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25th Nov 2011

Anonymous - seems you are out of your depth discussing cricket with Paul McCrum! He delivered wherever he played and that was his prerogative, while behind your anonymity i suspect you never achieved.

Gareth McCarter


25th Nov 2011

While I have my own opinions on the "tapping" debate, I don't feel that the opinions of an experienced player like Paul McCrum can be disregarded on the matter. He may have had more clubs in Ulster than most, but I would imagine that few/none of them could or would dispute his efforts and influence; often even continuing after he had moved on. There is usually a good reason why the services of a player/coach are in demand. Surely his would be a massively different case than those of no-marks going to clubs for cash handouts or other incentives; or indeed clubs trying to tempt teenagers to move along.

Lets face it anyone who has a worthwhile opinion or viewpoint on Ulster cricket deserves to be listened to, even if they don't see fit to put their own name to it.....



25th Nov 2011

RE: Anonymous

Paul McCrum was a fine cricketer but you forgot about his stints at Armagh, CIYMS, Lisburn and Muckamore.


Co Down

25th Nov 2011

Well Paul I see you are not really adding anything to the debate. Best not replying then.
I am just stating facts that you continue to ignore.

Paul McCrum

Texas USA

25th Nov 2011

Anonymous, i never played cricket to gain your or anyone's respect - for it would not be worth having! God gave me a talent and i used it my way and have zero regrets of where i used it, just fabulous memories. Like Stevo, no name so no courage - let's just say some are leaders, others followers and some just so damn weak they do nothing for most of their lives but talk and remain Anonymous...........



25th Nov 2011

Andy K :

I don't really agree with much, if anything, of what you say to be honest. Not unlike my opinion, at times, about some of your umpiring decisions!!

andy kennedy

sunny Buckna

25th Nov 2011

sorry Dan - I don't really agree with your reasoning about being anonymous. There is a tint of "teacher's sneak" about those who hide their identity. I honestly believe that people should have the courage of their convictions. I know from personal experience the problems that can arise from speaking one's mind - but I managed to get over it!!P.S. Stevie - I didn't name names but if you are from where I think you are we might be able to discuss this on Saturday night!!



25th Nov 2011

I have to agree with some of the comments... Some players will always move clubs maybe more than once in their careers and why not do so? If they want to better themselves, or have a chance of winning something then fair play to them. How do we think these transfers are going to happen without someone from the other club contacting them.. is this so called 'tapping'?, no just someone in the club taking a proactive approcah to strengthening the squad at the club. Others will play at one club for their whole career and there is no doubt that is needed, but as long as there is a happy medium then i don't see the problem.


Co Down

25th Nov 2011

Paul I am afraid I am going to have to stand up for Stevo here. I retain my anonymity as it is a controversial subject. No matter what twang you put on it I do not have to agree with you or indeed respect you as a club hopper for money. If your main job was a cricket professional then that’s different or even a guy who moved club’s regularly not for money.
Which club do you think you are most affiliated with and fondly remembered? (please add to the list as I probably have missed quite a few (Waringstown, North Down, Laurelvale, Dunmurry, North west club, Lurgan, RUC....) Would it be the club that gave you most money? I know your answer will be along the lines of enjoying each club, broadened horizons etc but you are missing the point. Were you ‘tapped up’ in each move or did you seek out ‘paid’ moves?
Is Derek Heasley fondly remembered or pillared by the club members at Lisburn for example.
Amateur v professional v paid amateur

Ivan nothing wrong with Neil’s approach if no inducements were discussed.



25th Nov 2011

Stevo, Stevo, Stevo!! You are the reason I don't give my full name & club on this forum. You come on here every now and again & talk rubbish. I do know what club Andy Kennedy is part off, just wanted others to know, as Ivan has a different view to recruitment as him. I see you didn't give any opinion on my other observation about Premier League clubs, maybe I do know what I am talking about now and again! And as Ivan has proved, Section One teams are at it too! As with regards cutting the is quite easy to cut mustard, not that I really am a fan off it.

