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Davy McD VCC

dreaming of grounds long since past.

23rd Jun 2011

Dont often do this, but have to agree with Vic Johns for once lol
the amount of young players that Dundrum cc are bringing through is a credit to their (small) club, and shows what can be acheived with a go-ahead seam of willing workers at any club.
Likewise, having had the "pleasure" of being destroyed at Moylena a couple of weeks ago, there are a lot of very talented young players there, again a go-ahead forward thinking club, that rather than sell off land, decided to spend money making the second pitch better and with plans to improve it further.
If only some other clubs could have had the same forward thinking a few years ago, my memories of playing at Deramore and Shane Park, could have been re-visited on homeward journeys from other grounds inside the Belfast area.


Dry Shaws Bridge

23rd Jun 2011

Brave boy hiding behind a player with no name.
You worry about your bowling!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ivan mccombe

home for an evening

23rd Jun 2011

Andrew/Muckamore player. " see no comment from Ivan,facts must be correct".

Have I missed something ? What was I meant to comment on ? I certainly don't want involved in a slanging match between clubs. Instonians have some fine cricket people and none of them ever gave me the impression they saw their club as a " big club ". I will add that the Instonians chairman Mr Norman Shannon sent a very nice note to Muckamore via Andy Clement congratulating us for promoting the game v Waringstown last weekend.This gesture was certainly appreciated by all of us who had made the effort. Let's hope we see a good turnout from both club's at this weekend's league game at Moylena and let's hope we put up more of a fight than we did last weekend in what was an embarrassing defeat at Shaws Bridge.

Also M.Parks(VCC),none of my comments were pointed at any individual or any single club. To help cricket grow in Ireland I think we have to think for the game not our own club. Victoria are surely an example of what can be achieved and Dundrum are proof if proof is needed if you have a leader who goes out and spreads the word. Just look at their results, league position and youth section.

I was at the second night of the Bready v Eglinton game last night and I was amazed at the number of under 15 players who sat and took in the game.

Vic Johns

Bloomin hailstones now !!

23rd Jun 2011

Stevie Max.
Yes kudos to Jeff, yourself & Dundrum C.C.

I noticed that within these most recent seasons when our two respective clubs play eachother, there is quite alot more younger players involved (on both sides) and this is surely proof and just reward for the good work being done by the afore-mentioned gentlemen.

A further good example as in my previous post, of how committment and no little amount of hard work and effort can still make cricket a fun,enjoyable and worthwhile sport for the young-uns !

(And some older folks too)!!

Stevie Max


23rd Jun 2011

Guys, I don't think that slagging each other’s clubs off about their support and/or facilities are good on this forum. We all recognise that cricket requires a lot more work put into it at club level especially to keep/attracted young people. Other sports find it so easy to do. Our sport is a summer sport and that in itself is a problem, because we often don't get summer! Freezing your b******* off at any ground in April or late September certainly isn’t my idea of enjoyment!
Vic has mentioned youth in Lurgan/Waringstown and at his beloved Victoria. Well here in Dundrum and in particular Jeff Maguire has set up youth coaching and teams. We had over 50 in one evening. We have matches organised between schools, tournaments in the summer and coaching schemes organised too.
As far as the children are concerned I wonder how many of them will stay on and develop into top rate senior players. There are quite a few who have the potential but do we have the coaching ability to bring out the best in them? i don't know, but I fear that the work that Jeff does in Dundrum and other people in other clubs could have limited reward because the children have so many other potential attractions to lure them away.
The ECB and Government have initiated a "Chance to Shine" campaign which brings a cricketing theme into every lesson in school life. "There's so much about cricket that prepares you for life - working in a team, communicating with other people, getting out and being active and learning how to win and lose" – quote by England skipper Andrew Strauss. Could we try this in a few selected schools here and gauge the reaction from teachers and pupils? You may even find that kids won’t mind playing cricket all day Saturday. It may only work in schools where cricket has always been taught but trying something is better than thinking about it!
In India, they same that Cricket is not just a game, it’s a way of life.

Muckamore player


23rd Jun 2011


What Ivan said was fact. Typical arrogant response from you. Wasn't soo long ago Instonions couldn't field a 2nd eleven soo I wouldn't exactly call you a big club. We at Muckamore might be struggling due to a few boys letting us down this season and deciding not to play but we are able to field 4 teams on a Saturday not a problem. We have one of the nicest grounds in Ireland and we are making big efforts to get more people interested in cricket. I'm sure when u's are playing North Down the massive Instonions will come out in force hahaha wise up!!!!U stick to marking the wicket Andrew ;)

Vic Johns

All this rain is bad for cricket !

