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ivan mc combe


2nd Oct 2008

I have just heard that Saintfield have been relegated. Something to do with scorebooks not being added up properly. Just when are the points/scores considered safe. How many weeks ago did these mistakes take place? What impact over and above the awarding of points does "unplayed" matches have on net run rate. Please correct me but I don't remember all this awarding of points by committees when I was playing.
So what have teams like Armagh and Saintfield to look forward to next season. A summer of meaningless cricket or join a golf club.

Ryan McCarter

The Mall

2nd Oct 2008

To comment on a teams catering arrangements in the same post as commenting on them having the league denied to them on another silly technicality is churlish, childish and fairly pathetic in my humble opinion

Wayne Horwood


2nd Oct 2008

Stuart - got your quip about catering. Perhaps next year you guys will do the host team the courtesy of turning up for tea. We played you twice at home this season. In the first one that was rained off 3 people turned up and in the second game the scorer and one of your players turned up.

stuart hegarty


2nd Oct 2008

just a note on how the top of section 1 (sorry, the premier league) finished. CSNI took 3 hours 16 minutes to bowl their overs recently. this is NOT just 1 minute over the allotted time (as many people r saying) but a full 16 minutes over.
i can safely say that any time CSNI had to bowl their full allocation of overs, they ran over the stipulated 3 hours.
its harsh, very harsh in fact, but rules are rules as i know only too well.
when u look back to 2006, a certain team was penalised for playing Ireland's current opening bowler!!! hmmm does that not seem harsh???
but congrats to CSNI, for breaking the strangle hold north down and waringstown had on things here, a shake up was definately needed. but maybe next season they cud allocate, say 5% of players fees towards catering? just a suggestion

stuart hegarty


2nd Oct 2008

first of all, i have to say i am totally in favour of the proposed restructuring of the leagues.

but roger's view tends to glamourise it a bit too much for me. to paraphrase him, "the top 6 sides in section 2 qualify for the NEW premier league format." Really??? or do they just stay in the section 2? my view of it is 4 teams get relegated from section 2 next year, harsh but it is definately needed.

the football leagues in england changed to the PREMIER LEAGUE, the CHAMPIONSHIP and LEAGUES 1 & 2, but we all know its still the same old divisions 1,2,3 & 4. the number of teams in the leagues is what will improve things, not the new names for them.



2nd Oct 2008

the drama continues in section 2 then. It would be very interesting if there had been an error in one of the scorebooks that changed the outcome of who gets relegated. The way things have been going in the NCU this season it would not surprise anyone

Roger Bell

Hon. Section Secretary, Div 1 Section 2

2nd Oct 2008

There appears to be an assuption by some people on this website that Dundrum have been relegated from Section 2. The situation is that the NNR between Dundrum and Saintfield taken from result forms submitted was so close that a prcess of scrutiny is currently being undertaken, which includes a thorough examination of both clubs' scorebooks. We are now nearing a decision, and this should be announced later today.

Colin Andrews


2nd Oct 2008

Re Andy Kennedy

From What I heard our 2nd XI captain had contacted the league sec and had been told they had no more league games scheduled so it was news to him when he was phoned asking where his team was. I thought it was also generally a custom to phone during the week to confirm details of start times. Especially at time of year, which again i don't believe happened

andy kennedy

not Ballymena

2nd Oct 2008

CSNI 2nds don't turn up for a game at Muckamore on 27th and CSNI 3rds are "awarded" the game -v- Lurgan 3rds!! How does this "sit" with the NCU rules?- 18(d) page 181

The Section 4 View

Still frustrated

2nd Oct 2008

Re: League Changes / Jim

Jim you are correct in stating that there will be less to play for next year apart from a top 6 finish etc. How do you think Section 4 clubs feel at this time - they face the prospect of another season with a league of only 6 teams. Clubs in this league rely on attracting players looking for Section 3 cricket the season after promotion. Even the club who tops Section 4 next season will remain in the new Section 4. This lack of cricket is really damaging these clubs - roll on the league changes ASAP.

Roger Bell


1st Oct 2008

Don't quite understand how that would work Rodney. Anyway if the new structure is approved at the AGM I should think there will be plenty to play for next year, ie: Top 6 finish in Section 2 to play in the new Premier League set-up and Challenge Cup in 2010, top 4 finish in Section 3 to play in the new Senior 1 etc


at the minute? Watching the highlights of Villareal v Celtic on Sky..What? Still no away win in CL....ha ha

1st Oct 2008


yes i would tend to agree with you. there wont be much to play for if there is no promotion and relegation. if the problems faced this year with unplayed games, no results, teams claiming points, is not tackled for next year because of no promotion/relegation, then it will raise its ugly head again in 2 years time and we will be in the same predicament. well done on winning both games at weekend and hope dundrum can get back into section 2 sooner rather than later. roll on indoor nets only 4 months away.....

Rodney Hassard


1st Oct 2008

RE League Restructuring

Does anyone think the restructuring should be done over 2 years (i.e 1 team per year) rather than 1? This would mean teams could play for promotion / to avoid relegation rather than no promotions / relegations.



30th Sep 2008

bad luck to dundrum on relegation after a good effort at the weekend in wining both games. Im sure you will be back up.

Congrats to shieldsy and North Down on yet another title.

Gareth McCarter

Beside the Mall.

30th Sep 2008


You are quite right, the decision didn't really affect the game as he was out soon after other than maybe changing our approach. I can assure you that he hit the ball though, I don't catch them regularly so I know when it has been hit.

I thought that Dundrum were fielding with ten actually but wasn't 100% sure.