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30th Jun 2011

Andy - NO! - 2 isolated incidents which have been managed by the governing bodies. Most unfair & unnecessary of you to allege such a slur on the NWCU.(and you an 'impartial' umpire?) If you're going to post on the forum, try to make it constructive.
PS - i'm from the NCU and embarrassed by your prejudiced comments!

Davy McD VCC

Thinking of times past

30th Jun 2011

Re Jonny Walker
Yes I played many many games under the MUCG, from my young days at the lawn to my VCC days, and they were always an enjoyable evenings cricket.
I also had the pleasure of playing alongside the Late Wesley Ferris very often, as a young lad on my debut for W'town seconds, i thought his kit bag was the teams kit (and borrowed his pads), then I captained him when the normal skipper of W'town 3s was absent, and heproposed me as skipper of VCC 2X1 when I moved to the park.
A true gentleman and a great loss to the game.
Anyone who ever enjoyed a game at RAF Aldegrove will surely have very fond memories of the various Mid Ulster Cricket Groups matches.


I want my Mummy

30th Jun 2011

Ejoyed playing last night against 'The Master Race' (was an INST man myself )in 20/20 game. At one stage i think we were all going to call ours Mums down to help us out because they were being very bad boys beating us by so many runs. First time I have had the privilege to face 'The Curry Man' No Probs

andy kennedy

sunny Buckna

30th Jun 2011

Limavady banned from BKISC - Donemana previously banned from the same cometition - is there a North-West pattern here?

Johnny Walker


29th Jun 2011

Lots of interest about T20 but who recalls around the 1970s and later the 20 overs and two night 35 over matches arranged by the late Wesley Ferris of the Mid-Ulster Cricket Group. It involved teams from the NCU and the North West and teams from south as well.
Wesley arranged everything and the matches were so enjoyable.



29th Jun 2011

Curry banned and Limavady kicked out of the ISC according to BT and BBC. Now we can get on with the cricket! Difficult to see how and why both would appeal given the offences that Curry admitted. His exceptional cricket career ends with a big blemish but Limavady haven't exactly come out with much credit with their soft internal ban and now an appeal. Stand by your man!

Vic Johns

Great to see a bit of dry weather !

29th Jun 2011

Re. D. McD. V.C.C.

There's no doubt about it, good & all as those chaps are/have been you've mentioned,in my opinion Gerald Johnston of Victoria C.C. was and still is the greatest 'professional' ever to play cricket within the N.C.U.

After all, the man's even had tribute poems written in his honour, kept our seconds going through the 'hard times' and never gave in !

A legend !! (And never asked for a penny)!!!

Wish I could have seen him play in his prime....but I'm only 46 yrs of age !


Mums the word......

29th Jun 2011

I know its a bit late but i would just like to pass on my congrats to saintfield under 15's for winning the graham cup, great achievment for a club on the up, hopefully your firsts dont have similar success in our two games coming up

Davy McD VCC

sitting behind a keyboard wondering if i should get one of these strawberry things

28th Jun 2011

Best NCU professional?
Nice wee thought for a discussion, and as a player to entertain and bring in the crowds, Obus Pienar will be hard to beat, in much the same way that raman lamba and others were in times past, the same could be said for Marc Harper and what he done for a generation of children in the Donacloney area, but I still feel that the best value for money has to have been John Solanki for bringing through a lot of very good young players at every club he was at (though I am expecting Lurgan people to mention Rahul).
How do you judge a good professional? one who pays for himself by increased takings in the collecting tin, or bar, or one that works with the next generation and brings them on or a combination?



28th Jun 2011

Hiler-look after the chairman while he is out there and warn him about the strenght of the rum as he hasnt been out there for awhile!!!
Hope your well and see you soon on the golf course

Vic Johns

Anyone for tennis ?

28th Jun 2011

I'd like to second Jim's & Ed's congratulations on the I.C.C. letting common sense prevail on the I.C.C. World-cup ruling and allowing the top associate nations a fair slice of the cake !

Great stuff !

clarence Hiles


28th Jun 2011

Well done ICC. We kick you when you get it wrong but at least you had the integrity to recognize the mistake and rectify it. Ireland now has a fair chance to qualify for 2015 but further down the line the 10-team format is the ICC way forward. Promotion and relegation too!
Off to the Kensington Oval to spy on the opposition but the skyline looks like a wet day in............



28th Jun 2011

Great News that 2015 World Cup will comprise of the associated nations! Should never have been any other way though.



27th Jun 2011

Great to see Saintfield winning the Graham Cup. A very talented group of kids who did their club proud. A lot of hard work has gone into the youth structure at Saintfield in the past 10 years and its great to see them finally getting the rewards they deserve.

Stevie Max


27th Jun 2011

Regarding Dundrums proposal to reduce overs below Premier League to 40, this is the views of an individual member. As is the norm, it will be debated (I'm sure at some length) at committee before we decide on our proposal.