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jeff maguire

wet & hungover in Dundrum

30th Sep 2008

gareth. Not that it makes any difference now but i can 100% assure the our big opener did not (NICK IT) as he is an honest player & WALKS he hit his pad. Fair play too you for WALKING when the umpire didnt hear it & Colin Russell hit his & the umpire walked him.We will look forward too both games next year & im sure their will be some more confrontations & if we get chance we definitly will have as much craic of the pitch as on it.

Rodney Hassard


30th Sep 2008

Re Armagh

Dundrum were kindly given the opportunity to play against Armagh to stay in section 2. Armagh could have turned round and said they couldnt field a team. That would of meant Dundrum were relegated straight away.

The simple fact of the matter is Dundrum were given an opportunity to stay in Section 2 and they didn't take it, even if Armagh did play to relegate them rather than win the match.

I enjoyed the game at the Mall even though there was some nasty incidents out in the middle but to be fair we were always going to get that considering the first meeting this season. If Armagh want to hold this against Dundrum then thats up to them but sometimes people need to look at the overall picture and facts before blaming Dundrum of unsporting behaviour. We were fighting relegation yesterday and our wicket keeper had to leave early when they were 30 odd for 3. We never asked Armagh for a player even though the match was so important to us and played the remainder of the game with 10 men. In addition we DID have second team players there but because of the first game circumstances we felt we couldnt ask to play one of them either. Perhaps this goes some way to squaring things up.

At the end of the day Dundrum were set a target to win and they didnt reach it. Again I'd like to say thank you to armagh for supplying a pitch and giving us the chance to stay up as other teams simply wouldnt of fielded a team.

I look forward to playing Armagh in section 3 next year and sincerely hope that the incident in the first game will not ruin the relationship between the clubs in the future.


Drew Peacock


30th Sep 2008

I have to say Im struggling to get up for this loss of point business.Well done to CSN though for staying focused to the end.Its not easy when you just want to finish.In only 3 years on the job you have shown with the right environment, the weak can gain strength. Even with a cold summer.Keep rising to the challenge CSN.


jeff maguire

revenge is sweet !

30th Sep 2008

ryan, yes i did enjoy the mall & as i said before in my opinion i would always give a sub fielder for any injury & think theres no doubt that it was the motivation too deny us on sunday & fair play too yous . think if we had won the toss we would have got the job done,also think that colin russel took 1 best catches i ever seen ,we won the game & have no complaints with Armagh or any club in the section !re chris yes we can give or take sledging & no doubt that it will be good craic in section 3 (trying too get the microphone of davy grennlees will be hard)& no doubt plenty of after match craic!PS is their anyone out their that knows how too DOCTOR the scorebooks as cant be that hard too find four runs.LOL

jeff maguire

no substitute for WINNING!

30th Sep 2008

Time too move on lads ,Dundrum got relegated because we didnt have enough depth in the club as section two was probably this year at its strongest,& too many times the Captain Rodney Hassard couldnt get his best team playing every week, but saying that we beat two teams that played section 1 cricket for over 2 decades & also played on some cracking grounds the mall & moylena impressed me but will be very dissapointed missing out on playing the DERBYS @ strangford road & the demense .Dundum would like too thank every club in section two as in our first year we were well looked after & think we tryed hard too make everyone welcome at the meadow.The club will push hard too get back up within the next 2 years as i think we have a lot of good players & have too mention our opening bowler LEE CONNOR who took 41 wickets (the last 4 games with severe tennis elbow)which was a top effort in any section.Dundrum will enjoy their cricket in any section & wish Ballymena & Woodvale all the best in the premier league!ps maybe if i BET some one in section 3 i might just get PAID?tayto!

Gareth McCarter

Still on the Mall.

29th Sep 2008

Re. Keen 2 no the facts? Keen to know your name more like. If you hear so much then you probably shouldn't be shy to reveal who you are, it might make what you say hold a little bit more meaning.

