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The Ulster Cricketer reserves the right not to publish submissions written under pseudonyms or which make gratuitous personal attacks.

C Boomer


15th Oct 2012


It’s with the fondest of regards,
I return to heady days,
played out between 22 yards
on a green and pleasant field
First I shall refer, to a final, I played with flare
Like King Arthur with Excalibur
My bat I did courageously wield.
From the bowlers I pillaged and plundered,
until they were well and truly scundered
As against me, their resolve did totally yeild
And later in scenes of tumult and rapture
I raised up my arduous capture
Of that much coveted, silver shield.

Or from a recess in my mind,
Thoughts aplenty, return in kind
Of an unforgettable game sublime,
Being not the sort of man,
To bury his head in the sand,
Like an ostrich who can’t understand
As the skipper in his dire need,
Threw the ball to me at great speed
To take matters firmly in hand
First, I got one to dart from a rough patch
Snaffling up the returning catch,
Then duly bagged the last five in a batch
The victory from jaw of defeat, I did snatch
To win a most enthralling, engaging
And highly unlikely cricket match!

Now long in this bliss,
have I spoke of my reminisce
Of my memories, nostalgia and fun
Though my finest hour
The greatest by far,
The emotion I felt
Causing my heart to melt
That feeling of elation, joy and sensation
Better than anything else I have done
Was today, as I walked out for the first time
A proud father to play cricket with my son.

By Caleb Kirkpatrick Boomer



12th Oct 2012

The Annual General Meeting of NIACUS was held on Thursday 11th October 2012 and the following Officers were elected for 2012/2013

President Peter Lunney
Chairman Alan Neill
Vice Chairman Louis Arneill
Secretary Jonathan Lyttle
Treasurer Michael Ross
Appointments Secretary Ian Houston
Executive Committee
Noel McCarey
Kevin McConville
Alex Adams
Jonathan Kennedy

C Boomer


10th Oct 2012


The following short story, although based on a true an actual event, bears no resemblance to any person or persons named therein. Any such person'(s) of a like minded name is an occurrence of pure chance and coincidence and the author (me), will bear no responsibility, blame or feel any remorse, if such a person'(s) take offence, huff or whatever is their inclination !

The Three Amoebas

There grew three amoebas neath a stone, down at Vic’s Cricket Club
And you could tell by the look of them, they were fond of their grub
Rare strains, scientifically coded as Shane Mullet, big Hank and bobby Mac England lovers only, but say cricket Ireland and your health they'd attack
So it came round, England drew Ireland at the 2011 cricket world cup
The amoebas grew anxious, emitting a putrefying stink and a ‘tut tut’
All because England play test cricket, Ireland an associate nation
And dare the mother land lose, it would cause upset and sensation !
But cricket's a funny old game, quite often it will throw up a twist
And England got hammered by a country they said, didn't exist!
Ireland’s Kevin O'Brien bate the pommes all around and over the place
As the amoebas went berserk, turning first green then red of the face.
Vic knew how to eliminate such germs, like those found down an old loo.
How could he put up with the stench, if England didn't get through?
So he told them dumb asshole amoebas, some silly old spake
That Paul Collingwood was feeding the ducks, down by the Lake.
Off they slithered down to the water's edge, oh so quick!
To see who could get first to the Englishman's bum, for a lick
So when all three had gathered together, he knew that he'd got’em
Shoving them into the water were they sank straight to the bottom.
Now despite what they think, the rest of us know all too well
The amoeba's a simple life form, with only one brain cell
It will live very happily far beneath, on the base of a pond
With its good friends the bacteria, leeches, toad and frog spawn
So don't worry yourself, about the amoeba times three
They say that pond life, enjoys its own company
Down by the lake their voices can still be heard
Still blabbing away about the bizarre and absurd
So feel free to wade into the water and on top of them release.. enormous ‘king Henry the third’ !

By Caleb Kirkpatrick Boomer

jonathan lyttle


9th Oct 2012

Just to remind all members of NIACUS that our Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 11th October 2012 at 7.30pm at Stormont. All members are encouraged to attend.

