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Neill Harvey

Victoria Cricket Club

4th Jul 2013

I have been reading here about ways of getting people back playing cricket etc and the debate has brought about some good ideas. However people coming on here and saying that a league should be scrapped doesnt really help does it?
There are teams in section 3 who are having difficulties but should we not aim to help these teams not just throw them to the wolves. What does that do in terms of getting people back playing ... nothing it just removes more people from the game.
We as a club have been in section 3 for ever and believe me knowing the lads at our club we wish there were more games of cricket in a season. We may not be great but we love it. Also I think it a bit harsh on teams who have been in and around the league over the past number of years most of whom I know like us will work their backsides off to get games played. Some teams may not have played that many games but if people were to take the time to ask why games havent been fulfilled there may be a better understanding. Promote cricket dont knock it.



4th Jul 2013

I think people need to be realistic here , Portadown have pulled out the league , Dunmurry are struggling to field a team some weeks and some of the teams have only played 4/5 games...teams at the top of the league have played more games in the same weather conditions as everyone else...why I ask , well they are interested in making grounds playable and playing all days of the week . Ards for example played a match over 2 days midweek recently...why are the other teams not following suit and getting games on!!.

The PSNI have had issues etc with G8 etc but why bother playing in the Div when this is going to cause issues for other teams. I am not suggesting Div 2/3 merge but basically get rid of the dead wood in DIV 3...make a larger div 2 with an extra 3 teams.

Colin Moore


3rd Jul 2013

Fair enough comment Rob - things need to be looked at. I think it is a reflection of the state of the game at grass roots level. I disagree with the comment that clubs "who cannot field teams are not interested in making the grounds playable and are generally not interested". I know a lot of the lower clubs operate in spite of difficulties beyond the weather! For example,PSNI had the G8, marching season and police and fire games - all of which I am sure will cause problems. Dunmurry have faced severe and sustained vandalism over the past few years (clubhouse is a burnt shell now, square was damaged a few years ago, lawnmower burnt, covers destroyed etc). Portadown were put off their home ground last year by the rugby side during the close season. We should be trying to support these clubs who are fighting for survival rather than putting them down.

Dave Reiman

Victoria CC

3rd Jul 2013

Rob, what does league positions have to do with whether teams are interested in playing games? My team is down the table at the moment but I can assure you we are very interested in playing games. I spent 3 hours on the bowdry a few weeks ago to ensure we got a fixture played v BISC (and it was their home game but their pitch was not going to be playable so fixture would have been voided if we didn't host). A couple of weeks ago our home fixture v Donaghadee was the only one in section 3 to go ahead. These are not the actions of a team not wanting to play.

It is interesting to note that Portadown have just pulled out of the league. Also Dunmurry and PSNI have been struggling for a couple of years to get teams together so there are certainly issues in section 3. Combining sections 2 and 3 is certainly not the answer though and I think its a ridiculous suggestion. That would create a 16/17 team league with such a disparity between top and bottom that more problems would be created than solved. Perhaps a couple teams from section 2 should drop to section 3 and some section 3 clubs drop into Junior cricket?

davy mcd VCC

Breathe in, Breathe out

1st Jul 2013

If you want to accuse sides of not being able to field a team or not wanting to play cricket, then I would suggest you look at the picture a bit closer.
VCC 1X1 have played 5 games, had one game more than most in the section called off due to the Junior Cup and had another game against the PSNI postponed due to the pressure the G8 Summitt placed on their players availability. If both those games had went ahead, then we would have played 7 league games to date, the same as the highest in the division. Our Seconds have also completed 5 games so far, second only in J6 to Carrick 3's, and this despite a damp "summer" and our clubs decision not to play on the Sabbath day, I am quite sure members of the other clubs you wish to denigrate will be able to give reasons for themselves, but I can assure you that VCC are fully intending to fulfill ALL fixtures if the weather permits, for ALL THREE of our sides.



