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jeff maguire

more rumours

26th Nov 2008

rodney . if you would start BUYING a odd drink i might make im only walking 4 nights a week as drink weekends & the usual 3 chinese carry outs & if you can get me a diet that can stop me from doing both you might see me don the whites (if they still fit) .rumour has it that on saintfields website the picture off the two getting crucified is meant too be me & ted the notorious BOOKMARKERS!!.think we both be happy with the hair & the FIGURES.(ITS UNDER ISTS RELEGATED TOO SECTION 3) lol

jeff maguire

free sport!!!!!!!!!!

26th Nov 2008

anyone want see FREE SPORT go too or its shows live cricket footie boxn golf & most sports form the comfort of your computer & most of the forumites do seem too have time for relaxing. kp just hit cracking ton .



26th Nov 2008

What about a 6's league next year? just an idea and would probably generate a bit of interest.

Tricky bit is prob getting figures from clubs though

Rodney Hassard


25th Nov 2008

Mark, let me tell you if Jeff Maguire did come out of retirement he wouldn't let himself down by any means. He could still bowl and bowl well at the best of them. If he was fit and under 16 stone then he might have had a chance....rumour is though he's been seen pacing the promenades of Newcastle quite frequently so you never know, could the legend make a comeback? Watch this space!

jeff maguire

when too pay up?

25th Nov 2008

mark, that did make me laugh but most people know more chance of finding osama bin ladden on strangford road than tayto paying up!!!!!!!!!!! . have too say probably never was good enuff too play in downpatrick but did have the pleasure of getting wassem haider dropped of a dolly by my brother & just too rub salt in my wounds he hit the next too balls half way up the garden ON THE THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STRANGFORD ROAD didnt laugh for a week (massive hitting).these rumours are great crack helps shorten winter.

S irwin


25th Nov 2008

More fuel to the fire. N Connelly to join Derriaghy with R Shah, due to club fall out. D Connelly to join if the price is right


beside the fire

25th Nov 2008

I hear jeff maguire is coming out of retirement to leave his village club of dundrum which he has been a member since the 2nd world war to play for neighbours downpatrick.i believe he is going to open the bowling with taito and rumours are that if he takes more wickets at the end of the season taito will begrudingly pay up the bet he owes

Wayne Horwood


25th Nov 2008

Re Andy Kennedy. I would hazard a guess that Les might have his feet up watching the FA Cup final having a few pints as opposed to playing cricket no matter who he is selected for.

andy kennedy

not Buckna

24th Nov 2008

interesting "news" item on the NCU site - Les Allen has been banned from the first four games to be played next season by "Muckamore 1sts". What if he isn't selected for the 1sts and decides to turn out for the 2s?!!

Roger Sinton

Mid Ulster

24th Nov 2008

Re Toby

I am surprised by some of your rumoured transfers particularly J.Hewitt going back to Bangor and P.McCrum going to Laurelvale - I heard that CI have not only held onto McCrum and Hewitt but have also recruited C.McCrum as well under the leadership of Derek Heasley.

Bruce Topping

The Vale

23rd Nov 2008

Sachin Tendulkar, Yuvraj Singh and Ishant Sharma to sign for Laurevale after the IPL !

Toby Beresford


22nd Nov 2008

Other rumours :

A. Coulter - Waringstown
J. Hewitt - Bangor
P. Connell - English club
B. Anderson - Carrick
P. McCrum - Laurelvale
M. Taiaroa (NZ) - Carrick
P. Sterling - N. Down
J. Cunningham - Waringstown
R. Lucas - Cooke



21st Nov 2008

Other players moving ?

Hall to CIYMS in insurance scam.....

jeff maguire


21st Nov 2008

DONT BELIEVE THE RUMOURS!!!!!!!!!!!, hope taito that your not leaving your home club again as then i will have no chance ( if any?) of getting the 40£ bet that you owe me ?best rumour ive heard is that veteran noel maguire is playing for his last year for the 5th year in a row, but too add fuel too the other rumour taito didnt pay b4 the CREDIT CRUNCH so wat chance now????????????ps great post wayne we just wish in county down that the POLISH could play cricket as well as they

John V


21st Nov 2008

Rodney, the only "Chinese Whispers" will be at the Victoria annual dinner!