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15th Jan 2009

well if that is the case about ci being a maturing team then it will be interesting to see were they will be in about 5- 10 years time. The money certainly wont be there for ever and with no youth the only way is down im afraid.

kirstie henry, CI

fortress belmont

15th Jan 2009

whats that they say about fine wines??.....dont forget Hughsie and Luco, they are getting on a bit too.... as for the comment, like our team apparently, it was very mature :-)!!!


Credit Crunch, what credit crunch?

15th Jan 2009

Good to see CI are bringing through the youngsters. So their team looks like Heasley, Hewitt, McCrum, Gelston, Cooper, Pro, Hanna, Charlie McCrum allegedly. Leaves 3 spots available for CI men or money men? Imagine not CI man in their team, truly pathetic!!!! Kirsty is right, welcome to Belmont old peoples home - only a metter of time before Bumper moves across to East Belfast

kirstie Henry, CI

fortress belmont

15th Jan 2009

Ricky, dont knock it til you have tried it, you should see what they pay me ;-)!!

On a more serious note, i dont think that i should really write on this forum what my thoughts are on that comment... Rather, I would like to invite you to come down to CI some Saturday in season.

You will see a lot of people who have joined CI for the love of cricket and passion for their club on and off the field, which could be debated is in short supply in a some places..



15th Jan 2009

Great to see someone joining ciyms for the love of the game and not the money.

Gareth McCarter


15th Jan 2009

Re. BC

Oh, major sour grapes there, evidently not leaving Carrick on good terms with everyone.

And as nicknames go, surely "Donkey" is a fairly rough one for a young fella to be lumbered with!

Kirstie Henry, CI

fortress belmont

15th Jan 2009

Welcome on board Barry and his wrist!! looking forward to seeing you (and your wrist ;-)) defending Fortress Belmont this summer :-)!! We are delighted to have you on join us!

Barry Cooper


15th Jan 2009

Well put Dan. Roger doesn’t do magnanimity so excuse his public personal catharsis – this is just his way of thanking me for 13 years service.

The only club cricketers that can claim to be truly loyal are those that pay subs year after year for the privilege of playing and I’m sure the irony isn’t lost on anyone with the comments now emanating from Carrick’s paymaster.

If it was all about the dough I’d be unfolding the wheelchair for Carrick again this year.

This must be a different Michael Gilmour from the one I suggested should open at the start of last season – the one the chairman of selectors (no prizes) insisted wasn’t good enough. I hope Donkey can live up to these new-held expectations.

The wrist is fine Roger thanks for asking.



15th Jan 2009


You do understand that if you are at a smaller club trying to progress that you are not delighted by the phone calls (or web postings) from Premier clubs enticing your best players away……..yes?.........well that’s a general opinion.
To say that a general opinion means everyone then you are mistaken. I would say that your posting is a general opinion as well…. Not one I agree with…but a general opinion.

It’s obvious and correct in you saying

‘There is not one club anywhere in the country that hasn't approached a player and asked them to join their club. Not one!’

That does not mean that it is right to do so as publicly as this especially after mentioning loyalty in his posting. Now that was just silly.

Every club (since Inst dropped the qualification) are open doors. Any player wanting to play at a higher standard only need to approach that club. Simple.

Could Roger also maybe explain the ‘in strictest confidence’ quote?

Vic Jons. Going out to practice.

Going out to practice....again.

15th Jan 2009

That's right men, I once left my club Victoria I had first joined as a raw energetic 29yr old, to play with as I thought a bigger club. Yes the standard was higher, but it just was'nt the same and I felt I'd let my old skipper and my former team-mates down.
So straight next season, back I went and I'm still there,y es Loyality there's alot to be said for it!
Bye the way, went out and bowled a few overs in the park yesterday, its a bit muckie still and it was hard working up a head of steam in the 'gutters' but I did manage to hit the stump a few times.
Vic Jons Victoria C.C. (no payment req.)

Gareth Morrison


15th Jan 2009

re: OMG

I find it interesting that you value your own opinion so highly, that Roger is to take it as the general opinion. I thank you for attempting to speak for us all, but my personal opinion happens to be different. There is not one club anywhere in the country that hasn't approached a player and asked them to join their club. Not one!
I think it is an interesting idea that Roger has published Carrick's need for a wicketkeeper publically and I see no mention of a financial incentive.
From my visits to Carrick they have invested heavily in their facilities so I have no problem with them spending money on players.

Dan Marks


15th Jan 2009

Re : Roger Bell

So Roger, you are saying that Carrick do not lure players away from other clubs by offering them money then?!!!!

Pot, kettle, black springs to mind! Maybe you should have a cuppa from that kettle and a couple of those sour grapes along with it from your fruit bowl!

Maybe, just maybe, it isn't just about money when a player wants to leave a club...



15th Jan 2009


Agreed there is a difference. Rumours I heard about Gideon Van Rensburg and Woodvale are obviously rubbish then???
I do not want to get up close and personal with you so would prefer that you take the postings content as a general opinion not a personal opinion.
There is a life outside Carrick and the Premier League and small clubs want to hold onto their best players. Why should we not have ambition in lower leagues as indeed Carrick had when in that position.
Leave those players offered or not. This is an opinion held by many not just me.

Roger Bell


15th Jan 2009


I think there's a bit of a difference in offering an opportunity to any players who may be interested in playing a higher standard of crcket, and luring a particular player away from his club by offering him money!

PS: I thought corrspondents had to identify themselves before their submissions were published here?



15th Jan 2009

Re Roger

Your interpretation of loyalty is so twisted it's funny.
OK for someone to be loyal to Carrick but any wicketkeepers from other clubs don't need to be...........
You are probably referring to players outside section 1. Bet not so long ago when Carrick were Section 2 and losing the odd player to Senior 1 clubs you were delighted for them....unless of course they were nearly ready for the knackers yard in which case you 'didn't blame them'. Ha Ha