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Brian Kelso


25th Aug 2011

I don't think the current rules regarding 2nd XI rearragements can be right especially the rule that there is only 1 chance to rearrange the game as a T20. If the rearraged game is washed out then the fixture is void. Academy 2nds played 3 such T20 rearrangements w/c 15th August and won them all to win Junior 3. Had it rained that week we would have had 3 void matches and probably not won the league. Our season has finished on 21st August and I'm looking forward to lovely sunny Saturdays in September were these 3 games could have been arranged over the normal 40 overs.

jonathan lyttle


25th Aug 2011

The 2011 White Stick Trophy Challenge between NIACUS and our counterparts from Leinster will take place on Saturday 17th September 2011 at Saintfield Cricket Club. Any member of NIACUS who wishes to be considered for selection should contact Noel McCarey. You are all invited to support your local umpires in this fixture and also have a good day out.

Roy Young

Rainy Ards

25th Aug 2011

RE Jason Maxwell/Steven c

Jason - or better still go and buy yourselves two top class players who will win you matches week in week out !! That seems to be working for some clubs at the moment !!

Davy McD VCC

Making sandwiches for Dublin tomorrow.

24th Aug 2011

Re Wylie
"I agree with your thinking on allowing teams that want to play 50 overs instead of 20 overs for a re-arranged game played on a Sunday (or free Saturday).
However, I cannot agree on allowing teams to re-arrange games for any time in the season.
A little scenario: If a match is called off in May or June then it might appear okay to let this match be re-arranged for a Sunday (or free Saturday) in July or August (respectively).
What happens though to games postponed in July or August? A problem arises as you now have no free Sundays to play these games.
Hence the introduction of the 22/29 day rule to make sure re-arranged games are played as soon as possible after the original game and so allowing some free Sundays for later on the season.
Does this make sense?"

Yes it makes sence, but I would argue that if the clubs were allowed to re-arrange their games, they would decide that longer journeys would be re-arranged for saturdays (or if both clubs play on the Sabbath, sunday), while more local games, if called off can be more easily accomodated in midweek.
There is only one side in the NCU at present that doesnt have a few local games, and that would be Clogher, who are willing and able to travel and host games on either saturday or sunday.
Obviously with PR down the leagues this willchange season by season, but it is preferable to travel 30+ miles on a saturday or sunday than trying to get a side to leave work early, get to the ground and change straight into whites and take the field.
Not perfect, but surely worth a thought leading up to the AGM.
As for teas, I feel that there should be some sort of food laid on at every weekend game, though for midweek T0 games the aforementioned problems would make this well nigh impossible, and no club should be denigrated if they are unble to offer a cup of tea at a ground other than their home ground (i.e. away from where there clubs first eleven normally plays home games).
The season ends on the last saturday of September, so why have so many T20 re-arrangements?

Steven C

Ex Derriaghy player

24th Aug 2011

Jason, I fear you are in a state of self pity. If you have lost a lot of players, that's your own issue to sort out and proactively recruit.
As far as whingeing about 2nd XI players playing, this is the only way to improve--play with and against those better than you.
Verbals are part of the game, it just hurts more when you lose.
You ought to focus your energies on coaching and recruitment rather than crying on a Forum and embarrass yourself.
What a shame the boys didn't top the 400!!!!--
Your motivation should now be to improve, come back another year and make a game of it.

Stuart Hughes


24th Aug 2011

That was a very tedious discussion. Hopefully Ireland can do the job tomorrow against an England team that would be very dangerous to underestimate.

Playing junior cricket I'm amazed at the amount of varying opinions there are on length of matches, teas start times etc. As far a I'm concerned all cricket in this country should start at 12 all season. In junior cricket it hardly takes much effort to get people to make a few sandwiches and being a few buns for a tea!

I find it the only chance to talk to the opposition and socialize. I've played in matches where I haven't even been given a glass of juice. In terms of length of junior games there doesn't seem to be a consensus at all. I don't think that's a debate that can be easily solved.



24th Aug 2011

Fair enough



24th Aug 2011

its all getting a bit fiesty on here lol. I would have to say like it or not sledging is part of the game... so i would say get over it. For example two weeks ago myself and rodney had a few words on the field and i gave him a bit of a send off, two days later we were chatting on facebook having a bit of banter.

So we are all adults sledging to get under a batsman's skin and break their concentration is part of the game, shake hands and have a pint after is what i say. Dont complain about it

Jason Maxwell


24th Aug 2011

Sorry Charl but wel have to agree to disagree

im 2nd eleven captain at Millpark and have played more 1sts games than 2nds cos of the way things have went for us, this sort of thing usually slides right past me but when my wee bro tells me he was being sledged bout being a big lad i blew my top as im sure you would

im going to say nomore on the subject wel leave it there??? that fair enough??


End of topic lads!

Stuart Hughes


24th Aug 2011

Yes I did as I regularly do when not playing myself. I have to agree with Charl things like this should be left on the pitch at all levels. If a player has a problem with someone on the pitch sort it out on the pitch. Don't comment on it when you come off so you can get a reaction from people and dont bring it on here.

Vic Johns

The sun's poking out !!

24th Aug 2011

Good luck to the Ireland cricketers tomorrow v the old enemy (England ofcourse)!

Whatever team the 3 x lions..(or should that be the 3 x pussy-cats) choose to field, it will be a tough-one for the men in green, but they've already shown the world( & England) what they can do and they will indeed be very worthy contenders ...early start & all !!

Jason Maxwell


24th Aug 2011

Stuart if there was bad language used I can only apologise on behalf of Millpark cricket club especially if there were children present I was told the sentence used was “they might be a good cricket team but most of them are a bunch of slabbers” funny the words u use are the exact words the guy who was telling me used he must have just changed the last bit ;-)

I apologise if my team mates bored you ……. Did you stay to the end????

This is getting tiresome now if you guys think you played the match on Saturday in the spirit of the game then fair play to you I disagree!!!



24th Aug 2011

Jason like I said before I was the main culprit and the only two batsmen that got anything of me cleared the ropes numerous times so ability was never a problem, every player in the side cringed when our pro threw the ball back at your number 11 and where credit was due we gave it, as far as depth of a side goes that is an obstacle every single side in every competition faces, I did not intend to make any enemies, I even said to the one batsmen afterwards I was only trying to wind him up and we laughed, that is why I am telling you your boys are making a mountain out of nothing. Besides not one of the batsmen took offence once on the field and stuck their game " plan", we all thought that it would be left on the field!

Stuart Hughes


24th Aug 2011

From a supporting point of view that was quite possibly the most boring second innings of cricket I've ever watched but any team is within their rights to bat like that so fair enough.

Re what was said by our supporters the response was only made when on of your players after getting out said "they might be a good cricket team but most of them are ..." you can use your imagination to finish that sentence off.

That was said in front of children who do not need to hear that sort of language. So when you have friends and relatives playing and being described like that I think many of our supporters are entitled to reply.

Alan as you say you weren't at the game so why comment?



24th Aug 2011

Stephen don't be daft, I know it's a part of the game, who told you this?