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7th Feb 2013

All Umpires and Scorers and any other interested parties are reminded that the 2013 IACUS Annual Conference takes place on Saturday 16th February 2013. If you are interested in attending please let me know by Wednesday 13th February 2013. The day promises to be an interesting one with a number of excellent topics on the agenda and it will help those who wish to develop their skills and enhance their personal development.

Ryan Haire

Co Down

7th Feb 2013

Umpiring ...
This was to be linked into the CI "Clubmark" scheme as an accreditation requirement for clubs to play at the top level. Not sure how this process has gone over last 3 or so years though. I feel alongside quality facilities and other "musts" having 1/2/3 umpires for clubs in the PL should be implemented asap.

Clarence Hiles


7th Feb 2013

Very noble words and in an ideal world they serve the umpiring fraternity well. However, we are not in an ideal world and much as the current stock of umpires have lofty ideals and virtues, the sad truth is that the numbers continue to drop and recruitment over the past 10 years has failed to match retirements. It is certainly not the Umpires' fault but it means we have to look at other strategies and try new ideas to effect a more positive response. I understand your appeal to "Cricket Authorities" but they have appealed and appealed without much success and as Peter says you can't make club members umpire if they don't want to. I'm not even sure it is a club matter any more either. We live in a material world and rather than look at the negatives of the current economic decline perhaps we should look at a positive spin and provide an income for a whole new bunch of umpires on a Saturday afternoon. Should we target students, the unemployed and perhaps more females? Should we ask our CDOs in the field for their assistance in promoting umpiring amongst the younger players? If we pay a decent wage for a job surely we could attract people that want to work? Just an opinion.
We have to do something and well done Terry for stimulating discussion on a major threat to the game.

Terry Burton


6th Feb 2013

Reference Clarence's reply to my earlier comment about the umpire shortage.
He has got my suggestions correct ie no fees to take the umpires courses/exams etc. plus free gear after they qualify and a decent realistic fee for the valuable job they do every week. If money has to be found to fund courses and supply gear etc. then if the NCU or NIACUS cannot afford to foot the bill then some sponsorship should be sought. Afterall if only a few new umpires join then the costs to kit them out will be minimal.
I like Clarence's suggestion that clubs who supply umpires should qualify for some sort of rebate on their affiliation fees - I suggest the more umpires they supply the greater the rebate. At the same time clubs who supply no umpires should have a surcharge added to their affiliation fees - this could perhaps generate some money to be used to fund a better fee structure for umpires.
What should the NCU do now before it is too late.
They should tell clubs without delay that there is a crisis regarding umpire shortage - afterall it is their responsibility and in the interest of the NCU to ensure the situation does not get any worse. The NCU should increase forthwith the fee paid to umpires - I assume they are responsible for setting the figure payable and collecting it from the clubs. The fee should this year at least double from the present 25 pounds per 50 over game to 50 pounds per game and it should be reviewed on an annual basis until it reaches a decent amount. Clubs should be told they will have to pay the new fee like it or lump it otherwise the situation will continue to get worse. If some clubs don't want to pay the increase it's simple - don't send them official umpires and spread the remaining umpires around the clubs who are prepared to pay a realistic fee.
These may seem radical suggestions but as previously said time is short and something needs to be done immediately.
Don't keep paying large sums of money to players who will keep mooving clubs year after year if they think they can get more somewhere else. Spend your money wisely elsewhere.

andy kennedy

baltic in Buckna

6th Feb 2013

Re Terry - I had the opportunity to take part in an umpires exchange to Liverpool a couple of years ago and I was somewhat taken aback at the toss in Ormskirk when the 2 captains handed us our match fee that was certainly higher than is paid in NCU. I have posted before about a "naming & shaming" of the "club of origin" of the those on the "active" list and I was lambasted for even making such a suggestion. Perhaps the anonymous critics were from clubs who are falling down on their responsibilities. Just over half a dozen at the current training course - when are some clubs going face up to their responsibility? I would add that this is my personal view - I'm not speaking on behalf of NIACUS.


I'm not sure that it is unusual for certain clubs to have more umpires than others, in fact it is surely a random fact as it is something your members either want to do or don't.
Clubs can push all the information and encourage their members to give it a go but unless someone wants to take up the challenge then thats pretty much that.
Unless of course there is a requirement to do it, with a sanction involved, then all clubs will have to make people umpire even if they don't want to...
In an ideal world, just like coaching the kids, looking after the ground etc, it would be covered by a group of willing volunteers but when those no longer exist, then you must pay a high enough wage to get the job done! What about £50 a game plus expenses?
And the clubs which supply the most umpires pay less...
Asst Ed



6th Feb 2013

I refer to Terry from Dromore and his remarks on Umpires. Some good points but I personally feel that it would be for the love of the game rather than money that attracts many of my colleagues to turn out. Money is a marvellous incentive but it is not a major factor in attracting new umpires. In an ideal world umpires would be paid similar to referees in Irish League Premier League but with little money out there to spare this is a non starter. People often ask me as as scorer about payment from clubs for scoring but it too like umpiring is something that you enjoy doing. Yes I have been paid travelling expenses but never a fee for a match. On the question of membership fees umpires rarely grumble about this and when it came to buying their smart new uniforms few were unhappy to pay. We are living on an island where the economic downturn had created many problems for all and it would be nice for NIACUS to seek what Terry has stated but we will press for Umpires who will come and take part and not seek to promise the world to them. What I can say is that when one looks at the achievements of Mark Hawthorne and Richard Smith there is a wonderful opportunity for those wishing to better themselves and be recognised for their ability. I cannot forget others such as Alan Neill, Noel McCarey and Keith Smith who have all excelled and have been recognised by the ICC. So being an Umpire is not as dull as people make out. As Secretary of NIACUS we are proud of our members and their achievements and will continue to provide officials for matches at all levels but we do require more volunteers and it is something that the Cricket Authorities must address sooner rather than later.



