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departure lounge

13th Jun 2011

Not being affiliated to any of the clubs involved, but my view is that it should be left to the 2 clubs and cricket Ireland. It doesn't matter what went on and by whom. Whispers, chinese or not are not good for cricket.

Lurgan Park Ranger


13th Jun 2011

The Belfast Telegraph article certainly does shed a bit of light on the situation. Very interesting indeed!

Colin Moore


13th Jun 2011

Indeed Clarence - I see BBC is also running the story. Some very serious allegations and repercussions, if proven of course. I understand where Jeff is coming from about gossip though. However, something this big in the local game will be watched with interest - sometimes having clear coverage can help put some of the "chinese whispers" to bed. None can be more clear than those who were there!

clarence Hiles


13th Jun 2011

Thanks Colin. The BT article certainly brings the issues into the public domain with a fairly wide safety net in case some legal hawks wish to exploit the wording. I can't understand why people at the match were not willing to say the same things as they witnessed the on-field debacle. The incidents in the changing-rooms will come out in due course. Limavady have already acted so there's no need for secrecy if indeed there ever was. Have to agree with Andy here.



13th Jun 2011

The Officers and Members of the Northern Ireland Association of Cricket Umpires and Scorers would like to extend their warmest congratulations to Cecil Walker upon his award of the MBE in the recent honour's list. This reward recognises the excellent work put in by Cecil over the years at all levels of the game and we as an Association are delighted by this honour bestowed upon him.

Colin Moore


13th Jun 2011

Some facts then Jeff!



12th Jun 2011

ANDY disagree as surely GOSSIP is only going make matters worse?would you be ASKING the same if was the umpires made a MISTAKE ?ILL say this id bet ? that its wrong belt sum1 but if yu had a say forum HITLIST there be loads
thats yu want BURY ? PS TAYTO wen yu were favs beat us i had 10£ BET WITH CHIPPER an fair play he paid up PPS YUR CHARITY AWAITS??????????????????

Peter Whitten


12th Jun 2011

Can someone please post a message or refer to a tweet about what happened in Limavady yesterday? It sounds extraordinary that the game was abandoned. It was easier to find out about Giggs than this episode!


wet dundrum

12th Jun 2011

Enjoyed the match on sat against downpatrick it was a tight match but i felt dundrum deserved to win as they took the catches and that was the difference in a good natured Derby game

andy kennedy

sunny buckna

12th Jun 2011

why is nobody who was at the game posting as to what happened at Limavady? clubs can issue statements but the rest of cricketers want to hear the deatils

Instonians Cricket Club


12th Jun 2011

Instonians Statement.
Instonians have released the following statement after their Irish Senior Cup tie against Limavady today.

Instonians Cricket Club can confirm an incident took place at Limavady Cricket Club today and will fully co-operate with Cricket Ireland's investigation which will take place when they receive the umpires' report.

There will be no other comment from any Instonians player or official until further notice. Finally we would ask in the circumstances for everyone to respect the players privacy in this matter.

 Norman Shannon/Andrew Rose




12th Jun 2011

I don't like what I've heard regarding the Limavady v Instonians match today. This is a matter that will test the backbone of Cricket ireland and if they get it wrong it could set the game back years. Now is the time for CI to show its mettle. If they don't get it right they are not worthy of the position they hold.

ivan mccombe

0ld Trafford looking for ideas.

10th Jun 2011

Re Muckamore v Waringstown Sunday 19th june. Thanks to all who have offered support and a special thanks to David Scott and Taito for some very practical help and a special thanks to Waringstown's Alan Waite who offered to sponsor the bbq's. Waitey being a mate of Andy Clement knows us Muckamore boys can't pass a burger stall without buying. We decided today to up the leaflets to 10,000 homes and cover Crumlin , Randalstown and Templepatrick villages as well. The extra printing costs were only £70 and itKs just another few hours work for each member on the delivery team. We want to leave no stone unturned as we go for the record crowd.our challenge is and always was getting those that don't go to cricket to turn up next Sunday , then enjoy it and come back regularily.



10th Jun 2011

Good luck to Waringstown and Inst tomorrow in the BKISC. I hope the men from the Lawn send North County "back down the M1" with their tails between their legs.

Fly the NCU flag with pride lads.



10th Jun 2011

jeff, yeah hopefully the rain stays away. im sure it will b a close game as usual.