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Paul Stafford


13th Mar 2007

Just spotted the Irish guys in the crowd at the WI/Pakistan game. Thankfully as the camera dwelled on them Tony Cozier also knew them and gave them an honorable mention

Ryan Haire

Office Bound

13th Mar 2007


No need to be nervous ! The Zim team are getting worse each year.. and Ireland keep improving we are hitting the ground running ! No Mid Ulster controversy stirred up yet as Forum Editor ?

Paul Stafford


13th Mar 2007

Am I the only one nervous over the Zimbabwe/Ireland game? Everyone expects us to win yet despite their problems we are playing against full time professionals who are used to this level. This is our world cup final. If Ireland can beat Zimbabwe we have a real chance to qualify. Anybody any predictions?

Gareth McCarter


11th Mar 2007

Best of luck with the new website gents, always good to see another local cricket website on the go, lets hope theres some content from Section 2 as well.

Re. an Ulster League, I hope the NCU give their new "2up-2down" proposal a few seasons at making cricket more competitive as intended rather than bringing it in for one season before changing everything again. Are the Clubturf Ulster Cup and White Horse Ulster Shield big enough successes that they should be extended into a Saturday league? I wouldn't be entirely convinced.


PS: Gareth, 2 up 2 down has one problem. Those clubs wanting promoted want it in. Those fearing relegation don't want it. However once promoted the same club wants it back to 1 up 1 down and the club relegated wants it to stay 2up 2 down so they can get back up. Then it will be all change again.

An Ulster League is still a pipedream. Inter-Union competitions work best as cup matches.



11th Mar 2007

To all our Forum reader’s, we’re delighted to inform you that for the next month or so, Lurgan skipper Paul Stafford will be the guest editor for The Ulster Cricketer Forum.


Eglinton cc

10th Mar 2007

good luck peter with the website & good luck to the ireland team in the west indies. lets hope the supporters all survive the heat!!!

kirstie henry

Belfast- CIYMS

7th Mar 2007

Congratulations on the site, it's looking great, another good addition to Ulster cricketing info!

Norman Allen


2nd Mar 2007

Congrats on your new cricket site hope all goes well..Good luck to the Irish Invaders in Jamaica

DR Reddick


1st Mar 2007

Another good website about Irish Cricket.

Was reading the debate about an Ulster League on another site, what is the big deal about travel times?
You guys don't know what other countries do - a standard away match for me is 2 hours on average!

C Asio

Sri Lanka

28th Feb 2007

Good luck to the Ireland boys in Jamaica!

neil hunter


27th Feb 2007


I think that photo of me at the Lurgan Cricket Dinner last week does me a diservice !!!! Looks like you caught me at a bad moment!

To all you guys from North Down who came to the dinner can we at Lurgan say a big thanks

Also to all the cricketers and supporters from Waringstown, Umpires, Scorers + alikadoos from Instonians who also attended our sincere thanks. (I think it looked like a grasshoppers reunion)

Everyone who attended seemed to have a great night and one thing that shone through was that sportmanship is alive and healthy.

Best wishes for the website and good luck in your 150th year, please count us in for a table at La Mon

Sam Turner

A Distance

27th Feb 2007

Payment of players

Can I state from the outset that this relates to a decent standard of player.

Why should clubs who have raised the money not invest some of that in strengthing their team? I'm not sure what all the fuss is about.

And as for Irish Passport holders, is it not a case of 'the more the better'?
These will be good for the national game in the long run and should in theory help increase the standard of the provincial leagues.

If the kids are good enough, they will make it. Local cricket doesn't need teams with a poor standard of young players any more than it needs the poor standard older ones!



27th Feb 2007

Please enter our free competition to win a Reebok cricket bat - no strings attached!

ivan mccombe


25th Feb 2007

With a new coach on board for Ireland do we envisage any change in the squad after the World Cup? Are there any expected retirements or are there any players whose face didn't fit with the previous coach who might come back into the frame? Who is going to identify these players and inform the new coach? The Friends Provident games against the counties kick off the same time as our own club league.

Ryan Haire


22nd Feb 2007

Re Simon and UL.

Good to hear some positivity from someone whos club who potentially be damaged by a UL ! Would be interesting (if the editor could find time) to run a poll on the UL option as it stands , possibly a seperate one for each Union ? Would beat those rivals Cricketeurope to the draw..