6th Feb 2013

Any more player transfer or new pro's in section 1 that anyone knows of? Or any rumours?

Andy McCulloch


6th Feb 2013

Cliftonville Cricket Club will be holding a 5-week under 13 & under 15 Cricket Camp at the new indoor facilities at University of Ulster Jordanstown Campus (UUJ). Starting on Tuesday 12th Feb from 18:30 - 20:00. The cost of the 5-week course is only £10 and is open to both boys and girls regardless of cricketing ability. If you require any further information or to reserve a place please do not hesitate in contacting Andy McCulloch, CDO on 078 8308 5112.

Clarence Hiles


5th Feb 2013

Well spoken Terry!
If I read you right the umpires need to be paid a fair fee, no fees for sitting exams and get some of their gear provided. It doesn't seem unreasonable and I would add that clubs who supply umpires should receive a discount on their affiliation fees.
All the money shouldn't go to the players.

Alan C

windy and wet lands

5th Feb 2013

Thanks Andy, don't forget to include the 'Vale spider' in your article. I have a picture of the beast.

Terry Burton ( Realist )

Mount Everest ( Dromore )

5th Feb 2013

At this time of the year, every year,we mostly read two topics on the forum namely what players are moving clubs and the shortage of umpires. It is possible some players move in the hope of gaining more experience elsewhere, however if we are totally honest most move to receive more money and other perks. We have already read on the forum this year that some seem to be moving for considerable sums of money and even the possibility of job offers and cars. What is the local game coming to? We hear clubs are struggling financially yet there seems to be loads of money around some clubs who are offering big bucks to gain promising players. What a sad situation.
What are many clubs going to do when there are no umpires available to cover games and players have to umpire games themselves not just in lower leagues but in senior cricket as well ? Have clubs considered that whilst they are splashing loads of money around paying players the umpires are being asked to stand week in week out for possibly as long as a 10 hour day ( including travelling ) for a pittance of around �25 per game ( even less I understand for a 20/20 game) Is it therefore any surprise we cannot attract people to become umpires - some may say those who umpire do it for the love of the game and this may apply to a few, however let's be realistic most who umpire I assume do it because they enjoy it but also for money. Why don't clubs and the NCU propose,accept and agree umpires must be paid a realistic fee for the work the do and not the buttons they are currently paid. There is lots of money around the clubs who get umpires for all their games so let them use some of it to pay the match officials a decent fee. Look at what premier league football referees are paid for 90 minutes work and compare this to umpires for 10 hours work !! Its time to wake up before it's too late - I guess if umpires were paid more we might just attract more people to take it up so why don't we try this.
With the present structure who in their right mind would want to become an umpire? They have to first pay to take the umpires course ( it should be free) then when they qualify I assume they have to buy all their own gear/coats/shirts/bails etc.and pay I assume a membership fee to NIACUS and possibly other bodies as well all for the pittance of the fee currently paid. As well they have to often suffer abuse from players and other officials and sometimes the media,press, twitter etc. when all they are trying to do is help keep cricket alive and give it their support.
It's time players and clubs realised the serious situation faced without more umpires - something needs to be done fast before it is too late.
Come on clubs & players - get some of your members & ex players involved as umpires otherwise face the prospect that sooner rather than later you will be umpiring your own games and then the fun will begin.

andy kennedy

watching the snow in Buckna

4th Feb 2013

that's right Alan - I remember that day well. Dungannon -v - Larne. Had a similar experience on a Sunday at Lisburn last season when there was a band concert at the nearby band-stand. Hard to keep still when Killaloe was played! Still have to send you that article on the changing facilities "enjoyed?" by us umpires at grounds all round the NCU area!

Jonathan Lyttle


4th Feb 2013

NIACUS are seeking expressions of interest from anyone wishing to attend our Annual Dinner this year. A final date and venue have still to be finalised. We appreciate that Dinners are slowly fading away from social calendars however we are proud of dinners where people have a chance to meet up and share their experiences and enjoy good company. If you are interested please do not hesitate to contact any member of our Executive Committee by Monday 11th February 2013.

Alan C

the wet-lands

4th Feb 2013

I remember umpiring with you at Dungannon when there was a silver band playing in the band stand. There was heaps of spectators (general public)that day, probably mostly in the line for ice cream ;0

andy kennedy

baltic in Buckna

3rd Feb 2013

Neil describes a possible scenario with "contracted" players - this has already happened in rugby where such players are "assigned" to clubs but because of squad sessions, etc. they never play for the club. The result is that we have big crowds at Ravenhill but the crowds at club games are a bit like "one man & his dog" - and we don't even get that at cricket games - with the notable exception of the Lurgan-v- Waringstown derbies. I had the pleasure of umpiring such a game a couple of seasons ago and was totally gob-smacked by the number of cars parked all round the ground. But as I say - very much the exception. If the All-Ireland proposals come to fruitition then it requires careful management. P.S. What about that Italy team hen?!!