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Sheltering Under the Covers

28th May 2013

George - the game was due to be at Shaw's Bridge. With Strabane having so far to travel it was a tricky call to make and one we had to make early given the distances and travel time involved. Bringing them all the way to Belfast for there to be no play would have seemed senseless - especially given last year in the same competition they travelled all the way down and after sitting about for a couple of hours we had a bowl out anyway.

Even with a lot of work I don't think we would have got the place playable last weekend; it was just in that bad a condition with some serious deep puddles on the outfield especially not to mention the square.

I just feel there is an argument to be made that the games in the competition shouldn't have to be decided on day one, and I suspect other clubs would be willing to do the same. Putting in the same rule as in the Irish Cup where the fixture location is reversed would encourage the home team to make the best efforts to play the first game if at all possible.

I think the efforts of North Down and Brigade should be commended and in fact I think they back up my opinion that players at 2nd XI level in both the NCU and North West find this competition very worthwhile and enjoyable.



27th May 2013

Perhaps too many different competitions Andy, especially for the senior teams and all the varying rules that accompany each!

Tricky enough to get a league programme & one cup tournament fixture fulfilled per season in this current climate, let alone so many other ones that need to be played up and down the country!

Must be very difficult for the umpires to keep abreast of all rules & regulations ! Sterling effort never-the-less!!

But as the cook would say, 'too much water can spoil the broth'

andy kennedy

Costa Buckna

26th May 2013

Just back from Cregagh. This was my 5th game this year and each one with a different set of regulations. Premier League, Bob Kerr ISC, Club Turf, Challenge Cup & now Junior Cup. Anyone any thoughts on bringing some sense to this situation?



24th May 2013

Aaron yes bowl outs r a pain what about a super over instead did you travel on sunday to strabane I hesr north down went to brigade and played as the groundsmen did a lot of work and both sets of players wanted to play as they wanted a game of cricket sometimes groundsnen could not be bothererd as it is the seconds and players either want to play or not

davy mcd VCC

tired of the rain

24th May 2013

Question for umpires...
Under the Laws of Cricket, a keeper cannot take the ball in front of the stumps, but is there anything to stop the batsmans back foot of being behind this line?
(yes, I am watching the IPL)



22nd May 2013


Downpatrick are hosting a T10 tournament on Monday 27th May involving teams from Dundrum, North Down, NCU select, and Downpatrick.

The action starts at 10.30 a.m, it will be a great day of fun for all the family, with meal deals in the restaurant, and bouncy castle and face painting for the kids.

Get yourself and the family down for a great days enetertainment.



21st May 2013

With reference to the Ulster Plate competition, is it time to allow the chance to have a replay if a first attempt at playing the match is impacted by weather? Of the 7 first round fixtures completed so far 4 were decided by way of bowl out. My side has gone out of the competition in this manner twice in the last two years (perhaps we just need to work on hitting the stumps more!)

For 2nd XIs I think there is a lot of value in the competition and it definitely adds something extra to the season. I can understand why results are needed in the Clubturf as 1st XIs play in many other competitions and fixture congestion is an issue but this isn't such an issue for 2nd XIs.

For example in last year's competition the semi finals were held on July 8th with the final on 12th August. This year there is approximately a month between each round. Plenty of scope to try and fit in a rearrangement which could follow the Irish Cup formula of having to switch grounds. Games should be decided on the field rather than in a bowl out lottery if at all possible.

jeff maguire

praying for dry sat = Dundrum v Waringstown

21st May 2013

FRIDAY 1 PM/ 5PM Dundrum CC golf classic @Downpatrick cost 80£ per fourball for tee off times contact Jeff 07730334479.

andy kennedy


20th May 2013

well done to Michael & Moley Craig for getting the Moylena ground into shape for the U15s yesterday after the tumult on Saturday. The pics on the CI site of Coleraine reflect the problems.

