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Ryan McCarter

Watching Brazil

17th Jun 2014

The real question being asked should be why are schools 1st XI sides playing on a Saturday? surely they should only play on mid week afternoons as it is costing the players opportunities with their club sides. Both should work together for the improvement of the game instead of the current impasse.

andy kennedy

Costa del Buckna

17th Jun 2014

Wasn't meant to be critical Peter - my comments were aimed at the "social media" postings that predicted the demise of all cricket as a result of one game! Personally I agree with the principle behind the rule and if anyone has a good look at it they will see the logic. Same applies in club rugby and prevents "loading" of teams. And just to be clear, I am not in any way suggesting that this occured on this occasion.

Jeff Mguire

dying with hay fever looking RAIN

17th Jun 2014

peter I agree INSTONIANS 4th beat our seconds very easily and LOST POINTS in my opinion they should not be penalised as no fault of the team that played fair and square as no matter what people keep saying cricket is no were as near strong as people think if you take away STALWARTS in clubs every team be in trouble and this nonsense of playing two matches nearly every weekend is going be ruination of a sport I love as its wrecking lives never mind clubs .rules are rules but even its only my opinion I think that exceptional circumstances like sat should never result in penalising teams that do play .



16th Jun 2014

Andy I believe Instonians fell foul to a school match dragging on due to the travelling side arriving late from the north west and not agreeing to reduce the match. They had legitimately selected their sides and due to unforeseen circumstances had to forefit their match. It's my opinion their junior teams losing points due to this is harsh given the genuine reasons but as they say rules are rules. Hardly worth criticism.

andy kennedy

Costa del Buckna

16th Jun 2014

Flossie and I have just discovered a cricketers hideaway - Archana on Belfast's Dublin Road. And my good pal and fellow umpire Ashok Sharma always ready to give his opinions on every aspect of cricket - bit like this Forum but with excellent Indian food added!! Tonight's subject was the failure of Instonians 2s to get a side out and the angst on the social network of the effect on the more junior sides. We agreed obviously a selection problem within the club rather than the demise of junior cricket as described by pundits on that media.

Clarence Hiles

Cloud Nine

11th Jun 2014

The criticism of the Bowl Out in the Irish Senior Cup by Alastair Bushe amongst others is well made and I would strongly support moves to have it removed from the NCU Cup competitions as well. These matches should be determined on the pitch and not in Duckworth Lewis contrived permutations or skittles style lotteries and hopefully clubs like Waringstown will make proposals to have the rules changed. And hopefully they will be supported.

C Boomer

Poet's corner ..

10th Jun 2014

The forecast if it can be relied upon, states the last of these heavy downpours are to fade away by tonight and from tomorrow the weather is to be fine and fair, so hopefully the dreaded text 'Match off' won't come through on your mobile phone this coming Saturday morning!

Though handy as these little electronic devices are, I wouldn't get too carried away and emotionally attached to them, folk still should chat face to face..

Fear of the Dark !

I felt compelled as oft the case,
to take a stroll of an evening late
so suitably attired I set off,
out the door, then out the gate.

I crossed street,walked down the road
then came to a lonely lane
and with purpose in my stride,
proceeded along this dark domain.

The night time sky was clear and bright
behind a luminous full moon,
blackthorn hedge bounded either side
enclosed me within a linear tomb.

Undeterred I journeyed on,
as sterile air revitalized my lungs,
then in the stillness of the nigh
I heard the wagging of little tongues?

The caw and cackle of the crows
roosting high up in the trees,
as each compete for purchase
before the night time freeze.

That shrieking banshee’s cry,
just the howling of a feral fox,
those flapping noises vampires not,
just a circling owl or hunting hawks.

Refreshed and well satiated
on nature’s nocturnal,nourishing, noise
on return walking up the street,
I passed a couple of hooded boys.

Politely I bid each “Good night”
but no reply, each texting on a phone,
so briskly I continued now perturbed,
those two rude beings had chilled me to the bone!

Al Chams

Chambers Park

6th Jun 2014

Portadown Taverners seeking Sunday opponents for matches at Chambers Park. Mixed ability, ages, gender, no problem we can accommodate.


M. Parks (VCC)


6th Jun 2014

Apparently, Jos Buttler was warned twice before he was dismissed in that manner. Was it not against the spirit of the game for him to continue leaving his crease early, when he had been asked twice not to?

andy kennedy

still fishing in Buckna

5th Jun 2014

Not sure that I recall that incident - I do recall my comments regarding Mr. Collingwood's begrudging attitude at Stormont. My point was the double standards of the media in their concept of the spirit of cricket.



4th Jun 2014

I seem to remember a lot of negative reaction, including from yourself Andy, when Ryan Sidebottom collided with the NZ batsman which resulted in a run out a few years ago. Howls of protest saying that Collingwood should have withdrawn the appeal, against the spirit of the game etc, yet no laws were broken that day either.

You can't have it both ways Andy

andy kennedy

balmy Buckna

4th Jun 2014

Lots of bleating in the media and closer to home on a leading cricket writer's social media account about "that" run out. "Spirit of cricket" being bandied about by those who didn't see anything wrong when Mr. Broad "cheated" by not walking. Funny how things change!! Perhaps Mr. Bushe should read Law 42 (8) before advocating retalitory action.

bronwell williams

cape town, South Africa

4th Jun 2014

any club looking to sign a Late replacement PLAYER/ COACH or CLUB COACH? 34 year old Level 3 coach available. thank you

Clarence Hiles


3rd Jun 2014

That's good to hear Andy as Ballygomartin Road is still one of the great Belfast cricket venues and no cricket CV would be complete without playing there. Really good to hear positive things as too often our cricket Forums highlight negatives when so many good things are happening at the same time.
Good things are news too!
Just like the return of the UC website.
Apologizes to everyone for our sabbatical.

andy kennedy


2nd Jun 2014

I know that there will be some who will scoff at this but it was a delight to see old fashioned standards being observed at Woodvale on Sunday where the home side waited until the visitors had partaken of the buffet. A lot of guys could learn from this. I have commented on the excellent catering at Lisburn but the ladies at Ballygomartin Road are definitely up there. There has been a considerable amount of work done around the ground during the close season with the new fencing and the benches round the boundary. Looking really well - pity CR couldn't figure out the new scoreboard!!!