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Joe Wilson

Greater Lisburn Metropolitan Area

2nd Nov 2008

So what's with this eegit Gambhir?
He pleads GUILTY and then appeals, NOT against the 1 Test ban but against the finding of him being Guilty!!!
Is he coming to the NCU next year?
PS - I bet the BCCI bullies expect to win this one as well!
Now if their lawyers opened a branch over here.......................

Clarence Hiles


29th Oct 2008

I understand some readers felt I did not represent the facts correctly relating to the CSN Appeal in this article so I wish to clarify the position.
I accept that the Appeals process from the date of the adjudication to the dinner was closer to 3 weeks and quoting 5 weeks going back to the match was not accurate. I also did not intentionally infer that CSN deliberately timed their Appeal to stop the trophy being presented so if any reader took that interpretation that was not my intention.
I therefore apologize for any confusion or embarrassment caused.



27th Oct 2008

Thanks Wayne. The innuendos were coming from elsewhere!
Unfortunately there doesn't seem much interest in interprovincial cricket from the top and there are some issues from the bottom if the interpro teams are selected only from Ireland hopefuls excluding older players, professionals and those who have opted out of the squad system. If we want a good interpro tournament then let's pick from everyone, and if we want Ireland trial matches then let's pick the teams accordingly. I'm not sure there's enough interest in either as the national squad has so many matches already, but Connell and West have proved that ability will be recognised.

Wayne Horwood


27th Oct 2008

Mark - there are no innuendos. I do not know the reason for the vote as I said in my previous comment. I am sure it was discussed and well thought out and when I do establish the reasons it is not for me to comment on this forum what they are.

For what it is worth a league of 8 teams would free up more time for a return of some form of inter pros going forward. I am not sure what other peoples views are but I would like to see inter pros back. The introduction of the forum could generate more interest in matches/teams and ultimately reduce the gulf between league cricket and international cricket/ireland development cricket and would let Irish selectors see the best of the rest.



25th Oct 2008

Wayne, you are right in that CSN don't have to explain to anyone their decision but looking outside the club and in the wider interests of cricket, it would be helpful for others not at the meeting to try and understand the logic. CSNI is back at the top of NCU cricket these days and the club has earned a lot of respect for getting there. So when you vote against a proposal that appears to promote better senior cricket there has to be a cricket reason. Please share it and let's set aside all the other innuendo that's clouding the cricket issue.

Wayne Horwood

Shaws Heap

25th Oct 2008

Tom - whilst I have expressed my view on a preference for 8 teams in a league why would CSN have to explain their reasoning for making a decision to you or anyone other than its members (I will ask don't worry!). I am sure other clubs do not have to account to this forum for decisions.

Yellow and Black - I read your comment correctly. I heard nothing said about lawyers on the day and I think you are stirring particularly by not saying who you are and who said what and in what context.

yellow and black


24th Oct 2008

Wayne if you had read my comment correctly it wasnt about your success during the season it was for the comments made by your senior member who was opening the champers while chirping about lawyers.



24th Oct 2008

Have to agree it was a strange decision by CSNI not to vote for the new structure as it appears to be in the interests of the more ambitious and progressive clubs.
Ironic that one point loses the league and a little two votes loses the union's proposal for change. I can't believe the two things are related Tom but let's hear it from the boys!

Wayne Horwood


24th Oct 2008

Re tom higgins - I am not on our committee and not aware of any facts re the voting at the AGM but from my perspective it is disappointing for the league not to go down to 8 teams and I am sure for a lot of others they feel the same.

As for yellow and black. The champagne was popped due to 16 league wins and a cup win. It was the 28th September after a long hard pretty successful season. I think trying to stir and not showing your name is pretty spineless.

Tom Higgins

County Antrim

24th Oct 2008

Mr Heaney - Great to see you quoting the NCU rules (timescales etc.) But you leave the impression that it was the NCU's fault that North Down's moment of glory was spoiled.
However that topic aside I'm still waiting for the reasons behind the CSNI 'NO' vote to 8 team sections at the AGM.
Did the club's response to the Development Board questionaire indicate that they were opposed to the restructuring and likely to vote against?
If not then in the absence of any reasoned argument one is left to assume it was a knee-jerk 'anti' vote.
You need not reply personally, I'm happy to hear the view from CSNI, PWC, HBOS, PSNI or whoever usually acts for you in these matters.

yellow and black


24th Oct 2008

i was at the inst v csni match at stormont and amazed to see at the end of match a senior official from the home club popping champers and suggesting we will get that point back with our legal team.
Is this what local sport is all about now?

David Norman Vanburn Heaney


23rd Oct 2008

Tom Higgins
I would be interested to know why you think the timing of the CSNI appeal had anything to do with the NCU Dinner? The appeal was made within the timeframes as designated by the rules, and from what I understand any delay has not been of CSNI's making. Have to say I feel sorry for North Down. As is rightly posted on their website, they were either sole or joint winners of the League, and they were denied their moment of glory at the dinner.

Gareth McCarter

The Mall

23rd Oct 2008

Interested and indeed shocked at the developments from the NCU AGM last night when the main proposal of the evening was not sufficiently supported to get the 60% needed. I really thought that its progression into the rules was a mere formality given most of what had been said about 8 team leagues.
I wouldn't like to see any particular club(s) or representatives singled out or castigated for voting against the proposal though because what some people might have viewed as progress wouldn't necessarily be the opinions of every committee.
Personally I reckon it fell down with the lower league clubs because the restructuring season put a glass ceiling on top of clubs in the 2009 season with promotion not an option and a lot of meaningless cricket happening throughout. Whether that is something that would improve the standard in the short term would be open to debate. Either way, no doubt the same proposal might hit the table again this time next year, and with a few changes will no doubt get through.

Tom Higgins

County Antrim

23rd Oct 2008

Clarence Hiles doesn't quite come out and say it but there will always be a suspician that the timing of the CSNI appeal was a calculated one to have an impact on dinner. Coupled with their vote against the restructuring to 8 team leagues (surely they can't be worried about relegation) it seems that any NCU target is good enough.
Any chance of a reasoned argument to justify that vote against 8 team leagues from any of the regular CSNI contributors?

Rodney Hassard


23rd Oct 2008

Paul I agree, how about removing two teams from section 1 and promoting 1 team from section 2. I know the teams in section 1 would not be happy at a section 2 side getting their place but if you phased this over two years then you would have two less sides in section 1 and it would still give section 2 sides something to play for. All in all the change IS DRASTICALLY needed if we are to benefit from Ireland improving as a nation in cricketing circles. Believe me the sacrifice now would / will benefit not only players but supporters alike.