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ivan mccombe


6th Jul 2011

DK and the Jaffa's.

I'm not so sure about that. Leading wicket taker in the NCU this season is Kamy our professional, Neil Gill and Craig Drummond also figure on the list. In fact throughout the past decade the match winning bowlers at any club have been few and far between. In the 24 years I played in Senior cricket I think Muckamore only had three local players who could claim that title Archie McQuilken, Benny Craig and Andy Clement and Andy stopped playing regularily about 8 years ago.. It would be good to see other clubs list their match winning bowlers.

Neale Matthews


6th Jul 2011

Hi Simon.

Where to start.

Firstly - Well, you have failed "to spell it out clearly", much like my name.

Secondly - if one is required to "read between the lines" then logically it has not been spelled out clearly.

Thirdly -with theories like mine you give the game 15 years. What theories? I haven't suggested any.

Fourthly - your example of a rule to wear "polka dot pyjamas" is at best silly and at worst contemptuous of the clubs who make genuine proposals, discuss, debate attend and vote on them. Remember, it is the clubs who make the rules, not the NCU.

Your definition of a local player needs a bit of work player eg someone who can demonstrate his ties to the country - what is the criteria for that? By the way you do realise that your definition excludes all students and the unemployed from playing.

Do we ignore EU legislation? What about discrimination or human rights issues.

Fifthly - legislate against the game being destroyed by money. How? Are players to be allowed expenses? What about a guy who loses a days work can we compensate him. If so what are the limits and applicable regulations? Is getting someone a job instead ok? Or buying him a car? Is paying for a "cricket development" officer ok. How do we police this.

Sixthly - a strict transfer policy? If I don't want to play at Waringstown but fancy a few games at Portadown, what's wrong with that?

So - ICC regulations, international and national laws and legislation, human rights issues, discrimination laws and the laws of the game decided by the clubs. At least we know who is to blame for all of these matters - the NCU.



6th Jul 2011

Re - Seahorse

If they live her, work here and can demonstrate ties to this country - then as I said, they are as entitled to play here as anyone else...

If not, then yes ban them all...

The odd one may be an asset -

But remember last season though...?
one in my opinion was a total insult to the local game...!

If all these guys are so great - Why are more and more people leaving the game...?

Cricket here is not all about the Premier league and the International side - infact that makes up a small part of it...

If we continue the way we are going, a lot of clubs will struggle to put out a second eleven team in due course...

I believe at some clubs that has already happened this year...?

People are more interested in building Trophy cabinets than Clubs...

To what end...?

As I said, it's not the IPL here and never will be



6th Jul 2011

short on words now Simon? - your silence speaks volume - don't be a bitter mono-toned dinosaur and move with the huge progress in Cricket Ireland - maybe in the past a 'hired gun' rattled your stumps on numerous occasions or stroked you effortlessly to the boundary? - sounds like you didn't dig deep, train harder, improve technically & allround improve your game to take them on or be better, like many did! I rest my case...........bored by your posts here!

the seahorse

at work

6th Jul 2011

ref 'simon'

Sorry to jump on board and be critical of your latest entries, however your ideas are either not practical, not sensible or not thought through

1) No professionals - I believe that a young cricketer benefits from playing with players he can look up to, take example from and learn from - there is no doubt that the talented cricketers who have come through in recent years and are performing well for Ireland or in the premier league/division 1 will have benefited from playing with or getting coached by a professional. I look at the work Taimur has done at N down, the improvement in the young talent at Instonians, following Davy Jacobs and Divan Van Wyk and the confidence that the Waringstown talented top order will get from batting with Pienaar, never mind great professionals like Ninja at Lurgan etc.
To improve the level of cricket you must experince playing with better players - how else does a young cricketer get exposed to a higher level? Otherwise they will be found out when selected at representative level.

2) 'local player' - I wonder what you would do in the case of Taimur Khan, Eugene Moleon and Nigel Jones in recent years - would they have to play as professionals despite being local residents - this is clearly not fair and to treat them as anything but a local player is ridiculous.

3) 'payment of local players' - interested to know how you are going to track this one - are you going to have access to player bank accounts??



6th Jul 2011


Thanks for that piece of quality...

I rest my case you honour...!



