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The Ulster Cricketer reserves the right not to publish submissions written under pseudonyms or which make gratuitous personal attacks.

Neale Matthews

Avoiding work

24th Jan 2013


Simon the 2 division structure has been introduced following the under 15 two divisions last year which was generally deemed to be a success. It has nothing to do with 'not fulfilling fixtures' but rather with teams of similar strength regularly playing each other in an attempt to raise standards and encourage participation. The reasons were canvassed last year in a well-attended roadshow at Derriaghy and met with unanimous approval from the large number present. It was indicated that if successful at under 15 level it would be rolled out for the rest of the age groups at under 13 and under 11 level.
Your concerns about fairness have been considered and you are quite correct about the 2 year cycle. It was with that in mind that the clubs were contacted an specifically asked which league section they wanted to take part in. Next season will be the same. So for instance if Laurelvale have a good young group this season, they would hopefully opt to play in the top section next year. The league positions have NOT been decided by the NCU. We do however reserve the right to question the choice of league if same is blatantly inappropriate.
The clubs having identified the section they wish to take part in, we have then tried to regionalise them as much as possible, by no means an easy task.
I would also point out that clubs in division 2 have their own knock-out stages and final. I believe if you were to ask Donaghcloney about their win last year they would be very positive about the system. In addition, all clubs regardless of division enter the relevant cup competition.
We believe that this will encourage more competitive cricket at all levels, and will encourage more clubs entering teams (and indeed playing fixtures) without fear of being "too far put of their depth".
We in fact also gave a third league option but particularly at 13 and 15 level this was not taken up in sufficient numbers to make viable.

Wesley best laurelvale CC


24th Jan 2013

Youth coaches from each club were consulted about the changes and on which league they wanted their teams to be entered into. The changes were made to provide more competitive cricket and eliminate as far as possible mismatches which discourage young players. A team with a good under 11 team which proves itself in the lower league could propose that in subsequent years this group is elevated to the top league.

Simon Hughes

The vale

23rd Jan 2013

Does anyone else think that the idea of Div 1 & 2 junior cricket is a bit harsh. Surely when teams have a 2 yr turn around it can sometimes just depend on the 'crop' of players coming through. Especially for teams with smaller catchment areas.

I was told it was because teams weren't for filling fixtures but it doesn't matter what Div your in for that.

I just think the old area system was better and 9 out of 10 the best team will win the trophy.

W McKibbin


22nd Jan 2013

So sorry to hear the sad news of the death of Billy McCloy. I was fortunate to have played with Billy at North Down. A true gentleman and a great sport who will always be remembered by us who played with him. Condolences to the family circle and his many friends.

Clarence Hiles

A sad place

21st Jan 2013

Sad news indeed Davy.
Billy was a lovely man and a great character who made a huge contribution to Lisburn down the years. He was part of the McCloy dynasty dating back to the 1940s and of course he starred in many epic victories for the great Lisburn teams of the Fifties and the Sixties. We had the pleasure of Billy's company at North Down for a few seasons and it was an honour to play alongside him in the twilight of his career. Off the field he was jovial and engaging and it was always great to run into him and take a trip down memory lane. Sadly, those days are now gone and we are all the poorer for it.
Rest in Peace dear friend.

davy Skelton


19th Jan 2013

Very sorry to hear today of the death of Billy McCloy. A true gentleman, a great cricket supporter and a Lisburn CC legend. Sympathies to his wife and family circle.

andy kennedy

snowed in in Buckna

18th Jan 2013

what about a transfer fee for players moving? the brains and acumen in NCU cricket (at all levels) should be able to come up with something. This would mean some sort of recompense to the club for its investment in developing the player concerned.On the question of "feeder" clubs I have had some experience in rugby where young promising players move to a senior club to pursue their careers with the message that they are always welcome back if things don't work out. However due to the hiatus that senior rugby is now in, the movement is the other way. On a separate issue, Clarence has described our clubs as "businesses". Really have to query the business ethos of clubs spending £1000s to players for the paltry prize money of winning a trophy. Or is at more about boosting egos?

Clarence Hiles


18th Jan 2013

Posters are not "imbeciles" because they have a different opinion. The value of the Forum is that it creates healthy debate and airs issues on a public domain. Wylie, Ivan and myself are prepared to do this openly and honestly and not hide behind a pseudonym. Why is it so difficult for you to do the same? It is easy to throw personal insults from behind a mask but it removes your your credibility and your ability to make further postings. There is no place for personal insults on our website. Respect!

Stuart Hughes


18th Jan 2013

Is there any point in anyone playing senior cricket unless they aspire to play at the highest level? Why would anyone decline promotion it goes against the grain of competitive sport.

I have no issue with people moving clubs if they go to better themselves and play at a higher standard. With my generation for a lot of people I don't think loyalty comes into their mindset. But clubs at all levels are also drawing players from a lot wider scope than they would have done in the past.

An eight team Premier League was always going to bring the old them and us attitude to the surface. It's just sad that some people at some clubs forget where they started off and others at other clubs don't want their cosy elite group disrupted.



18th Jan 2013

re wylie and lack of
Cannot agree more with u guys...what is the point of being "a team" and wanting to play at the highest level. Spending time and money nurturing youngsters only to find that when your club looks like advancing up the leagues, the money splashing clubs pilfer them away.
Ultimately there is no point in trying to push your club forward if your talent is being taken elsewhere.



18th Jan 2013

RE - Feeder Clubs & Wylie

Well said Wylie...

Incredible the amount of garbage that people subscribe to...!

It really is the ultimate insult that some imbeciles are now suggesting we feed higher clubs...!

FGS - wise up and think before you open you unquantified mouths (Ivan you take me to the fair)

Maybe anyone below section one should doff their caps appropriately as well...!

Wylie McKinty


17th Jan 2013

Just to correct Ivan McCombe, Larne has never been a "feeder club" for Ballymena or any other club. In most cases were players have left Larne it has been instigated by the club they move to. I believe another player may have been enticed away from Larne this winter!
It's very easy for some members of clubs in the Premier League or Section 1 to have this attitude that the lower league teams should "feed" them players but for the majority of the lower league clubs who lose these players it is very disheartening.
Although I must point out that if a player leaves I always wish the individual concerned the best when they choose to leave.

Nile smith

Library with ncu handbook

17th Jan 2013

Ivan -I know what you mean but could a club really decline to be promoted? Seems a bit perverse to strive for a league all season then refuse promotion. Maybe an administrater could advise?



17th Jan 2013

Just to remind all clubs that I available to score for the 2013 season. If you require any further details please do not hesitate to contact me. As one of the three scorers on the Ireland panel in the NCU I have vast experience at all levels. So if you are interested please contact me at any time. My mobile number is 07876454263



17th Jan 2013

Just a final reminder about the Level One Umpires Training Course which is due to commence on Tuesday 29th January 2013. If you wish to attend please contact me as soon as possible. The course will be led by Keith Smith the Training Officer for NIACUS and we would stress the importance of this to all clubs. The shortage of umpires is of great concern to NIACUS and we wish to stress the need for clubs especially bigger clubs to nominate and send even one member to the training.