Re. Stevie Max. Well, this could take a while, just where does one start. Regarding the match in Dundrum, you are certainly well clued in for someone who wasn't playing in that game but never mind that. I am led to believe that we actually were offered a sub fielder that day, and the three options in the Armagh "support" were our scorer who had a brace to support a fractured wrist and the captains parents. Not a great choice there admittedly. But that match is in the past and didn't really enter our mindset yesterday. I know it didn't enter mine and I made a point of coming on to this forum and the Dundrum forum at the time to show our disappointment.

I can definitely say that we went into the game with the mindset of enjoying our last section 2 match and playing it as a bit of fun, why would we have elected to field otherwise? The intention was to give everyone a bowl but that fell by the wayside whenever your big opener nicked it and stood his ground. I caught it behind the stumps and I know when it hits the bat. That undoubtedly changed our mindset and if your team members were doing whatever it took to win then we would naturally dig our heels in and be stubborn too. Last game of the season and all that so we might as well bat for as long as we could given that pre-season nets aren't for another few months. I was looking to get my average into double figures but unfortunately nicked one and that was that.

I think its probably fair to say that we were giving a good fist of the chase until we lost a crucial wicket just before the rain break which made the D/L calculation pretty much impossible for us, but thats how the system goes. After that we weren't going to win given the team we had out on the day and our batting throughout the season. Perhaps Dundrum expected us to roll over and let them win given the importance of the game, but that surely would have been unsporting to Saintfield and Holywood. That isn't the way we look to play our cricket.

However, it was great to see Stevie wishing us well for next season, if only it was genuine. I would imagine that some of the other guys from Dundrum CC whose company we enjoyed in the clubhouse would be a bit more sincere about it. Of course Armagh CC look forward to welcoming every opposition to the Mall next summer in our 150th Anniversary season. Lets just hope the sun shines and nobody gets hit by the ball.

Stevie Max


29th Sep 2008

Fair comment, however the issue of the sub fielder was brought up yesterday by your batsmen not by anyone in Dundrum. I see you aren't being drawn into the debate over the incident involving the run out attempt that hit the out-going batsman.
However i was responding to another earlier post and wont get drawn into anymore discussion on yesterdays match other than to say, it was a good game and was well fought by both teams. Well done to your groundsman on providing a decent wicket in difficult circumstances.

Ryan McCarter

The Mall

29th Sep 2008

I find the comments from "Stevie Max" rather interesting and feel compelled to reply. The refusal of a fielding substitute issue has rumbled on since the game at the Meadow and it is disappointing it has been mentioned on here yet again as yesterdays game passed off fairly amicably considering.

I also find it rich the sportsmanship of the Armagh team being questioned after letting a team field with ten, after seeing a key player sustain a injury during the game certainly not in the Spirit of the Game in my opinion.

As for Armagh not chasing the total after being reduced to 66 for 6 with a weakened team the lower order were trying to salvage a bit of pride and try enjoy their last game of the season, I know I enjoyed my little bat at the end.

Nice to meet Jeff from the forum and hope he enjoyed his trip to the Mall after 20+ since his last game there!

Chris Busby


29th Sep 2008

Re Stevie Max

I understand that all at Dundrum are bound to be disappointed following (unconfirmed) relegation, particularly given the margins, however I'm not sure that your post is entirely fair on Armagh. I actually think they handled themselves very well after the sub 'incident'- which in my opinion was very unsporting on Dundrum's part. As a result there was bound to be some bad feeling between the two teams and I'm sure that the chance of relegating Dundrum was inspiration for the Armagh players (I'm sure they probably fielded a much stronger side than would have been the case in other circumstances), however I seriously doubt that any player would deliberately throw a ball to hit a batsman= if he had it would have been dealt with by the Umpires. In considering your point about talk in the field- if memory serves me correct Dundrum aren't shy of a bit of sledging (while being great craic off the field). Personally I look forward to playing Armagh (at their lovely ground) and Dundrum in section 3 next year- I'm sure both sides will be right up there again- at the end of the day at our level its only about having some friendly competition on a Saturday, lets not take ourselves too seriously!

