hard to believe that I won't play against him again. My thoughts and indeed all at Academy CC are with his family and everyone at Ards CC at this difficult time.



29th Aug 2011

We are sure we speak for everyone associated with the Ulster Cricketer when we say how tragic it was to learn about Peter Ritchie's death. It puts everything into perspective in our busy lives. We offer our sincere sympathy to Peter's family and to the Ards Cricket Club members who must be devastated.
Clarence Hiles
Peter Shields

andy kennedy


29th Aug 2011

the tragic death of Peter Ritchie is all the more poignant as we all travel all over the NCU "area" for matches. Is it appropriate for me to suggest a minute silence at the start of all NCU games this weekend as a token of respect to a fellow cricketer?

Sam Magill


29th Aug 2011

The Northern Cricket Union website today highlights the passing of Ards Cricket Club player Peter Ritchie. This was in a road accident on his way to Clogher for a league game. Very sad news and our thoughts will be with his family and all at Ards CC.

Stevie Maxwell Chairman Dundrum CC


29th Aug 2011

So very saddened to hear of the death of Peter Ritchie of Ards CC. The thoughts of the players and member of Dundrum Cricket CLub are with his family and friends at this very, very sad time.



27th Aug 2011

Played on the mall today and something happened at the interval that you need to know about.

They produced a magnifent warm bacon and chilli pasta salad.

bst tea I have had this season (away from home!!)

Less said about the cricket the better

jason maxwell

banford green

27th Aug 2011

Great game of cricket at our place today against saintfield really enjoyed it I have to say enjoyed the banter during and after the game with the lads seems im now famous haha

Congrats to lurgan on winning the league also and well done to tha cloney another few wins and you could stay up well done to keith and the lads hope you do it!!! Unlucky derriaghy you pushed lurgan hard all year youve a great young side there!!!

Under 11 Coach

Not Lurgan But Close

27th Aug 2011

Just like to congratulate Lurgan under 11's on winning their league final last week - I'm sure this was a very popular victory not just with myself but with all u11 coaches throughout the NCU ! Glad there was also an official umpire in attendance to ensure there were no controversial decisions ! - on a big day for the boys it is vital that they are afforded this luxury !
Also nice to see sons of Lurgan stalwarts to the fore (Maxwells and Hunters)

Congrats again to the Lurgan boys who were undoubtedly the best u11 team in the NCU this year.

andy kennedy


25th Aug 2011

just back from a great day out in Dublin - great to see Kamal Merchant and Angus Dunlop and his lovely family. Unfortunately Jonny Tourette was having great problems finding his way back to the North Down coach! Also learned that maybe Vic Johns should be changing his name to "Snowy" Johns!! Everything was going well until we fell among some Clontarf rugby thieves who took our money & sold us too many Kilbeggan summer cocktails. But the "star" comment was Goose asking Andrew White about popcorn - you had to be there! I just hope that Malahide is as good a venue but as long as there is enough room for the "blazers on the balcony" everything will probably be OK!!



25th Aug 2011

Who was the irish supporter on Radio 4 LW a few moments ago, complaining that England are poaching their better players? Bit rich coming from him when his country fills the squad with foreigners!