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David Norman Vanburn Heaney


29th Jan 2009


Thought we'd sorted out the issue of tips/betting on this Channel? Keep it going mate and hope the money keeps coming in.
Lapdancing though????....MMMMM not so sure about that topic!!!!!

David Somerville


28th Jan 2009


Stevo do you not read the papers or watch the news?? - what businessman or sugar daddy is going to give a club say £20k out of his company at the moment. Wake up and smell the coffee.

As Wayne quite rightly says and I think someone from CI commented on recently is that the money is raised by hard working committee members and the sportsmans dinner run by both clubs are the reason for them being able to reimburse players and achieve success on the playing field.

CI were a Section 3 team 4 years ago and CSNI were in Section 2 a couple of years back - They should be commended not criticised by people like you.

Wayne Horwood


28th Jan 2009

Andy - we pay 2 subs at CSN. One to play cricket and one to join the sports association which gets us access to the facilities etc. I assume our subs go into the pot that is used to support the ongoing maintenance and capital that is incurred on grounds/the pavillion.

Wayne Horwood


28th Jan 2009

Stevo - Would you have any idea of how much can be raised at a sportsmans dinner and a ballot for a golf day if a lot of good work is put in? Have you tried to do this at your "small club". Before openly accusing people of lying why don't you try and do something proactive. It is all about leveraging the clubs members and their contact bases which we have done well and it looks like CI have done well. Maybe the advantage is a large member base who are prepared to support events like this? To get 1 person/sugar daddy to stump up cash in any significant sum in any envrionment is tough and has NEVER happened in any club I have been involved with in the last 16 years and that is a fact.

As for sponsored walk (I won't take offence given the speed I run) this has nothing to do with raising club funds. it is 100% for charity if you read the posting.



27th Jan 2009

Paying players..

Wayne its great that you are starting to internally / externally fundraise, good luck. I'm afraid your comments dont pull the woll over anyones eyes. No sugardaddies ? Come on. Fundraising via sponsored walks certainly didnt pay for 3 of the best 5 NCU players to be at the CSNI club in 2008. How can us smaller clubs believe that. Honesty or silence is often the best option.

Think the smaller clubs could use a few of the bigger sides backers in todays economic climate !

andy kennedy

off the tractor

27th Jan 2009

to East Antrim cricketer - I am not involved in the running of the club nor do I serve on any committee of Muckamore so I am unable to comment. In order to maintain my impartiality as an umpire all I hear now is rumour & speculation. On a completely separate issue and purely for information - as somone who used to play sorry paughill at rugby in the early 70s could anyone from CSNI confirm if there is any involvement with or from the Civil Service Sports Association?

Wayne Horwood


27th Jan 2009

Re Rich Belfast clubs. I think there may be some misconception about the "rich belfast clubs". I know CI have worked really hard at building a social club and having a sportsmans dinner that raises funds and it is great credit to them. At CSN over the last 3 years we have had golf days, a sportsman dinner, club ballots and this year we are having quiz nights, a golf do and a ballot to raise club funds and to donate to a charity. To build team spirit and thank our sponsor quite a few of us are doing a 10km run in March "Between the Bridges" and the sponsored proceeds are going (in full) to assist the charity of choice. What I am saying is as a club we are working hard to generate funds to sustain the development of our club. We have no sugar daddies but what we do have is initiative and desire to progress as much as we can at all levels.

Anyways, anybody wanting to sponsor me to run 10km on 8 March give me a shout. The charity is and the project is the St Josephs project.


credit crunch affects cricket??????????

27th Jan 2009

gareth. great reply 100% as every club & ourselves have too think long & hard wheir its leading as PREDICTIONS are that its not going too improve for at least 2 years?This is just my personal opinion that if the pros were all banned then it takes pressure of & yes if clubs have £ too pay locals so be it & fair play too them if they can? The credit crunch will have a massive effect on clubs this year IE if theres friday games who can afford too take off as WORK now will deffinitly take first place & two nighters & sunday games i personally think a lot of pressure will come from work & family too put cricket futher down the pecking order?ps i wish PETER LAVERY still owned the BAY INN as he said we could sign who ever we wanted after winning 10 million !pps amazing we were ANTI PRO then & didnt take it up but did get a PHONE CALL from PAUL MCCRUM offering his services.

East Antrim Cricketer


27th Jan 2009

Would that be Muckamore you're thinking of Andy?

andy kennedy

back on the tractor

27th Jan 2009

Steve - its not just CI and CSNI have the chequebooks out. To qoute my grandson "s wee bird tells me" that others are offering incentives on top of trawls on the forum! Hmmm.

Gareth McCarter


27th Jan 2009

re. pros

I think that Jeff raises a very interesting point there about the credit crunch and professional players for 2009. While the majority of the talk on the forum has surrounded the rich Belfast clubs approaching all and sundry for their services, how different is the situation likely to be for the other clubs around the province?

There have already been a couple of high profile examples in the North West of clubs conceding that they simply cannot afford to hire an overseas player in 2009 due to the tightened financial times and I can only imagine that a lot of clubs in the NCU find themselves in a position where they have a very hard decision to make when balancing the pros of youth development and strengthening the team with the cons of financial management.

It may prove to turn out as a case of the haves versus the have nots in the upcoming months.



26th Jan 2009


More signings and money exchanging hands in Belfast..CIYMS sign an Irish international as the cheque book remains open / CSNI sign Mc Kee from C Ville.



26th Jan 2009

danny. u havn any luck? my eway sat 2 placed & non runner, but im havn seconitis at moment.Vanburn mite like too let HIS HAIR DOWN ALITTLE TOO ?dont wee all? ive only ever been too 1 as unless free entry hate paying in LIVERPOOL is top place for craic & the racing is superb ladies day is a MUST GO TOO if you get a chance (tell you this hard too watch racing as the eye candy is best u ever see). but enuff said b4 the editor starts editing too find the cricket detail. wats yur view on the credit crunch think might be hard too fund pros this year & next?



26th Jan 2009


What will Vanburn be thinking - gambling and lapdancing........ tut, tut!


cheltenham or aintree ??

26th Jan 2009

wayne , well dun was cracking price &very game winner. ill not say 2 much as VANBURN dont like horses on here. im not gn festival this year for ist time in 7 years as going AINTREE more craic & far cheaper in liverpool(2free lap dancing clubs)lol. do u go any race meetings ?ladies day aintree is sight for sore eyes winters day & all you see is mini skirts boob tubes & more tanned bodies than u see in spain, def worth a trip as gets u LIFTED for the up COMING cricket