1st Jul 2013

Div 3 shambles:

In my opinion the NCU should scrap div 3 as there seem to be only 3 teams who are interested in playing and organizing games...this is reflected in the league positions / games played. There are teams who cannot field teams are not interested in making the grounds playable and are generally not interested....scrap div 3 and make div 2 bigger

David Irvine

Back at work

28th Jun 2013

Just back from a disappointing u15 interpro series for the NCU boys. Thanks to the large number of parents for the support given to the boys over the 3 days. It's a pity one of the Leinster boys described the NCU team as "The New Munster" in earshot of the majority of these parents. Pretty hard to take after all the time and effort invested by the boys and parents over the 3 days and indeed the last 6 months.



24th Jun 2013

Just a couple of questions about rain interuptions and reduced overs

1. Why wait until 1.30 before starting to reduce overs - that is half an hour wasted straight away
2. Why reduce overs at a rate of 1 every 8 minutes. If you bowled your overs at 4 minutes per over you would incur penalty extras for bowling too slowly. If you are off for an hour the game is only reduced by 7 overs per side. Even test matches require 15 overs an hour to be bowled.

Surely the whole point of reducing overs is to try and ensure that the game finishes at roughly the same time as it normally would. Games finishing at 8.45 is a farce. The weather is already making life difficult for everyone and these rules are not

Robert Best

Academy Cricket Club

22nd Jun 2013

Academy Cricket Club received news this morning of the sudden death of one of our rising stars, David Hawthorne. He came to us as a young under 15 opening bat who proudly hit his first ball as an academy cricketer for six. Two years later, he scored an impressive 20 runs on debut for the 1st XI in difficult conditions at the Cloughan. However, what Davy will be remembered for most will be his ability to make those around him laugh. He was always fun to be around and could lighten the mood in any situation. Just last Sunday he had most of the 3s in stitches with his usual jokes; all said while wearing his RBAI top. Although none of us will get the pleasure to play alongside him again, I know that he will never be forgotten. As a mark of respect, all this weekend’s Academy CC matches have been called off. Our thoughts and prayers are with David’s family and friends at the difficult time.

David Doey


20th Jun 2013

I am trying to chase up a number of scorecards from the Inter Union competitions.

National Cup
Killyclooney v Laurelvale
St Johnston v Cliftonville

Ulster Shield
Woodvale v Newbuildings
St Johnston v Dundrum

Ulster Plate
Brigade II v North Down II

I am happy to accept a photo or photos of the scorebook or I can send a proforma via email.

If anyone can help either way, please contact me at

Bruce Topping


20th Jun 2013

I think we should retain 50 over cricket but with 12 or even 11.30 starts once schools are finished. Personally I don't enjoy shorter games and don't think it would encourage people to stay in the game. I start every season with the hope that Donaghcloney will get promoted however unlikely that may be.

davy mcd VCC

Getting fed before heading to watch the cricket.

18th Jun 2013

Great to see that the Enterprise will be stopping at Malahide for the England game.

(am i allowed to post links?)

jeff maguire


18th Jun 2013

As much as I respect KYLE I totally disagree im saying try 40 over cricket below the PREMIER(which is virtualy a professional leaque and that's not a DIG) JUST FOR 1 SEASON then the clubs can revert if they think not a success. I AM not having a go at clubs but theres possibly only 2/3 teams in section one that want or GOOD ENOUGH go into premier which says it all ,AS MOST NO IM A BETTING MAN AN WILL WAGER 100£ IF THEY TRY 40 OVER CRICKET THEY WONT REVERT BACK if they do ill give cash to Lords Taveners . AND I DEFINITLY WILL PROPOSE AT AGM


It is a different Kyle but we've taken note of the bet!



18th Jun 2013

You're welcome Andy, just as any good batsman worth his salt has a shot in his armory for any type of delivery, I like to keep a poem on tap for every occasion!

andy kennedy

heading back to the rain

18th Jun 2013

Clarence agree with you about guys staying in the game. I left a few back copies of your Ulster Cricketer magazine - still had them until Flossie ordered that the drawer had to be cleared!- at Moylena and some of the guys have been commenting about the number of teams that were in four divisions. My earlier point was that if we lose the same number over the next 30 years as in the past then it will be 'switch the light out' time. The magazines themselves make interesting reading- especially the debates about the introduction of pros - nothing changes there!- but the photos are a social history of Ulster cricket. There's a great one of Raymond Moreland playing for the Lords Taverners! Not forgetting the 1981 Cup Final!! P.S. thanks for the verses Caleb