Andy, sorry for keeping my full name & club to myself, but I am sure you can understand why on this forum

ivan mccombe


24th Nov 2011

I don't think the "retorts honed in on Muckamore because I voiced an opinion". The retorts probably honed in on Muckamore because Neil Gill our incoming skipper for 2012 looking at his squad for next season realised that there were a couple of good young players at Templepatrick who would have been very useful additions to his team. He asked the question they said no.

I don't see that as a slight on our coaching ability just Neil being pro active.
We have a very commendable Graham Cup record under Andy Gleghorne wining it 3 times I think , we played four teenagers most of last season in the Premier League and we have produced 5 players for 5 DIFFERENT Under 19 World Cup squads. Not many NCU clubs can say that.
Players will get asked to move up a league all the time. Look at Robert McKinley a dyed in the wool Larne lad where his father played for many years. By moving to Ballymena he has put himself in with a great chance of playing more and more under age representative cricket and probably in 15 years time he will be welcomed back to finish his career at Larne.
If players have real ambition they want to play at a higher level. That's the inducement. Gilly wasn't dangling any brown envelopes and I know Ballymena weren't offering Robert any other inducement than the opportunity to play at a higher level. I like Andy K prefer to say what has to be said and move on.
After seeing the draw for the Irish Junior Cup I think we can be grateful for the sat nav. Looks like a great competition allowing players to see cricket in practically every county in Ireland.

Paul McCrum

Thanksgiving Day USA

24th Nov 2011

Stevo - i reiterate my point - some people talk a good game and don't even have the back-bone to give their own/real full name......i'm truly thankful for all the cricketers/ administrators/ umpires/ supporters throughout Ireland - whether one club men or like myself many numerous clubs (and i totally love the 'more clubs than Nicklaus' humour) because i delivered at every club and made a positive impact to Ulster & Irish Cricket (no doubt you've done the same and can speak as a peer?) - as long as i/they have the conviction to play with a real passion & skill - again the game is much bigger than us all - travel more and broaden your horizons....



24th Nov 2011

Re -Dan

you really are a local cricketing officianado if you don't know who Andy K is or what Club he belongs to...!

You may hope he isn't standing for you next year...

Clearly you don't cut the mustard mate...

BTW Andy, I think those two guys you refer to came from my club - total numpties who'll be trying elsewhere next year no doubt - not welcome back at ours...!

Also RE - Paul McCrum, great player mate, but forgive me if I and many others take a large pinch of salt when you enter into this debate...!

andy kennedy

still soggy Buckna

24th Nov 2011

PS - forgive the error - my compliments related to the History of the Senior "Cup". - Must get these old fingers loosened for next season!!!

andy kennedy

soggy Buckna

24th Nov 2011

Dan - unfortunately you do not have the "cohanes" to declare to which club YOU are connected nor indeed to state your name in full. In case you are in any doubt, I am a proud member of Muckamore but due to umpiring duties I no longer take an active part in running the club. I am content to leave that to those much younger than I with with new ideas. I am also a member of Randalstown rugby club - but that isn't an issue here. Andy Kennedy is my real name - no hiding here. Those who know me are already aware that what you see is what you get - there are no back doors with this guy so perhaps Dan will state his position. In relation to "tapping" I am aware of 2 young guys who were "induced" to move clubs before the 2011 season had started. One of them was an opening bowler who, towards the end of the season didn't bowl for the 1st XI even though he was on the field! As "unstarred" players they turned out for the 2nds so the question that might be asked is how did the move really enhance their careers? And to answer your question - yes I would be annoyed if a player who was coached & nurtured in my club was "tapped" by another. As so few schools are producing players the emphasis in maintaining survival for clubs is to invest in young guys.
P.S. - congratulations to all involved in the production of the History of the Senior Club. An excellent read - even if "that" cup final is recorded in detail!!