6th Jul 2011

Simon - you have absolutely NO proof that the gasme is being runied by money? - merely your opinion (which you are entitled to) - change the record - you previously attack players who receive payment from the game etc - good luck to them & welcome to the modern era - embrace it or move to another amateur sport if you can find one? After all "money makes the World go around"............



6th Jul 2011

Re - Neal

Thought I spelled it out fairly clearly...

If you read between the lines - I am suggesting that the NCU "change the rules"

As the governing body they Can cover all the bases from monies paid by clubs to the Oversea's debate...

If a rule was proposed that you had to wear polka dot pyjama's and passed at the AGM then thats what you'd wear...

Anyway thanks for your response, I give Cricket another 15 years with "theories" like yours...

The game is being destroyed by MONEY...

Legislate against it and enforce a strict transfer policy...

Oh, and a the defination of a local player - that would be someone who lives here, works here and can demonstrate ties to this country - not someone who "flits" in and out - come on Neal, that one's simple...!



6th Jul 2011

Just read with interest about the new NCU Senior Cricket Working Group.
Is the make-up of the group a secret?

Neale Matthews


6th Jul 2011

In Defence of the NCU

Have just read with increasing frustration the debate between Ivan McCombe and "Simon". Ivan, we may not always agree (how dull would that be) but admire your tireless efforts for your club and the game in general. I would really like to address some of the matters alleged by "Simon".

In your posting of July 3rd you criticise players for a lack of loyalty to their clubs (with you so far). You then go on to say "the blame should be placed squarely on the NCU's shoulders". You do not explain this damning statement. Not entirely clear how the NCU is at fault for a lack of individual loyalty? Is that not a matter for individuals who might even have very good reasons for changing clubs. Just looked at the list of transfers approved by the NCU on the website - not sure many have moved for money.

However, in fairness, having made the swingeing allegation (without any explanation, evidence, proof, argument - sound or otherwise) you return to the forum on July 4th. We have a statement that you disagree with a lot of the "NCU's diagnosis". Fair play. You then agree that we have to address questions of start times, duration "etc etc", and the only matter you raise is the "single most destructive element in the game - MONEY". Ehm, what's that got to do with the NCU? I know we don't have any.

You make the point as to how a young cricketer might react if he cannot develop into a team because they simply buy in another player. True. But again - the finances of individual clubs are not the responsibility of the NCU.

Bit of a logical problem with the next bit though. Why should older alicadoos hand over their money to facilitate these people, but at the same time there is now "boundless amounts of cash". Someone must be handing it over then. Any chance they could hand some to us?

There are many misconceptions about the NCU and our beloved game. I frankly am not aware of these clubs with "boundless amounts of cash". There are certainly clubs supported by wealthy individuals who benefit from their largess. What power do the NCU have to tell individuals they cannot spend their money how they please? That is a whole different philosophical debate - equal distribution of wealth and all that.

You do come up with the answer though. Thank goodness because we have all missed it for so long. It must be all the "irrational hysteria" you mention that we are getting "carried away with". Yes the answer is TO BAN ALL OVERSEAS PLAYERS OR AT LEAST LIMIT TO ONE - WITH NONE BELOW THE PREMIER LEVEL.

Excellent. That's that sorted then. Oh, just so as we know and can then enforce it - please define "local" as in "local player". Let's see just how easy it is.

Michael Foster


6th Jul 2011

Lisburn CCs 175 anniversary continues on Friday with a NCU Junior League 1 Select side taking on Lisburn 2s. The NCU team is captained by Ricky Finlay who joins Richard White, Colin Storey, Alan Waite, Peter Haire and others in a 35 over contest starting at 2pm (ish). Admission is free and the bar will be open so if anyone wants to come along for an afternoon of decent cricket and no little banter, you will be very welcome at Wallace Park.



5th Jul 2011

Ref Ivan - got a club or two like you thank you - your passion is to be admired tho not unique as replicated/shared by many throughout the cricketing fraternity in Ireland. NB - in reality there haven't been many jaffas bowled at Moylena last decade or so..........

ivan mccombe


5th Jul 2011

Davy VCC. Media coverage.

