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davy mcd VCC

Enjoying my Saturday morning lie-in.

29th Apr 2013

Ref start times
I remain opposed to earlier start times, as I know of a number of players that work Saturday mornings, night shifts etc, and in these times of austerity, there will be a right few I would say that the chance of 4 hours overtime on a saturday morning before heading to the ground for a 1pm start would be very welcome.
We have had a player that for the last number of seasons has arranged with their boss to let him start at 7am so he can get away at 11:30 for away games and about noon for home games, have the games starting earlier, and it would just mean another player lost to the game.



28th Apr 2013

Saw a lot of games called off yesterday which is a shame already looking trying to find slots in a busy schedule does not suit many..... On other news, Great result for Lurgan. However is it true that 2 of the North West recruits did not turn up for C.I?

andy kennedy

making up for lost time in Buckna

28th Apr 2013

I realise that this topic has been raised before but I make no apologies for bringing it up again - starting times. Yesterday I spent a couple of hours trying to stay out of Flossie's way before starting off for Shaw's Bridge at just after 11:00 for a 13:00 start. To be fair both sides bowled their over "in time" and while the game didn't go the full distance, it was still a return home at 20:30. It was a good job that we had a bright day or the light could have been poor enough towards the end. Now I realise that the schools cricket debate will be put forward so my remarks are directed primarily at the First Division games - the matches that usually have official umpires. Lots of games were off yesterday but I simply ask "how many teams in the First division would not have been ready to start at 12:00 yesterday if conditions had permitted?" I know that all the points have been made before such as clubs can start earlier by agreement (don't know of any of those), schoolboys not available until after schools' games (don't know of too many of those in the higher Sections). As I pointed out I am referring to the "top" Sections, not the other Divisions where there is the facility for reducing overs. Any thought?

Clarence Hiles


26th Apr 2013

Thanks Roger

Roger Bell


25th Apr 2013

Hi Clarence, I share your congratulations to Gary on his hundred yesterday, and hope it's one of many he scores for Surrey in the future. However, it is not his maiden century for Surrey, as he scored 125 v Leicestershire in 2010.

Clarence Hiles


25th Apr 2013

Congratulations to Gary Wilson on his maiden county cricket century for Surrey. Great achievement and we wish him all the best for the rest of the season.


The rumour mill

25th Apr 2013

The meadow could be the place to be this weekend, rumours flying about that a certain destructive ireland opening batsman could be playing against us. Although the ville boys are playing it very close to their chest. Will we get extra seating in? lol

Hope he likes it wet, the place is pretty damp we could do with some dry weather between now and saturday to get it on

NCU Development Team


24th Apr 2013

Already been posted on the home page but would like to take the opportunity on the forum to again promote the competition that the NCU are running for the season. The Union have kindly put up a fantastic prize for the winner; two tickets for the much anticipated Ireland v England One day International at the new ground in Malahide in September. The prize will also include an overnight stay in Dublin after the game. All money raised will be going directly to Youth Cricket development in the NCU so the competition is well worth a go.
Competition is based on selecting an NCU club from the Senior Leagues each weekend. If the club you select win their game you progress, if they lose you fall out of the running. Once you have picked a team they cannot be selected again. There are rules in place for postponed matches etc. and for a full list of the rules you can visit the website or if you have a specific query you can email
There is a prize to be won of course but another aspect in the Unions thoughts was to increase interest in the game throughout clubs and supporters of the game. We would really like to get all clubs from Premier through to Senior 3 involved (and even those from outside the country)
The competition begins on the weekend of May 4th so there is plenty of time to get involved. Register your interest by emailing
Really think this could a fun competition with a bit of banter amongst clubs and players. So, our thanks to all those already entered and hopes for many more.
Ally (on behalf of NCU Development committee)



23rd Apr 2013

The John Mooney affair can now be put to bed after his 3 match ban although many people will feel he got off light. He embarrassed CI and his playing mates. I'm also not going to canonize him like some people are doing because he made a quick apology because he only did that following a phone call from Warren Deutrom. Good on you Warren to act promptly to defuse the situation but let's not give the kudos to Mooney for it.

Neil Hunter


21st Apr 2013

Its a small small world!!

Niranjan texted from Pune yesterday evening to see how we were getting on at The Lawn. Instead of texting back I rang him. Niranjan answered and said to hold on as he wanted me to speak to someone from Northern Ireland. He put on one Steve Hanna from Donacloney with whom he was having a beer with.

Steve asked me to tell the boys from the Cloney that he was thinking of emigrating due to the warm weather and how it made cricket an all round better game to watch when it was warm and the beer was cold!!

Philip ferguson


21st Apr 2013

Hi any youth players interested in playing cricket for ards cc please contact myself boys and girls u11 u13 u15 age group anymore infomation can contact me on 07885213024 thanks

jonathan lyttle

Taking a break

19th Apr 2013

For the first time in 20 years I will not be scoring at club level this year and am looking forward to the break although I have a number of matches to score at involving Ireland and NCU. I would like to wish my two old clubs the very best for 2013. Laurelvale under David Sinton have some good young players and this season will be a challenge but I believe that a mid table position is not beyond them. Cooke Collegians were so unlucky last season and will feature in the top three if they can put out a near full strength side and I would consider a Junior Cup Hat Trick as not beyond them. Some of you may be aware that I have resigned as Secretary of NIACUS and I am sorry that I had little choice due to problems with others who felt that I was too capable of doing my job and they were simply unsure how to do theirs. I feel that I gave 110% to NIACUS but this was too much for those who were unable to match my ability to get the job done. I wish the Executive Committee good luck and thank Michael Ross, Ian Houston, Kevin McConville and Alex Adams for their support and assistance. May I also offer my most sincere thanks to all those members who were a pleasure to work with and for but there remain several who were unable to cope with my ability to deliver a professional service to all.
Finally if anyone needs someone to fill in during season for whatever reason give me a call. Am free until mid June.



19th Apr 2013

Looking forward to a jaunt to the northwest for the weekend, hoping drummond and eglinton are fit to get some sort of cricket played. Good to see the sun shinig too.

Ryan Haire


18th Apr 2013

Cricket Open Night

NDCC are holding an open night at the Green for all interested youth (boys and girls) and adults of all ages and abilities.

We have started youth and girls coaching nights and are keen to develop both (girls Mondays 6.30 and youth Wednesday aged 7 upwards 6.30).

For more info contact us via or call Ryan Haire on 07988937391.

Thanks and have a great summer to all.

davy mcd VCC

practising my wide signals

18th Apr 2013

Ref Colins section 3 predictions, would be interesting to know how many new signings the PSNI have for them to be in the running for promotion, maybe the limit to 35 overs will enable them to get a lot of new players, failing that my prediction would be
Saintfield - BISC

But more importantly, I hope that none of the sides have to scratch games due to not being able to field a side, and that Portadown and Dungannon are able to field second 11's next year again.