23rd Jun 2011

Congratulations again to all involved at Lurgan C.C./ Tigers, by hosting and running another very successful kwik cricket tournament for Primary-school P6/7 children from ALL the surrounding local schools, held Friday just past, with nearly 100 or so pupils participating.

I couldn't get into watch the fun this year, but I heard it was once again a great tournament and all the youngsters really enjoyed themselves.

You can talk to the cows come home about how to improve local cricket, but take a leaf out of Lurgan or Waringstown C.C. youth set-ups and you'll be on the right tracks!

Even smaller feeder clubs like my own have indirectly greatly improved in recent years due to the 'over-flow' off young players from these larger local clubs and this has to be acknowledged & commended.

Well done again to big Neil Hunter & all his staff up at Pollock Pk. keep up the gr8 work and watch out next year for Moira primary school...a few good young prospects coming through ??


quieter east belfast

23rd Jun 2011

update, downpatrick v donachgloney, downpatrick 302 for 7, m farrukh 150, dale mullan 60 (i think). To be continued tonight... weather permitting


Dry grounds Belfast

23rd Jun 2011

See no comment from Ivan.facts must be correct.
Great to see such a big Shaws Bridge crowd today at a very quickly re arranged schools cup final.the Regent drum adding to the occasion and Normans coffee tea and buns were well received by both sets of supporters.
match played on good wicket with bounce and carry good outfield and enjoyable to watch by all.
Don't quite get what news letter reporter getting at in his quotes About conditions not conducive to fast scoring............................
Well done RBAI on an all round team effort throughout the competition.



22nd Jun 2011

DK you are a bit unkind. I'm not as able to get out these days but thanks to the internet I can keep in touch with the game. Or maybe as you say I'm still out of touch. I'm not really into sensationalism either but I like to see things out in the open and the forum gives us all a soapbox. Discussion is healthy and even if you don't agree with the other person they're entitled to their opinion. No need to get personal as there are many more serious things in life than cricket. I don't 'court' anyone or any thing.

M. Parks (VCC)


22nd Jun 2011

Re: Ivan "Google maps says Lurgan to Clogher 43 minutes, and Lurgan to Newtownards 54 minutes. That aside travelling over an hour once or twice a season isn't surely any big hardship. ... Also even some club representatives haven't got a grasp of things in their own club."

I didn't check what Google maps said, but as I have driven to both Clogher and Ards already this season for 1 o'clock starts, I can tell you that we met at 11 o'clock. That means that for an 11 o'clock start we would leave at 9 o'clock, which would mean that I was up around 8.00 o'clock or earlier. Which was my original point! No need for research using google.

I also find it rather insulting, and if that is too strong a word, I definetly find it very patronising that you suggest that others do not know what is going on within their own club

Nowhere did I say that it was a hardship travelling to the more faraway places, merely that I would rather have an extra hour or two in the morning, than in the evening, especially when travelling to the further away matches. This scenario would be worse for trips between Ards or Donaghadee and Clogher, who having talked to representatives of all three clubs this season, informed me that they leave 2hr 30mins for travel, meaning that they would be up at 7pm. (Unfortunately, I didn't check what google maps said, and I didn't question how clued in they were to what was going on at their own club!)

Paul McCrum


22nd Jun 2011

Much wisdom from Ivan, Nile, Stuart, Jeff & Taito - all making valid points -only a matter of the NCU think tank discussing & embracing such proposals to keep the game alive and with a greater momentum moving forward - great to see so many genuine men with the game & their clubs at heart.Refreshing.



22nd Jun 2011

Brendan, you constantly 'court' controversey & sensationalism - i recommend you approach The Sun or News of the World, to hire you as a snoop (not to be confused with scoop)to satisfy your cravings of 'tittle-tattle - let's leave the real understanding of Cricket & administration to folk who have the game at heart throughout Ireland - you seem most alien to this reading your postings...........get out more!



22nd Jun 2011

Re the Limavady v Instonians match the silence from officialdom is deafening! I'm sure most people know what happened by now and await the Verdict but surely an update would have helped? Or is everyone still gagged by Mr Sub Judicee?
Much better story than starting times of cricket matches. This argument is as old as the hills. As for polls we have them already. They are called AGMS.

Steve McChesney


22nd Jun 2011

On a slightly different note, if the premier league of each province is supposed to be a feeder for the Ireland team, why dont the premier league play ODI 50 over format? I know that the LCU do - surely this would cut down on the number of different rules, starting times etc and save a lot of confusion