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11th Jan 2013

RE michael

Why would JVDM and Mark Adair go to CSNI ?? To play in the premier league on a team not dominated by paid mercenaries. I see it as a good move, they can play at the top level at a club with a great team spirit and get a chance each week

andy kennedy

baltic but dry in Buckna

10th Jan 2013

re Head Hunter - as I am not directly involved on the playing side of Muckamore I am not on the inside track of the running of the club although I was aware of and totally agree with the reasons for JVDM moving on. Maybe answers those who perceived me as a spokesman for MCLTC!! Also having seen Mark Adair last season I can see the logic behind his move. My only, and long held, reservation is the effect on those regular 1st X1 members who see their position usurped.

Gareth Rea

Strangford Road, Downpatrick

10th Jan 2013

Downpatrick Cricket Club are seeking to appoint a Youth Development Officer for the 2013 season.

This part-time role will involve co-ordinating the youth structure at the club including youth teams, coaching etc. and also the promotion of youth cricket at local schools.

Please contact David Rea at if interested.

Bruce Topping


10th Jan 2013

I would not criticise young players moving to play at a higher standard but I do worry about the lower league clubs. It would appear that our unhappy fate is to simply act as feeder clubs for the big boys. The way out of this is to either develop a whole team of young players (rather than one or two)who will get promoted to premier league together or alternatively find funding to buy a team or a combination of the two. It would be good to see older players reaching the end of their careers moving in the opposite direction from premier league to section 1 perhaps to the clubs they started with. Personally I have enjoyed playing in section 1 at a higher standard than junior 1 (2nd team).

Andy McCulloch


10th Jan 2013

Congratulations to Jason Van Der Merwe and Mark Adair. Not only great young cricketers but also fine young men. I am sure they will do well at CSNI and fulfil all their cricketing ambitions. Muckamore and Holywood have indeed done fine jobs developing their skills thus far, however, the facts remain that if young players have both the talent and aspirations to play for Ireland they have to be playing week in week out against the best players.



9th Jan 2013

What would entice two promising young players to go to Civil Service North as opposed to more successful clubs? I mean they are hardly that much better than Muckamore if at all.

Head Hunter

Ear to the ground

9th Jan 2013

re Andy Kennedy

It looks like your wish for transfer gossip has come true at last. Quite surprised that you didn't know about Jason; do your own club not even talk to you?



8th Jan 2013

Holywood cc requires a Youth Development Officer for the 2013 season. The successful candidate will be responsible for youth cricket coaching and player development.The person will be tasked to improve youth players and encourage the transformation into adult cricket.
The position will require the holder to play for the 1st xi and be of suitable playing standard to contribute towards gaining promotion back into section 1 for 2014.
For more information please contact Holywood cc at Payment will be reflected by coaching experience and previous success in a similar role. The package is negotiable to for the right candidate.
Applications before 31st Jan



7th Jan 2013

NIACUS would like to extend their congratulations to both Mark Hawthorne and Richard Smith who have retained their places on the ICC Associates and Affiliates Panel of Umpires for 2013. This is a great tribute to both men and their abilities and we are delighted that Ireland is represented by two of our members.



3rd Jan 2013

A Level One ACO Umpires Training Course will commence on 29th January 2013 at 7pm at Knockbracken Health Park,Belfast. The course will be facilitated by the NIACUS Training Officer Keith Smith and will run for 8 weeks. The course will begin at 7pm on each night. Cost for the course including a ACO Training Pack and Membership of ACO for one year is £40. All clubs are encouraged to support this course because has previously mentioned we are losing more umpires each year and simply not replacing them. We have also demands on umpires who are called up for other duties and this is also placing a strain on appointments. So NIACUS would encourage all who may be interested in joining the men in the middle to come along and we promise that you will be treated to some excellent training from Keith and his team. Anyone interested should contact me at as soon as possible. I would like to be able to give a provisional number to Keith within two weeks.

andy kennedy

baltic but dry in Buckna

1st Jan 2013

you're right James - there clearly isn't a wild pile of money in NCU cricket!! And then again there seems to be a bit around the Greater Belfast area!!



