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Godfrey Duncan

United Kingdom

28th Jun 2014

i am looking for some photos of my dad Tom Duncan in his cricket days.. would anyone have any team photos..

Brian Kelso


27th Jun 2014

RE: Tom Duncan. Pass on my best wishes Jeff. Tom was a true gentleman when he played the game and always had time for a drink and a chat after the game. Remember those days?

Jeff Maguire

Dundrum .

27th Jun 2014

Went to visit Tom Duncan ex Cooke player in hospital who is very ill in ulster hospital . Tom has been following Dundrum cc for over a decade a total gentleman and a very decent bowler and was wondering can anyone add few details on here as want go see him next week and would love mention to him as always enjoyed playing against him especially at newforge as him and Wilbur Workman would always be hard score of . HE is highly thought of at our club as always gave you positives thoughts no matter how weak or badly we played as he always said enjoy the game winning is not everything .On a positive note fantastic result for Dundrum under 11 team winning by 40 runs at the lawn after beating templepatrick/bangor and waringstown so now Donaghcloney in semi final of Quoile cup.

jeff maguire

rant over

24th Jun 2014

Id go as far below premier no power plays or the silly 2 catcher discs , and have 40 over cricket for one season(if clubs after year don't like finishing early revert bac 50 ) and if you play sat the game sun is max 25 overs as if I was starting playing its simply ridiculous be asked play 200 overs in weekend (dundrum never bat the overs sum will rightly say) Id have inner circles in all cricket inc under 15 as its a joke that some clubs drop all fielders even in friendly under 15, congratulations MAX BURTON who scored 154 not out in under 13 cup game against us last night for carrick


If you're good enough, you're young enough!

23rd Jun 2014

Yes indeed Andy & Ivan you both got the gist of my last post and as Jeff has previously alluded too, every club has their stalwarts/characters and where would we be without them?

They are the lifeblood of our beloved sport, each one every bit as intergral to the running, harmony and fortunes of their respective clubs as anyone else in the camp!

So to the next mature 20 something, 30 or even 40 year old who feel obliged to tell me they're quitting cricket cause they're either:

1. 'done' 2. going to play more golf 3. want to spend more time with the girlfriend or wife/wife & girlfriend, or simply 4. the old bunions are annoying them more than usual, you'll understand that vacant look about my expression!

Neale Matthews


23rd Jun 2014

Went to Shaw's Bridge yesterday - saw a great game of cricket, went to the last over (40 over game)and was home in Portadown at 5.10pm.

Game started at 11am.

Food for thought?

andy kennedy

Costa del Buckna

23rd Jun 2014

surely the answer is quite simple - make the regulations the same throughout the leagues apart from the Premiership & Section 1 where there are differences regarding close catchers, power plays, etc.

Graham Watt

East Belfast

23rd Jun 2014

Couldnt agree more with you Sam. This did come up at the AGM I believe but was voted down which we were surprised at.

We at Cregagh have already come across this scenario this season and it really kills the team chasing the total as it ends up with everyone on the boundary turns the game into a bit of a farce.

I know where Ivan is coming from in terms of umpiring our own games but is it really that moreonerous to ask for one circle to be marked out and that at least 4 players must be in there at all times excluding the wicket keeper!



20th Jun 2014

Re Ivan and inner ring.

Singles aren't going to cut it when you need 30 off three !

Ivan McCombe

Resting at home

20th Jun 2014

Ref Sam and four fielders " in the ring ".
I have played 8 games this season in Junior 4 and not in one of those have a I witnessed myself or the other captain ringing the boundary. With cricket st this level being " self umpired" I think adding further bye laws just complicates the issue.
The simplest way to counter act deep field placing is to start taking singles and twos and forcing the opposition to change the field. It's not techniques that I notice lacking at this level but more understanding of how to compile an innings and from a bowlers perspective working out that " dot balls " are important.
Calum's post about Gerard Johnston has certainly made me think that I should be thinking of playing for 60 years rather than the 50 , I thought I would stop at in 2020.
The other week I played against Don Shields who I believe is 70 and he gave a performance any 17 year old wicketkeeper would have been proud of.
He also said something to me at the tea interval which made me realise he is a true legend. I asked him about his hamstring which I had read he had hurt the previous week and he said " I didn't warm up properly ". No reference to his age as an excuse.
Ask any ex player watching this weekend and they will tell you " it's a poor substitute for playing ". If you really want to support your club get the whites out and pass on your experience and love of the game to the youngsters coming through.
A guy said to me this week " you would probably be happy to have a heart attack on the cricket field " . He was shocked when I told him I already had ( in 2006 ) and now look forward to my second successive double header weekend.
I can think of nothing better to do this weekend than to be playing at The Mall on Saturday and Moylena on Sunday.

andy kennedy

Costa del Buckna

19th Jun 2014

Caleb - that is truly remarkable and Gerald is to be congratulated. However I shouldn't really be surprised as I recall his energetic dancing with Flossie at that brilliant night at the Victoria awards night!! Took her about 3 days to cool down!! I met him at Lurgan last year and he was looking really fit & well. And still prepared to answer the call to help out the 3rds!! As I was saying the other day that I never heard anyone say that they retired too late.

clarence Hiles

Mexican bookmakers

18th Jun 2014

Am I the only person who thinks this World Cup is fixed? Too many funny results and strange things happening. Fixing doesn't just happen in cricket.

Clarence Hiles

Memory Lane

18th Jun 2014

Why can't we have schools cricket and club cricket on Saturdays? It has worked for years so what is the big difference in 2014? We also had schools rugby on Saturday morning and I recall playing football for Comber Rec seconds in the afternoon on many occasions. OK there are logistics with shorter games but we still got home around lunchtime, Mum made a fry for whoever I brought home and we headed off to play our afternoon games. Saturdays weren't that complicated until girlfriends and drink came along! LOL

C Boomer

Last of the summer wine...

18th Jun 2014

Up in the northwest of the country, the Glendermott 'Pro' wasn't the only cricketer this week who was rewriting the records books on the field of play and thrilling the watching crowds with his prolific batsmanship!

At around the same time last Saturday playing for Victoria 3rds in a Minor cup match, a certain sprightly Mr Gerald Johnston bowled his allotted spell for 12 runs and was very unfortunate not to have at least bagged himself one opponents wicket during his tidy spell!

Of course unlike Mr Silva, neither his name nor bowling figures will appear up in lights for future generations to read and admire and for posterity's sake.
There'll just be a little penned scribble in the corner of two junior side's score-books of when he came on as a fourth change bowler and set about this herculean achievement!

But ask yourself this question!

How will your cricketing statistics read when you are 76 years old?



17th Jun 2014

I think it's about time the "4 fielders in the ring" rule be intruduced at all junior adult matches. I believe it only applies in junior 1 at present.
I have played in 6 matches this year below junior 3 and in all of them at some stage nearly all fielders where on the boundary with only one or two within 30 yards of the pitch.
This doesn't promote the learning of good tactical bowling, field placing or batting.