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andy kennedy

dreich Buckna

13th Feb 2013

I am delighted to see the comments of Mr. Burton. He certainly makes many cogent points. On a personal basis I wonder if some of those high spending clubs would consider financing improvements in accomodation for umpires & scorers - as well as buying better sightscreens? Or perhaps money is a bit tight for such nonsense!

Andy McCrea

The Cloughan

13th Feb 2013

Templepatrick CC are seeking a Scorer for the new 2013 season, if you would like anymore details please contact
Email or Mobile 07855 445656



13th Feb 2013

Sorry Wylie but anyone who wishes to wear white coat can continue to do so on a Saturday or any other day. NIACUS has never made new clothing mandatory for umpires.

Terry Burton


12th Feb 2013

Reference my earlier posts with some suggestions to possibly encourage more people to take up umpiring and especially to improve considerably the fees paid to those who do it.
So far there seems to be a deathly silence from most clubs - especially those clubs who splash their money around paying lots of players - and also from senior clubs who week by week get the benefit from having official umpires.
Have they nothing to contribute on the subject ? Do they support a change in the current structure and do they agree the current match fee paid is far too low and unrealistic. Would clubs support/accept an immediate increase? Let them be open and honest. I don't believe the majority of umpires do it for the love of the game - those days have long since gone if they ever existed in the first place. Those who stand for 50 or more games in a season certainly don't do it just for fun !!
What do the NCU think needs to be done - they too have been silent - let them come out in the open and tell us all what fees are currently paid and what they propose for the 2013 season. Too many are sticking their heads in the sand in the hope things will keep limping along when we all know there are serious problems which need addressed without further delay.
It will be interesting to see how many more paid players will be signed by NCU clubs (and others) from Limavady following their recent decision to drop out of the NWCU top flight. As Andy Kennedy commented so much for loyalty as several players are already looking at where they will go next - I guess it will be to clubs who pay the most and certainly not for the love of the game. Why don't they stay at Limavady and help the club survive.
Now over to forum members for their constructive views/comments.


The Gym

10th Feb 2013

That is actually astounding about Limavady...

It should serve as an archetypal example to the money men who are 'hell bent, on destroying the local game...

The game may well becomming more professional on the Irelands international stage - but when oh when will these 'moneydriving egotists' realise the the irreperable damage they're doing locally...

Believe me, if the North West is 'Sneezing' - the NCU will soon catch cold...

Someone said that 'Loyalty' dosen't retain players - what rubbish, that's exactlly what it does - it's the money that drives a sword through the 'heart and soul' of our 100 year old plus clubs...!

I've played for over 35 years - and to be honest, it's the obligation to my club and good friends, that keeps me going...

All be warned - and as I look to the 'East' I see the 'Vultures' beginning to circle...

Watch this space...

Clarence Hiles


10th Feb 2013

The guys I'm talking about Wylie have only white coats in the attic!
You never miss a beat!
Good to hear from you.


Down Memory Lane

10th Feb 2013

"If every player stayed loyal to their club we wouldn't have half as many players as we do."
What does this mean? Club are full of loyal players all over Ireland including the North West. Player movement is not development unless you know something we don't. As for Limavady their problems were not just the money running out.

David Bradley


9th Feb 2013

Just a comment or two on the article regarding Limavady.

Limavady are not the first club to 'fall on their sword' in recent seasons both North Fermanagh and The Nedd have withdrawn teams from Senior cricket to play in the lower leagues. Rather than a precedent being set by the NWCU I feel that they (we) have had little choice, no option was given. The teams in question all simply told us they were withdrawing from Senior cricket.

I firmly believe that allowing these clubs (add in Ballyspallen to the equation) to regroup and redevelop is in the long term interests of cricket in general and of the NWCU. If the clubs had been 'forced' to play out games in senior cricket perhaps they would have by now ceased to exist possibly mid way through a season.

Which ever way it is looked at some people will see one angle others a different perspective. The game is becoming more professional, whether we like it or not (personally I don't have an issue -I'm not going to encourage it either- with a player taking money, its not ideal but its been going on for years and is not just isolated to the NW or indeed Ireland).

What I would say is that I don't believe any of the clubs took the decision lightly, I'm sure someone somewhere at each club shed a tear or two when they realised that there club was in trouble.

If we had forced the teams to play Senior grade cricket with a below par or uncompetitive cricket team what benefit would the club, players or supporters got. While I believe you have to accept defeats their is a difference betweend being beaten regulary and being embarrassed regulary.

