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29th Sep 2008

With dundrum getting relegated by 4 runs it shows potentially how important the game was when lurgan so cheaply folded to holywood. Would this have affected the overall run rate? Prob not, will the NCU come down hard on lurgan for this? Again prob not but they dam well should!!



29th Sep 2008

just out of interest who stayed up between dundrum and saintfield??

I assume saintfield on net run rate?

jeff maguire

dundrum(might hit the drink)

29th Sep 2008

dundrum were relegated yesterday by aprox just four runs but i would like too thank Micheal Taylor for his excellent help on sunday on providing them with details on net run rate (think we tortured him ).His dedication was fantastic so again micheal from Rodney & myself thank you .

robin haire

the coughin dodger

29th Sep 2008

to stevy work

teams actions on the field backed up my comments didn,t they stevy.

andy kennedy

not Ballymena

29th Sep 2008

I feel that the recent controversies over the "rules" should really be put into context - and let me state that I am in no way defending the powers that be - they are capable of doing so effectively. However we should examine how we have arrived at the present situation. A rule has been drawn up and APPROVED AT THE AGM to cover an event that has usually occurred in the past or to prevent one arising in the future. Some clubs have examined these rules more closely than the Mastriict Agreement was ever considered!! I suggest that in view of the amount of maoney currently sloshing around the Premier League - and some of the "telephone figures" being talked about for the transfer of players would confirm this - I suggest that a fee of £500 should accompany an appeal - refundable on a successful result

ivan mc combe


28th Sep 2008

It's a pity that after such a poor season in terms of weather that North Down and Civil Service should be seperated in such a manner as they made every attempt to sort the league out on the pitch. They have been the two outstanding teams by far. But the rule/law was in the book since the last AGM and seems like quite a time before that. I think umpires take into consideration lost balls,drink breaks etc but 3 hours 15 minutes seems far mor than ample to bowl 50 overs. Even allowing them all to have run ups like you had in your prime. If the Union and that after all is the clubs including Civil Service don't support the umpires in upholding their own bye laws then surely we will find ourselves with less umpires.
The two umpires in question are probably two of the most respected and experienced in the whole country. Surely if we start question their standing in the game we have no chance of recruiting new umpires. I personally went on PLO'H's one night crash course with a view of helping out but don't mind in admitting that I "chickened out " when I thought of all the responsibilities. Far easier to sit on the sidelines and sup a pint or two. I don't think any true cricket lover wants to see this run and run.

andy kennedy

not Ballymena

28th Sep 2008

could anyone give me any idea of when the Gilbey Ulster Games were played? I would guess at the early 1980s but may be way off - any help?

Wayne Horwood


28th Sep 2008

After a lot of hype over the course of the last week or 2 I would like to pass on congratulations to North Down on a thoroughly deserved win at Comber yesterday. Top performance by Joe and Ryan and the bowlers early on. A lot of credit to you guys for turning around the defeat the week before and being in this position after the loss of a few players at the start of the season. On another note I have to say Stephen Dyer's innings in my view was one of the performances of the season. For those that witnessed it I am sure you will agree it was an awesome performance. Well done big man.



27th Sep 2008

NCU Senior League
Rules/Laws are laws, but I find it unbelievable that a League can possibly be decided on a team being one minute over an allocated time for bowling their overs, which in itself is difficult given the numerous circumstances that can lead to a bowling team being unable to control how long it takes to complete their overs. Lost balls, drying balls in wet conditions, moving sight screens due to mix of right hand/left hand batsmen, batsmen having confabs, batsmen having unscheduled drinks/change of gloves, plus non cricketers holding up play by moving behind sightscreens! Added to this are other cricket criteria, such as batsmen taking their full allocated time to appear at the wicket. Additionally, some teams are seam orientated, and some are spin orientated - why should the seam orientated teams be descrimated against just because it takes them longer to bowl their overs?
Docking a team 1 point is effectively the same as docking them all 4, even if they have won the match. Does this penalty either match the nature of the offence or promote the game? Absolutely not!
Complete farce! Sincerely hope this issue does not effect this year's winners, nor any in the future.

David Norman Vanburn Heaney


27th Sep 2008

Fantastic game of cricket at The Green today.
At 60 odd for 6 CSN were dead and buried, but as the day progressed batting got a bit easier as you would expect. Stevie Dyer's 106 in the circumstances was outstanding, genuine cricket shots going to all parts, and he did not deserve to be on the losing side after such an innings. Equally outstanding, if not quite as spectacular, was North Down's opening partnership. One or two close LBW decisions apart, neither Joe Montomery nor Ryan Haire gave a chance until they were out, this against the most potent seam attack in the League. Ryan's 80 was worth a hundred in any other circumstances, and Joe's 40 in support was crucial. Timi, (despite having had nothing to eat all day)saw North Down home in style after a brief hiccup when Joe, Ryan, and then Sutherland and Coetzee departed.
Best team on the day won this one, and it is hard to call which is the better side over the season.
Robin - nice to know that my mortgage is safe (North Down having won the toss and inserted CSN). Also, I think you misinterpreted my earlier comments regarding complacency - I was just asking the question, and I have never had any doubt about your own motivation. You do not need me or anyone else to give you added incentives!
Good luck to both sides on Sunday.

Paul Stafford


27th Sep 2008

The NCU does take a firm line with its rule book, voiding matches and deducting points.

The problem is the rule book itself. Neither players or umpires appear to understand it and that is where all the problems are coming from. It needs a serious overhaul as it is causing serious embarrassment to everyone, not least the NCU.

ivan mc combe


27th Sep 2008

With all this stupid negative talk about matches not starting on time, the right number of overs not being played, bowlers bowling too many overs, teams losing points for taking too long to bowl overs etc etc does that tell us there is something fundemental wrong with our game and the administration of it at club level and NCU level.
Is the rule book too complex ?
Are the fines ( either monetary or otherwise ) too soft ?
Does nobody really care ?
This end of season farce seems to go on from yesr to year. If you were just a cricket fan or a sponsor would you want to turn up at grounds to find the teams had decided not to play or turn up and see a game finished in a one sided farce. I think this is all contributing to the slow death of our game.
When the IFA decided that Portadown hadn't played by the rules in terms of entry to the new Premier League they sood by the decision leaving one of the top clubs in the country to fight there way back. That certainly sent out a "you don't mess with us message ". Is it time the NCU adapted a tough line. It might be preferable to watching the game die.

Gareth McCarter

The Mall

26th Sep 2008

People should look to do their talking and make their results on the field of play rather than clutching at straws and regulations at this stage of the season. It's all a little bit sad.

Roger Bell


26th Sep 2008

Only counted two IF's in my reply to Alan Bryans (IF that's his real name)

Alan Bryans


26th Sep 2008

Roger - IF, IF, IF, - Too many IFs - especially the one "IF the Rules are applied"!!!!
That's one that shouldn't be in there.

Taito - you could check the scorecards of all the other matches - a few more 'voided' games will change the run-rates. Though I'm sure someone is already sniffing through them.