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Clarence Hiles


6th Jan 2014

You might be right but my comments were more out of disappointment than criticism and I'm sure he was also nervous. The injury was later diagnosed as cramp but his bowling second time round wasn't all that good either as detailed by the commentators. It's the highest platform you can reach so there is nowhere to hide. We all wanted the big man to succeed but like most of the team he didn't turn it on. I hope he gets another chance or figures in the ODIs but I'm not so sure. Some of the commentators were bemused that he got the nod in front of Tremlett, Bresnan and Finn and these guys are close to the decision-makers. I'd prefer to see him back for Ireland!

andy kennedy


4th Jan 2014

Boyd Rankin isn't the only one who looks out of his depth. These England performances are no longer a joke but are now pathetic. Even Flossie says 'they don't seem to be very good'. If this was a boxing match the ref would stop it now. Botham now describes it as embarrassing!

Andrew Kenny


3rd Jan 2014

Think you being a tad harsh on Boyd Clarence. 8 overs is hardly enough time to determine whether or not he is good enough for this level, his first couple of balls to Watson and pace up to 88mph means they have plenty to work with, he should have been picked to played at the WACA. On your logic the great Shane Warne wouldn't have had much of a test career Ha !!

Clarence HIles


3rd Jan 2014

Congratulations to Boyd Rankin on winning his first test cap. It justifies his decision to opt for England in recent times although there will be mixed feelings throughout Ireland. Unfortunately there was no silver lining as Boyd looked very ordinary at this level and suffered further ignominy when he injured his hamstring and looks likely to struggle to play any further part in this game.


Happy New Year !

31st Dec 2013

There's always someone looking !

Mrs Most the perfect host, loved to boast,
of her lifestyle celebrity
Cordon bleu, through and through, preparing food,
in front of all and sundry
Then for dessert, a speculative flirt, with something inert,
made from an illicit tree !

But, 'my o my', a passing fly, got rather high
and told a busy bee
Whose clear dismay at this affray, did not delay,
rightful expediency
It informed the press, about this sordid mess and the rest,
as they say is history !

P.C. Plum liked to beat his drum, no one’s chum,
when on patrol
On road or street, never discreet, had targets to meet,
promotion his only goal
He reported his Aunt Annie, his Uncle Danny even his Granny,
a vigilante, without heart or soul !

Then after duty, all smug and snooty, not on footie,
drove to a public house
At the bar, he drank more than a jar, then returned to his car,
like an unprincipled louse
But an angry wasp, told an albatross who notified his boss,
now Mr Plum has no job or spouse!

Little Lord Fauntleroy, a spoilt boy, foul play his deceitful ploy,
to win every game
Batting at the wicket, playing cricket, he thinly nicked it,
though remained without shame
But the umpire had no doubt, it was a worthy shout and gave him out,
so his lordship, called him a nasty name!

Then a watching toad from a nearby road, told a crow to dispatch its load,
most unceremoniously
it landed dead on his lordship’s head and nothing more was said,
rude or pretentiously
so take heed, no matter class or creed, beware the perils of weed
and never concede, your moral integrity !

Whether cooking or booking, bowling or hooking,
keep your dignity intact, as here's a fact, there’s always someone looking!

David Sharpe


30th Dec 2013

With the new year almost on us the rumour mill seems to be very quiet particularly in the Premier League.

Are CI the only ones to have announced there signings or is there any others out there? Any other pros confirmed?

Clarence Hiles


23rd Dec 2013

With apologizes to Caleb K Boomer...

Time to reflect
Think of our place in the world where we live,
And reflect on the things we should ask to forgive,
Think of the future and a better place,
For our friends and our family to enjoy and embrace,
Think of the things we too often neglect,
For in the journey of life there’s no going back,
Think of the Great Man when he measures our worth,
It won’t be in dollars or the width of our girth,
He’ll look at our virtues and what we gave others,
Our friends and our family, our sisters and brothers.
Think of yourself and some inner spring cleaning,
If the message of Christmas has any true meaning.

Merry Christmas to everyone from Peter and Clarence



22nd Dec 2013

If England are imploding, fight fire with fire;

No better time then to unleash the mighty Bready man on the marauding Aussies, would love to see it happen !


