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Paul Martin


11th Jan 2009

From what I hear CIYMS are lucky to have 30p never mind 30k after the Inland Revenue had paid them a visit!



11th Jan 2009

stevo: who cares who gets paid what these days, i think it has become part and parcel of the ncu game that people are going to get paid , whther they be from overseas or from here. Some clubs will do it, some wont, its each clubs call, so why are so many peple hung up on clubs that want to spend money. If they have it why shouldnt they spend it to develop their club.

i think a lot of clubs are jealous of the spending power od some clubs, and other clubs just dont want to go down that route and fair play to them.

at the end of the day its eleven versus eleven and as every cricketer knows it only takes one ball to get any player out no matter how good they are or ho much they are getting paid.

andy kennedy

not Buckna

11th Jan 2009

re James - he again falls into the myopic trap that the word "success" relates solely to section 1 of the NCU, of which by the way I made no mention. Has he forgotten many postings a couple of years ago when Derriaghy and CI were being castigated for their methods in winning Section 2?
On the question of payments we had better be careful - there's an Inland Revenue out there!! I can recall the "handlin" that some Irish League football teams got into a few yeras ago over their "books".!!

Gareth McCarter

The bank

10th Jan 2009

Re price tags.

I have to say that I wouldn't have a notion about who pays players for their services. There may well have been rumours about CIYMS and Laurelvale and others I'm sure, but who can say what those figures are apart from the club treasurers and the guys who are lucky enough to be getting paid.



9th Jan 2009

Re Gareth

Exactly..although Im sure a number of section 2 pros have hired guns..such as Laurelvale ?

Would be an interesting list..your top 3 spenders ?

Michael Hingston


9th Jan 2009

30k?! R u living on the moon big lad?!

Gareth McCarter


9th Jan 2009

Re Stevo and his price tags

What about the other clubs where all the players pay to play the game? Do they get minus values?



9th Jan 2009

Club spending...

Lets compile a "rich list" ? Premier League style and count clubs paying players for no return ie. non-coaching.

CIYMS with 30K to be at the top ?

Wayne Horwood


9th Jan 2009

James - how could anyone confirm or deny what clubs pay or do not pay in comparison to one another and why would they? It is a private relationship between a club and the individuals involved the same way my employment contract is.

Anyways, I think we are singing from the same hymn sheet. We are lucky at Stormont as we are somewhat spoilt with the facilities and work put in by Phil and his team. Let's hope this summer is better weather wise than last year to give grounds a chance.



9th Jan 2009

I will happily make it clear now that my last post was based totally on assumptions, but I haven’t seen a lot of denials that they were pretty close to the mark…
I couldn’t agree more that clubs should be allowed to spend their money on whatever they want, but I think that the grounds criteria should be an awful lot tougher, so that clubs must have very good facilities before they can spend their money on players. If they still have some left over then you’re right, good luck to them!
The clubs with the right idea will continue to benefit in the long run…



8th Jan 2009

You're right Jack and there are plenty of them around these days!



8th Jan 2009

Regan west and Kyle McCallan will not play much club cricket this year with all the irish fixtures, so not great value for money.
You want a player who will not get selected for Ireland.



8th Jan 2009

To NCU follower.
Not sure where Kyle McCallan fits into your pound for pound trio as he's not paid by Waringstown or maybe you are referring to weight?



7th Jan 2009

Tis the season for transfer jollies !

How many new pros will there be in Section 1 this year ?

6 / 7 anyone like to comment on club pros signed already ??

Are any locals on the move ? Has the CI cheque book swung into action yet ?

NCU Follower


7th Jan 2009

Re Des

Best 3 pound for pound players in NCU?
1-Regan West
2-Ryan Haire
3-Kyle McCallan