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Baltic Belfast

24th Mar 2013

Keeping up my cricket strengthening exercises before the new season is upon us!
Two 2 hour snow clearing sessions with snow shovel!!
Ready for 10 over stint!

Neil Hunter

A wet and cold Belfast

19th Mar 2013

In relation to Pollock Park I had planned to begin pre-season rolling this weekend.

It looks as though it will be a snowman making contest or a swimming contest depending on which way the wind blows!

Roll on the summer!!!!

C. Boomer


18th Mar 2013

Please see the link below for my complete compendium of cricket literature, including a brief explanation as to how the inspiration came about for each piece and congratulations to Ireland today beating UAE out in sunny Sharjah, round one completed !

andy kennedy


18th Mar 2013

I am sure the thoughts and prayers of everyone in cricket are with Jonny Kennedy (Ballymena) and his family in his battle with serious illness. It puts things into true perspective.

C. Boomer


11th Mar 2013

Further to my recent post, I am both delighted and honoured to announce that the full compliment of all my cricket related poems, based on many years of experience out in the field of play, including a couple of my best short stories also based on factual events, now appear in the feature link courtesy of Mr Pat Bracken, bibliography of Irish Cricket...sincere thanks again to him.

If one cannot wait to purchase my new book when I get round to publishing it, please refer to The White Rose Forum, Yorkshire C.C. England, click onto the extras link and there you will see the full range of all my written works, including a brief introduction before each subject as to how the idea for each piece came about.

And please feel free to lodge a comment there, all feedback (positive or negative) is greatly appreciated, thanks again. C. Boomer



11th Mar 2013

The NIACUS Annual Dinner will take place on Friday 5th April 2013 at the La Mon Country House Hotel. We would make an appeal for anyone who is interested in attending to contact either myself or my colleague Noel McCarey before Friday 15th March 2013. I would also like to draw clubs and in particular scorers to an IACUS scoring course on Sunday 14th April at Stormont. We are keen for scorers to attend this course and if interested please contact myself or Murray Power as soon as possible. The fee for the day is �35.

John McCann


9th Mar 2013

Haven't seen any predictions this year yet so i thought id get the ball rollingCan't speak for the Premier league but here is my prediction for league 1 for what it's worth. (Providing no major pros or player changes between now and season starts)

1- Muckamore
7- laurelvale
8- Dundrum
9- Donaghcloney

The cricket legend


8th Mar 2013

Any more people moving clubs or clubs bringing in pro's this year?

Has anyone got league predictions for premier and or section 1?

andy kennedy


7th Mar 2013

Excellent article on the NCU site by Neale Matthews - aged 49 and a half on his umpiring experiences. Puts a lot of objections in perspective.



5th Mar 2013

Great to hear of the business planning seminar! Hopefully a good NCU Development Plan awaits.....congrats

Neil Gill


1st Mar 2013

Muckamore 1sts are looking a friendly game at Muckamore on 20th April. Any interested teams please email me on Thanks

Norman Shannon

Office address above

27th Feb 2013

Shaws Bridge Sports Association (where Instonians and Cooke Collegians play) wish to appoint a Qualified Groundsperson. Must be able to prepare and maintain cricket squares. The Salary is £17000 pro rata. The work is 3 days a week during the winter and 5 and a half days from approximitly mid-March to mid-September. Shaws Bridge Sports Association is an Equal Opportunities Employer. Closing date is Monday 4th March at 5pm. To apply please email myself at or post to Norman Shannon Company Solicitors 3-5 Union Street, Belfast BT12JF

The Chancellor

11 Downing Street

26th Feb 2013

C Boomer

I'd say there's too many 'motions' out there, maybe some people need a trip to the nearest chemist

And for the Record, it wasn't me that alluded to the 'Monumental' £100

Maybe you should scribe some poetry highlighting the 'Passing of Motions' in local cricket, I'd say you could find plenty of material to draw from

Great poetry BTW, don't give up your day job

C. Boomer

Home.......composing cricket poetry !

26th Feb 2013

As regards the Chancellor,

Even if a motion is passed to award NCU official cricket umpires a fee increase, I doubt very much it will equate to the monumental £100 per match you're chirping on about !
So don't get too worked up as I'm also pretty certain, whatever the fee they may or may not get, you'll still have the hand out for you're slice of income tax for the coffers !!

On a separate issue, my sincere thanks to the editor of the Ulster cricketer for posting all my poems & stories over the seasons on this forum.

I am very proud to announce that they have now been added to a new official poetry section on the bibliography of Irish cricket, which can be found on that particular website, so I'm am very much appreciative of all the support I've received on here through the publishing of my submissions...thanks again! And to Andy Kennedy (once more) and other forum users for their often supportive words & advice.

(Wonder will they start paying me a fee for these poems ?? Better watch out incase the Chancellor gets wind of it!!)

The Chancellor

11 Downing Street

25th Feb 2013

Totally Flaberghasted at the hellbent desire to throw money at anything and everything

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but is there a 'Monet Pit' or 'Tree' I've missed ?

I read with incredulity the comments made by some well respected voices in the local game.

We need to stop this obsession with trying to take on the world and realise that locally, Cricket has achieved nothing but virtual insignificance, despite all the efforts.

The day umpires are paid £100 a match will be the day I hang up the boots.

Have one umpire per match if necessary, he can face both ends, with square Leg from the batting side ?

Failing that Umpire it as per the lower leagues.

If you don't like it, then take up a sport that the average Joe in NI actually cares about.

Maybe that's too obvious !