Alister Bushe now gives cricket 4 pages in the News Letter on a Monday , at least two on a Saturday and runs a very up to date Twitter service along with others.Hopefully next season we can have a twitter report every 5 overs from every game. This website and the " other channel " as it's referred to must get a lot of views every week. The NCU website has a twitter feed and a fairly up to date results service. Cricket Ireland maybe do need to get Tweeting a bit more and should consult with Twitter's recognized leading cricket authority Philip Wilson of CSNI and get a Fan page on Facebook. TV and radio aren't just as important in today's online age.
I agree the under age cricketers should be encouraged to the ODI's.
Maybe the starting time debate needs to be changed to a finishing time debate and then work backwords. Do we want to finish at 6pm , 6.30pm or 7pm ? I attended a Lancashire Central League game last year and they must bowl 50 overs in 2 hours 45 mins.Can we save half an hour "within" the game time ?.
The pa system at The Lawn is an excellent example of what is needed.
Did the Irish management get it wrong allowing so many players to play the day prior to an ODI ? We can't afford to take anyone too lightly.

Davy McD VCC

applying the aftersun

4th Jul 2011

Just home from a superb days cricket at Stormont after having had the pleasure of watching a day and a halfs superb cricket at the Lawn on Saturday afternoon and sunday (not going to say too much about our trip to Dungannon lol).
The question about here for "Non cricketing reasons" can be used and abused by clubs that feel that it is in there best interests, however, our club captain was born in Australia, not is married to a local girl, lives in Waringstown and works full time in Belfast.
Should he be deprived the enjoyment of playing the sport he loves because he is now living elsewhere? Not sure how the Race relations board would view that.
With regards to the earlier start times, last saturday our skipper was promoted to the firsts, the Vice was unavailable through work so I volunteered to step in, after the rain through the week, i got up at 8.30 to inspect the pitch at 9.30 to enable the opposition to be informed before they had travelled and our side before the had made sandwhiches etc. that was for a 1pm start.
This saturday I left the house at 10am to go and pick up two young lads who have moved to Dromore and cant drive, one was playing for our firsts, the other for our seconds, this was for a noon start at an easy ground for us to get to. If these are 11am starts next season, I will not be playing so someone else will have to do the early starts, or people will travel to find pitches waterlogged, a day wasted and nothing will stop people playing quicker.
About 4 or 5 of our players work on a saturday morning but can usually manage to get away to be at the ground for 12 - 12:30, another works nights on a friday but is willing to get up about noon to play home games, another 5 potential players lost to the game in just one club.
Schoolboys that play on a saturday morning for their school will have no chance to play for their clubs in the afternoon with 11am starts, so more players potentially being lost to the game if this gets the go ahead.

Ivan has said that the game is getting more and more press coverage, I would like to know where, where was the advertising and press coverage in the run up to todays game at Stormont? where was the marketing to let people know about todays game? BBCNI had no mention of it this morning when I left home, the early morning local news had no mention of it, and with it being the first monday of the school holidays, IMHO, Cricket ireland should have been speaking to the clubs to arrange the ground to have been full of kids watching the game.
More needs to be done to market the game in the wider media, I know Alli B and others do what they can in the written word, but surely one page on BBCNI ceefax for an international is not too much to ask (then we could have easily at least doubled the attendance).
Back to these 11am proposed start times, the season before last, I was in Lurgan park at 11am, by 11:30 we had two umpires, 22 players, the sun was shining, but we couldnt start for an hour, reason why? Dew on the ground.
If need be, stat 50 over games at 11:30, 40 over games at noon, 35 overs at 12:30 and 30 over games at 1pm or 1:30. No earlier please.

andy kennedy

no questions from Buckna this time!

4th Jul 2011

interesting debate between Ivan & Simon - I too recall the late nights after games, long Firday nights at the Ballymena "6s" and the East Antrim League with Boyce, Kane & co (now its called T/20 and they think hey have invented something new!). But as I said on a"feature" elsewhere on this site, we play a game not too far removed from village cricket and yet millions have leaked from our game over the past 30-odd years to pay carpet-baggers who went under the "noms-de-plume" of "coaches" - money that left this country and yet fewer people are playing than ever. Been at a few cricket dinners last year and it was interesting to compare the atmospheres between clubs who had played "passport holders" and what I regard as "real" clubs.