Unorthodox indeed but stay at the crease as long as you can !

andy kennedy

baltic Buckna

22nd Dec 2013

It was wonderful to see 2 of the doyens of Ulster cricket out and about at the Europa on Wednesday past and looking so dapper. They were clearly good form - Cecil Walker was looking forward to being back at Wallace Park and Billy Boyd looking forward to Muckamore beating them! On a separate note - is the England team imploding? Maybe they will be back to trawl in Irish cricket!

Frank Brannigan

Post Office

18th Dec 2013

Caleb Kirkpatrick Boomer

Please, please, please.

(read as telegram for the uninitiated)


And finally....

17th Dec 2013

It's not always about scoring runs, (though England's finest may beg to differ!)

"Providence", said a Pig !

The past summer had been long and incongruously hot
still I played every game, though my score remained nought
yet despite that empty feeling, like when you've lost the lot,
I remained steadfast in the hope of one final, productive shot!
But in the very last match, providence brought
those longed for scoring runs, so eagerly sought
then after, straight to an ale house without a thought,
of my betrothed elsewhere waiting, like the lady of Shallot!
As that previous day, a fine wedding ring I had bought
hand crafted and embossed with a jewel, expertly wrought
my intention to propose at a well known lover's spot,
a place where each evening, we would meet at precisely 8 o'clock!

But too much booze and bravado, mixed together in a pot
are quite often the undoing, of many an honorable plot
so later that night, swaggering down a road I knew not,
I tripped over my boot lace, which had not been tied taut,
landing head first into a ditch, like a clumsy clot!
As I lay there cursing, precarious and distraught
a passing pig sat down beside me, in the rancid rot
then with a look of disdain, it spoke somewhat fraught
and to this very day, its profound words I have never forgot!
"Providence can elevate a man, or make him squalid and squat
just as a drunken fool's efforts, invariably amount to naught
and no lady of principal, would marry a man who can't tie a knot!"
Then it slowly got up and made off in a trot, leaving me,
to mull over a lesson, sagaciously taught!

And a happy New Year !

Roger Bell


17th Dec 2013

Michael. I think it was Roger Harper's older brother Mark who played for Donaghcloney. Roger played for Woodvale.



17th Dec 2013

Might be wrong but I thought Roger Harper played for Donaghloney?

andy kennedy


17th Dec 2013

On behalf of us Kennedys I add my condolences to the Shields family at this time. My big pal at Ballymena, the late John Shields was a cousin of the North Down 'clan' and we always had a warm welcome from Brenda on our visits. In more recent years I would meet her when I had the pleasure of umpiring the 'young guys' and we always had a good chat. Our thoughts are with the wider family circle.


One from the archives......

16th Dec 2013

A Cricketing Christmas Cracker !

As I roved out one cold day on the 24th of December, I had in my possession as I well remember
An old cricket ball to practice my bowling, as I find this more engaging than simply strolling
And though you may find this somewhat hard to believe, bearing in mind ‘twas Christmas eve
But listen carefully to my implore and earnest entreat, this story is true, bereft of deceit!

So when in position and ready to go, I heard a gregarious laugh and someone bid me “ hello”
From out of the lengthening shadows appeared, a gigantic man sporting a flowing, white beard
Slung over his shoulder a most massive sack, which he set on the ground from off his broad back
From within he withdrew a new cricket bat, as nervously I pondered what may he do with that?

He then spoke to me saying, “Sir if you would, throw me that ball so I can break in this wood"
Thus I bowled at him at a fast pace, was he was the ghost of the late W.G. Grace?
And for all that I knew he may of well been, he was the best that I'd ever seen
A talented batsman dressed in red and white, who hit the ball with dynamic might!

Then he set down the bat with a grin, saying; “Well bowled but next time try spin
I’ll have to now leave I cannot stay, but thanks for the game and how well you play
But tonight many chimneys I shall descend, on me at this festive time, children depend
So please take that new bat, a present for you and take these parcels, for your family too!

And just before I leave may I also say this, always keep faith in the spirit of Christmas
For a little imagination is good for soul and what’s more, it can change dull brass into gold”
Then he smiled at me with a comical wink and instantly disappeared within an eye blink
And as I returned home it began to snow, then in the distance a voice yelled out; "Merry Christmas, Ho,ho, ho” !

Merry Xmas !