Stevie Max

Dundrum CC

29th Sep 2008

Reply to Keen to know the facts...?
Not sure about the scorecards not being submitted, but Dundrum CC always submit theirs. There was a bit of needle regarding the substitute, but the fact is this, and Sam Alexander will confirm it. The umpire is the only person who can authorise the substitute, if a captain asks for one, they have to go to the umpire. He has the final say and only then can the club offer to give a sub fielder. Sam confirmed this to me yesterday before the match began.
Yes, you are correct, they actually admitted on the field that if they were offered a sub fielder the last time, then they may have played this game differently. They didn't use those words but in essence that was what was meant. I know, i heard what was said. At the end of the day, Armagh were there to do a job, and they done it. I must admit, that as a captain, I would have done all I could to win the game firstly, but secondly, i would have had the relegation of the opposing team in mind as well. They didn't win the game on or off the field and as a fielding side have much to learn as far as sportsmanship is concerned. When a man hits his pad with the bat, he was asked why he didn't walk? WHy would you? And why would you hit the player with the ball after he was bowled, and claim that they thought that he was going for a quick run? Good Luck in Section 3 to Armagh 'cos you're gonna need it.

keen 2no the facts?

lets have the info?

29th Sep 2008

it would be nice too why as why the section two teams have stopped submitting result scorecards?also my friend said he watched Muckamore bowl 47 extras in 23.4 overs? and unless i heard it wrong Armagh didnt try too win their game at home too dundrum but simply batted 34 overs too make sure that dundrum didnt bowl them out for 87 (91 allout) not worrying about winning but making sure that they got ther own back by taking Dundrum down with them by 4 runs on run rate as theres alleged needle over a declined subsititute, so section two had lots of talking even on the last day, maybe not the best way too play cricket but sometimes the mistakes come back too bite you. maybe both clubs would like too let us know the facts?? think best way too fine a club for not fullfilling a fixture is fine them at least 8points as if 1 minute can cost cisn 1point & honours then Lurgan have got of very lightly! roll on next year .

Peter Shields


29th Sep 2008

Congratulations to my team on a good weekend and another successful year, and also to CSNI on a great season. Stephen Dyer’s ton at The Green on Saturday was superb batting under pressure. Their emergence at the top has been refreshing for the NCU competitions and hopefully others will continue to get stronger and challenge for trophies.
Everyone winter well and keep up to date with the inevitable transfer gossip on this forum!



29th Sep 2008

Guys, I like to have a pop at the NCU as much as the next man, but I really can’t see them at any fault for Civil Service being docked a point. CSNI bowled slowly and the umpires reported them, are they supposed to turn a blind eye?
They are not the first team to be punished this way, didn’t Holywood receive the same treatment a year or two ago?
I would agree that some of the rules are a bit dated but the majority are ok. In this instance, Civil Service knew the rule and what would happen if they broke it, so I think they should accept the facts. They can’t really appeal on the grounds that it seems a bit harsh!
Well done North Down and CSNI on a great league race in 2008.

Stevie Max

Dundrum Cricket Club

29th Sep 2008

John W,
We think it is correct as Jeff, Michael and Rodney were on the 'phone nearly all day long, and they as well as Michael should be thanked. Jeffs phone bill must be enormous. If it transpires that all books, etc are checked and Dundrum are found to be safe, I would, personally, feel disappointed that my club was saved from relegation due to a technicality. Although to be honest at this moment in time, I would take anything. We all care for the game and in particular the club we represent every saturday. So relegation is hard to take on the field, being saved from it off the field is not what we really want either but then a lot of teams have gained points from not playing. Even though I am 2nd XI Captain, I've played in the last three games for our 1sts and I have loved every minute of it, even the dropped catch in Downpatrick, and I can tell you no-one is feeling the hurt of relegation more than myself. Credit has to go to Holywood for their performances at the weekend against Saintfield and Muckamore and to Saintfield for their's earlier on in the season which got them off of a flyer of a start......

John Wheeler

Nervous in Saintfield

29th Sep 2008


Is that official, where did you hear that from. I thought it was still unclear until everything is checked. Too close to call at the moment