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24th Aug 2011

RE - Charl/Derriaghy

Is this the same Charl Daubney that I heard asked an Umpire before a game Versus a previous club to protect him from Sledging ?

Jason Maxwell


24th Aug 2011

Matty, in the earlier post I noted that the ball was threw by your pro at a 50 yr old number 11 batsman TWICE, on my last post I wrote 3 times I apologise about that it was a typing error on my behalf it was only threw at him TWICE.

I really don’t think your getting my point here pal unfortunately a lot of the guys we had playing for us haven’t got the ability of yourself or your bro or the guy lewis that got the runs and cant just smash 6s even with a 35m boundary they just cant do it ability wise, a lot of them guys were 2nd XI players il gladly show you our scorebooks til you see how many boundaries have been hit in the 2nd eleven 20/20 games this season by the players playing on sat its not very many and that’s against guys on a par with them ability wise not against a professional and one of the best bowling attacks in section 1. if they were just stone wall blocking the ball back maybe they didn’t like what you were saying to them and wanted to keep you out there as long as possible ;-)

Ryan Haire


24th Aug 2011

Folks I have a number of youth tickets left for tomorrows Ire v Eng match. Price £15 for ticket and bus which is a snip! Ryan 07988937391



24th Aug 2011

Jason you guys posted 140 on a very dodgy wicket, only after taking a couple of balls in the ribs to pitched up deliveries did I decide to tee off which was admittedly a bit lucky. Sorry if our supporters sledged you guys, but they are hungry for cricket and didn't take well to seeing a side block out on a flat wicket with 35 meter straight boundries, had you been skitteled out for 200 of 25 overs you might have got a standing ovation, just thought the attitude was pathetic.

Matthew jennings


24th Aug 2011

Jason it's very much a your word v mine scenario. I'm adamant it never got personal and if it did I'd of stepped in. It was general banter and I'll defend that. In an earlier post though you did say our bowler threw the ball twice at your batsmans stumps yet in the latest post it's gone up to three times. I hope people notice that inaccuracy!!! Is it the only one?

Jason Maxwell


24th Aug 2011

Mathew its a your word against mine scenario now and i wasnt there im only going with what my team mates and wee brother has told me, my wee brother is adament he was kept going about his weight!!!! i never once said sledging wasnt allowed im just making the point that in my opinion it was over the top!!! Ive sledged before but its never went beyond banter as I said I feel that yous went over the top!!! With things that were said and as was mentioned above the ball being threw at the batsmen 3 times I believe by the bowler

i like yourself dedicate my whole weekend to cricket and prefer a game that goes the distance you batted your 50 overs we batted 49 overs didn’t get anywhere near your score weve only got above 160 twice this season and now we have a member of your club coming on calling my club pathetic for giving you a game of cricket ?!?! what does he expect us just to stand out of the way and let the ball hit the stumps?!?!? Or because weve a weak team just to forfeit the game???

andy kennedy

dreich Buckna

24th Aug 2011

interesting debate about teams & "big" scores. Is this an opportunity to change the "no declaration" rule and left to the discretion of the captains?

Jason Maxwell


24th Aug 2011

Charl what was our attitude like in the first fixture at our place??? cos there was nothing said about that!!!! and we scored more runs on saturday past than we did that day ..... as i said before if youd wanted home early you should have put us in to bat, but the fact is you seen wed no team out and after the first game where you scored a cracking ton i have to say was great to watch but you fancied a big score which you got, so why not keep you out for 50 overs and get some batting practice ;-)

your now also calling my club pathetic???

Matthew Jennings


24th Aug 2011

Jason never once did I mention I wanted an early finish, so why would I put you guys in? I dedicate my whole Saturday to cricket and play to win. Sledging is well within the rules of cricket and I vividly remember when we played premier league cricket getting dogs abuse when we seemed out of our depth. My whole point was it didn't get personal so complain!?! It was general sledging or cricket banter, nothing worse. The umpires heard it all and didn't say anything to anybody so they obviously agree!!! Alan, you weren't there as you say so thanks for your irrelevant input!!!

Charl daubney


24th Aug 2011

I was the chief sledger that day against millpark and the attitude the millpark boys came out to bat with was not in the spirit of the game! Cricket is a game of try and to come out and block for 46 overs is pathetic

Jason Maxwell


24th Aug 2011

Mathew I played against yourselves in the reverse fixture and I thought we got on well I took ill whilst batting and your wicket keeper and numerous others kept asking me was I ok etc etc I personally sub fielded for you, and we supplied you with another sub fielder who ran our number eleven batsman out, all within “the spirit of the game” so I was surprised to hear what had went on and when I phoned our captain at 6pm Saturday night I was also surprised to hear the game was still going on anyone can see looking at the league table that were struggling this season so if you wanted home early you should have put us in, I just don’t know how yous felt the need to sledge our players surely posting 396 was humiliating enough??? Were not good enough for this section this season we know that and as ive been told your supporters were reminding us wel be back where we belong next year.

Ive also heard about the ball being thru at our number 11 batsmen twice by the same bowler after hed just blocked it back was this needed??? Just cos he couldn’t get a 50 year old man out, im not saying theres anything wrong with sledging about run rate etc Mathew its when things go too far and In my opinion they went too far on Saturday ......

Alan Foster


23rd Aug 2011

I don't write on forums but often read the contributions. But I had to write after reading about the Derriaghy sledgers. Not breaking the rules perhaps but surely if you had a big enough score you could have played the game with more sportsmanship? I don't know either of you but I'm sure the Millpark version is closer to the truth than yours.

Matthew Jennings


23rd Aug 2011

Ref J Maxwell, Millpark.

From your comment I know you are talking about the Derriaghy v Millpark game. I am the club captain of Derriaghy so feel the need to respond to your allegations made against my team. Yes we posted a mammoth total that we knew was going to win us the game, but to suggest we gave your side a barrel of abuse is libelous. We play hard on the pitch, but always try to play fair. I will openly admit we 'sledged' your batsmen about the rising required run rate etc, as we are entitled to do, but we never once over stepped the mark. We had two very good umpires at the game and I'm sure if we overstepped the mark they would have stepped in. As the captain of the team, had we reverted to personal insults, I would step in and nip it in the bud. I feel you have tainted the name of my team and club as anybody can figure who Millpark played last week and I am disappointed at that.



23rd Aug 2011

I was just wondering what the feeling was from the recent roadshows with regards the league structure? As in was there a feeling of section one still being reduced to 8 teams or staying at 10?

Wylie McKinty


22nd Aug 2011

re Davy McD VCC and re-arrangements.

I agree with your thinking on allowing teams that want to play 50 overs instead of 20 overs for a re-arranged game played on a Sunday (or free Saturday).
However, I cannot agree on allowing teams to re-arrange games for any time in the season.
A little scenario: If a match is called off in May or June then it might appear okay to let this match be re-arranged for a Sunday (or free Saturday) in July or August (respectively).
What happens though to games postponed in July or August? A problem arises as you now have no free Sundays to play these games.
Hence the introduction of the 22/29 day rule to make sure re-arranged games are played as soon as possible after the original game and so allowing some free Sundays for later on the season.
Does this make sense?