1st Jan 2013


After much smiling and waving, then the dancing and raving
they brought the new year in with a bang,to the tune of auld lang syne
as on copious amounts of food did they dine,
naturally, washed down with the finest of wine
they stuffed thoroughly, their botox enhanced faces
it was easy to see, they're oblivious to austerity,
could somebody oblige and tell me, why does avarice and gluttony
only befriend, those of assumed airs & graces
Then en route to the next haunt, they passed an old man rather gaunt
who stood alone, bereft of friend or a home, begging for a little charity,
and in keeping with form as was their norm, regarding, this 'famous' three
walked by with heads held aloft, although,Unsavoury was heard to cough
and emitted a two worded expletive, that ended in 'off ' !
But the old man did have a non human compatriot,
who like him does not well associate
easily, with all in modern society's decadence
and it took great offence at the pretence, of people so rude
and likewise, dismissive attitude, so decided on due recompense
So as the three made their way, to that next big soiree
they could not resist one more pic, as a paparazzi's camera went click
but this crafty wee creature, of most distinct feature
to make amends, jumped in front of the lens and there he did stay
Now if you lift tomorrow's newspaper or a magazine
you will see pictured therein, something that may make you grin
despite already a bellyful, of Mr's Unsavoury, Obscene and Mrs Distasteful
superimposed over each celebrity's mug, looking so smug
the face of a rat, is clear to be seen !

So if you bat above eight or even seven
then it's doubtless that you are good
but don't be too dismissive of number eleven
and the way he swings the wood
At times you will be out in the middle
with the last man, as he plays second fiddle
treat him with respect, offer sound advice and the effect
will be you'll have a friend, who can hold up an end
because you have compassion and brotherhood
neither unsavoury, obscene or distasteful, be
as it is obvious for all to see
that you are a first class bat, one decent chap
and besides all that, you will never be plagued by a rat !

by Caleb Kirkpatrick Boomer............Happy 2013 to you all !



1st Jan 2013

Andy, three movers & grovers here but maybe not the type you're referring too!

Mr Unsavoury, Mr Obscene & Mrs Distasteful

Too the New year's eve celebrity big bash
three B listers assembled, to the click of the camera's flash
au contraire to austere, dressed so debonair
all desperate to appear, front, back and rear
in tomorrow's tabloid, fleet street trash
Simultaneously all did alight, to a blaze of flashing light
was there ever any, so less contrite?
from a big limousine, a chef, a comedian and a self styled drama queen
The first does his cooking, while everyone's looking
to enhance the flavour and his image to savor
this illustrious chef, prefixes every word with an F
whether the meat is prepared tender or lean
always resourceful, but never remorseful,
as he piles on the gravy, he's Mr Unsavoury !
Next the comedian, attention grabbing headlines
are his main source of a medium
who now plies his trade, across Atlantic water
To maintain this status, he had an idea hiatus
with accomplice as opposed to alone, he picked up the phone
and insulted a grandfather, concerning his granddaughter
to the shock and dismay of all watching at home
Now occasionally on U.S. television screen, he can be seen
this funny man of sorts, effervescent with vulgar retorts
a real libertine, he's Mr Obscene !
Last but not least, her desire is for all eyes to feast
formally on page 3, now gossip magazines and even T.V.
a 'lady' of irrepressible rants, who is often without brasserie & pants
so all & sundry can observe, as she has some nerve
her two most profound, silicon implants
not in the least bit bashful, relentless, in her pursuit for a cash full
the ever wasteful, she's Mrs Distasteful !

Colin O'Neill


31st Dec 2012

Very sad to hear of the passing of Ian Gourley.

A Legend at Woodvale

Clarence Hiles


31st Dec 2012

On behalf of the Ulster Cricketer website many thanks to all our readers and contributors during 2012.
We also wish you all a blessed and Happy New Year.
Clarence and Peter