Jonathan Lyttle


8th Oct 2012

I would like to make the most sincere apologies to clubs who were offended in any way by by recent comments on the forum. They were personal views and not from any other body. I must make a huge apology to the members of my club who I let down and who have placed great trust in me. As mentioned in my previous message I am simply moving on and would ask my club to accept my apologies and wipe the slate clean. They have been great to me and as a scorer you can be blessed with a club who appreciate your work and committment to everything. I have every respect for the senior members of the club and hope that they can support me again.

clarence Hiles


8th Oct 2012

William Porterfield and Gary Wilson start their Big Charity Cycle Ride on Tuesday from Cork and will travel via Kilkenny, Malahide, Armagh, Derry/Londonderry and finally to Belfast where the Lord Mayor will meet and greet them late on Saturday afternoon. The initiative will be in memory of Gary's mum Iris who passed away earlier this year and proceeds will go to Cancer Research. Iris was a wonderful person whose life touched many people and many cricketers so I would ask everyone to support a worthy effort for a very worthy cause.
Donations can now be made at or text the donation to 70070 with the code CRIC50 and the amount you wish to give. More information can be received at
The charity drive will climax at a gala dinner at Belfast Europa on Saturday night (October 13) and anyone who would like to attend should contact Gary on
It promises to be a great evening with a bevy of superb one-off auction items. Auction bids can also be made from those not attending the dinner.
Let's support two of our best cricketers in their endeavours for a really good cause.

andy kennedy

bar-b-q time in Buckna

7th Oct 2012

having seen how the Cricket Ireland site is dominated by the NW I think that its time for NCU guys to get on & vote in the "team of the year" poll - would agree that Donemana being rated but Eglinton? Not too sure about that.

C Boomer


5th Oct 2012

Who am I ?

I am within, without, here, there and everywhere,
Unseen by naked eye, just as the pure thin air
Blow cold north wind that heralds winter snow,
Then beckon at spring lambs, to leap up high and go
Bring forth the summer sun in most resplendent ray,
When green leaf slowly fades, remind swallow to fly away
Encourage new born baby to cry aloud with zest
As mother draws up lovingly, to nurture from her breast,
Will on the mighty bird to fly free on the wing
Uplift the souls of weary folk, when little children sing
Inspire the spawning salmon not to relent the fight,
Against the raging current, with journey’s end in sight
Returning to that brook, where was it’s place of birth,
To procreate the seed, then die in happy mirth
Darwin spoke of theory to figure a solution,
How life formed singularly, the precede of evolution
But I was here from time immemorial, before all life began
The plants, the creatures and the ape, he said turned into man
No doubt he was a scholar of much vaunted pedigree,
Though at life’s end was heard to say, ‘I believe in thee!”
I paint the colour in the flowers that captivate the bee
And aid the tiny acorn, grow into a massive tree
Spur on the ailing chick to break the hard, encasing shell,
Awaken sleeping bear, with Spring’s sweet, enticing smell
With bowler and the batsman, opposed in sporting rivalry,
Who later sit together, to enjoy each other’s camaraderie
I march with gallant soldier, to answer his country’s call
And serenely he shall walk with me, if in battle he should fall
Many acclaim me as the Creator, or other names of merit,
Though often people refer to me, as mother nature’s eternal Spirit !

By Caleb Kirkpatrick Boomer

andrew simmons


4th Oct 2012

were Saintfield the only team in section 2 with a pro?

jonathan lyttle

Moving On

4th Oct 2012

Feel free to have a dig at me but I have to comment that I was subjected to foul language and abuse last season by Laurelvale supporters and their immature attitude to me is not unusual. Mr McClelland needs to use a dictionary and address my name in the correct manner. I still stand by my comments and they are personal not from the club who are a very gracious and dignified club however the manner which I have been treated since leaving Laurelvale had been quite disgraceful. I can move on the question is can you? I should also refer to some poor comments on twitter about me this year by certain individuals. I have better things to do than read nonsense and the matter is now closed. The forum is open to personal opinions and I gave mine.


Agreed, the matter is now closed on this forum!

Nw fan

North west

4th Oct 2012

Ref players moving to ncu.
Is Andy Britton an Johnny Thompson moving to play at north down next year??
Can someone from comber tell us if this is true.
Big lose to nw cricket

Andy McCrea


3rd Oct 2012

On behalf of Tempelpatrick Cricket Club :-

Our deepect sympathy and condolenses to the family circle of Davy Mills and everyone at Drumaness CC.

Our thoughts are with you a this difficult time.

Tommy Stewart


3rd Oct 2012

another FACT for Jonathan Lyttle......Saintfield are not relegated


Shaws Bridge

3rd Oct 2012

Sounds to me like sour grapes from Jonathan Lyttle--rather than put Laurelvale and Templepatrick down,might be an idea to focus on your own club and how to push to get yourselves into Section 1? Well done to both clubs!

Trevor Lennon


3rd Oct 2012

Could I on behalf of all players and officials of CCCC congratulate Lauralvale and Templepatrick on an excellent season. You're absolutely right, league tables don't lie, and both climbs thoroughly deserve their success. Cooke Collegians have always enjoyed great competition with both clubs and hope to renew that again in a couple of years when hopefully we go up to join you. Cheers