Robin haire

Sunny comber

10th May 2013

Hi Charlie great to hear from you.looking forward to seeing your photos.i remember those matches very clearly as its not every day u meet ur cricketing hero as I did when I met imran khan.hit him for 2 fours in a row then he nearly took my head off next ball which wasn't easy on cregagh u remember Freddie Trueman was our manager for the 2matches and also remember that week so well as we travelled 2 ballymena Monday to Thursday to finish off a senior cup quarter final not.finished the previous Saturday and then went back on the Friday night with big ray ards monty d wish Lionel semple u and me to win the ballymena sixes with the famous sponge ball. Seems just like yesterday and not 22 years ago.hope to c u soon

Charles McCrum


10th May 2013

Hi Robin. Always good to read comments from my former skipper. Hope you don't mind me replying on this channel. Hiler was correct in his response.
I wasn't much for photos but have a couple that my friend took that day of the teams.
Amazing when you think of the players on show for those games and so few spectators. It really highlights Irelands future ambitions etc are not going to happen.
The main 2 things I remember about that both involved the great Imran Khan.The first was that Imran hit the second biggest six I had ever seen, against Raza. The second was ( and I am sure you will not mind me mentioning it) was that you played that famous cover drive of yours to put Imran away for 4!
Of course Imran went on to lead Pakistan to the famous world cup victory and he now looks like he could be the next leader of Pakistan.
I have a couple of coloured photos of that day which I will leave down with you.

C. Bommer

Tomorrow is promised to no one!

9th May 2013

The Dawn of a New Season

As the cricket season draweth near,
The winter doldrums, fast, become small beer
Players and officials most revere
Search for crumpled whites and dusty gear

The great fraternity, from hibernation reappear
As an awakening bear, stern and austere
Then imbue each other’s speculative ear
With various conundrums, intended sincere

Their curiosity doth blend and cohere
Like prophets, gazing into a crystal sphere
Before a ball is bowled cavalier
Or struck back eagerly, without fear!

Will the sun from a blue background adhere?
And shine warm, bright and clear?
Which team will lift the cup in cheer?
Or sit proudly atop the summit of the premier?

What bowler and which batsman will domineer,
And top the averages for this year?
Long into the night shall they persevere
About the game all so endear!

From common man to noble peer
For these answers all must wait, patiently to hear
As no mortal human mere, can ever hope to interfere
With father time, as he rows a pearly craft of gilded veneer
Charting forward, at an always steady steer...The Celestial Gondolier!

Indeed let’s pray, an almighty hand of zenith tier
Shall never bowl a ball, to end his career
The consequence of which, would be rather severe
As both you, me and the universe, into a black-hole
would instantaneously, disappear!



7th May 2013

Billy you should know every way of getting out over your long career! I wonder why the umpires didn't give you out 'though as it sounds like you put the fielder off. Plenty of food for thought on that one.


Balmy Belfast

6th May 2013

After over 40 years of playing cricket I almost discovered a new way of getting myself out.
I skied an on-drive towards the fielder and while the ball was in mid-air I loudly called my partner, 'Easy 2' and the fielder fumbled and dropped the catch.
The umpires discussed whether or not my call was- 'obstructing the field' but decided in my favour.

Ivan Mccombe

At home polishing my six a side winners medal

6th May 2013

Davy Mcd VCC

Thought provoking post. We had a club 6 a side tournament at Muckamore yesterday with 8 teams made up from current players, past players , social members and it was a great family day out with loads of wives, girlfriends and children. A free BBQ etc. I think clubs should look at providing family friendly facilities to encourage people to play the game more. The facilities can be fenced in with a net roof so that kids don't get hit with the ball and with the deals at the supermarkets providing BBQ's , ice creams etc can add to the day out. If tinkering with start times and number of overs isn't doing it then we need to look at other solutions.
I fear as more resources in time and money are put towards the inter pros and the Premier League then less and less will be done to encourage grassroots club cricket.
I see stats saying more and more are playing the game yet see clubs not fielding 2nds and 3rds teams so I just wonder who is compiling these stats and what data they are using.