I don't think that going forward teams will decline promotion. NW cricket is too competitive for that and too proud.

For those of you that don't know me I'm an incomer to the NW (and Ireland/NI) but there is no better place to play cricket than the NW.Than places like the Rectory, The Holm, The Lodge, the list goes on.

I hope that Limavady regroup and recover just as I do North Fermanagh, Ballyspallen and The Nedd. Lets hope they can find a successful way to do it through self development of young loyal players but lets remember to that if every player stayed loyal to their club we wouldn't have half as many players as we do.

C. Boomer

Home enjoying the six nations

9th Feb 2013

A proper and commensurate financial payment to all cricket umpires for the service they provide is obviously the correct avenue to proceed along in order to replenish dwindling ranks and ensure a full quota is always available to the appointments secretary, throughout the playing season.

However in saying that, this must be handled with diligence and professional acumen !

Sadly, to the demise of numerous clubs and in my view the game in general (Limavady C.C.being the latest casualty), we've all seen only to well the folly in dangling a juicy red carrot of a wad of cash to individuals and telling them their great fellows... Now go and win us a pile of trophies ! Fickle stuff indeed!!

With the umpire situation I feel alot more thought needs to go into the matter.
For instance, the relevant match fee should reflect the experience and the league level of the game at which each umpire is officiating

Premier/senior 1: commanding highest fee
Senior 2/3: lesser rate and so forth..

Rates for the various cup competitions, again proportional to the league positions of the teams involved.

This way you reward and acknowledge the current crop of excellent umpires already on active service and further, by providing incremental payment incentives you encourage 'new blood', with the added incentive being they can further their careers and climb the respective leagues dependent on ability and application, in the knowledge that they will be remunerated accordingly for their efforts.

This should also help to attract senior players who perhaps rather than retire all together from the game, can go into umpiring and still be an active participant and a valued part of the sport!

( Much more fun than golf too !)

andy kennedy

dreich Buckna

9th Feb 2013

interesting timing of the debate on club finances on this forum with the announcement that Limavady have withdrawn from the top section of the NWCU league. Its not so long ago that they were spending crazy money on players. I see in this morning's Newsletter that Andrew Riddles has commented that several of their players are now considering their position. The word loyality hasn't much value there!!

Wylie McKinty


8th Feb 2013

It's blue coats now Clarence :)

Neill Harvey


8th Feb 2013

For all followers of cricket I have not long finished two books by the author Marcus Berkmann. Named Rain Men: The Madness of Cricket and Zimmer Men: The Trials and Tribulations of the Ageing Cricketer. A hoot of a read basically about a hopeless cricketer and the setting up of a team of similarly hopeless cricketers with the trials and tribulations that go along with it. Available on Amazon and very cheap at that. For all lovers of cricket a must read!!!

Colin Latham

Reading Tom Smith's Cricket Umpiring & Scoring

7th Feb 2013

Interesting points re the umpires. I have started the Level 1 ECB course a few weeks ago purely because it is something I have wanted to do for sometime. I would struggle to play anymore due to dodgy ankles/knees and having had a few years on the golf course I fancied being involved in cricket in some capacity. There are 7 or 8 on the current course which is a reflection of various posts on the forum re dwindling uptake and while I doubt anyone currently going into local umpiring does so for financial reward, certainly a few hours OT on a Saturday/Sunday would be far more benefit to me in that respect, however maybe that is something that clubs and or NCU could look at. Perhaps pay the cost of the Level 1 course or Umpires outfits. Not much in terms of what appears to be being paid to players throughout the leagues but might generate a bit more interest. These were not factors in me going on the course but maybe it would encourage others. I honestly hadn't thought of any fees but perhaps that will encourage my wife to let me out for a few more games than I had originally planned to.

Clarence Hiles


7th Feb 2013

It could open up a transfer market for umpires!
If a top Premier League club has no umpires and could be deducted points would it not make sense to offer a few dollars to entice some umpires to join their membership?
I know they don't do it for the money but everybody has a price. I can see a few old stooges looking into the attic for their white coats! It would be just as interesting as pre-season player movements.
Time will not age them.

The Football Junkie

FA Headquarters

7th Feb 2013

"Premier League to limit spending
The Premier League says its clubs will be punished with a points deduction if they breach new spending controls."

Is this a way forward for cricket in Ireland?