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C Boomer


5th Aug 2013

I wrote the following in anticipation of Yorkshire winning the 4 day county championship, although I realize it's a bit premature, ( still August ) but I'll dedicate it to any winning league team within the N.C.U. & their loyal fans,
just substitute the white rose for your own club's emblem...

As the Season Draweth Nigh

As the cricket season draweth nigh
summer swallows, migrate and fly
players and officials heave a sigh
then bid each other, a parting goodbye

The great fraternity, likewise comply
departing to homes, warm and dry
like hibernating bears, preparing to lie
within caves, safe from winters, chilling pry

Appeased at last, their craving to satisfy
a curiosity, encroaching wry
incessant its hunger, like a fox sly
now nourished in knowledge, no more to vie

Victory secured, the trophy raised high
embellished on silver, their names testify
noble battles fought out, on fields of rye
big fish inevitability, consume small fry

As grey clouds gather, in a menacing sky
the falling leaf, does not belie
gone the days of a balmy July,
willow v leather, strawberries and apple pie

But wipe that tear from your eye
no need for sorrow, or mournful cry
the laws of nature, always apply
so summer flowers, must fade and die

For as sure as a pig, sleeps in a sty
father time marches forward, by and by,
the glorious bloom will return and multiply
as shall the regal faithful, to once again soliloquy
If around the silver, the white rose they’ll tie?

Davy Mack

Derriaghy side of Lisburn

5th Aug 2013

A big well done to my mate Jeff Maguire with a great batting performance at the weekend. Scoring with him I certainly knew he could 'talk the talk' but it's good to see even in his golden years, he can still 'walk the walk'!!!!!!



3rd Aug 2013

Played at Donaghadee on Saturday for Dundrum Jeff Maguire rolled back the years opening the batting scoring 58 no and getting 3 wickets a good clubman and good for young players to learn from really enjoyed the match tight finish but played in good spirit and big win for Dundrum ps is there an age limit for inter pro's as maybe selectors want to have a look at

Gary Duck


2nd Aug 2013

thanks for the comments regarding Dunmurry CC. It has been an extremely hard past few years but credit to people who work very hard at the club. I dont want to name names as I am afraid to leave anyone out. I myself havent been about the place or played recently but I hope the club gets sorted and doesnt give in to the thugs. I know how hard it is but hopefully we can move forward in a playing capacity

Ryan Haire


1st Aug 2013

Clarence and "b" it's a chicken and egg scenario! Ps great to even be debating inter- pros at last.

Clarence Hiles


1st Aug 2013

B Picture couldn't have put it better. I don't know where the myth came from that the Interpro teams should be 'development squads' with a couple of pros. The North-West went down this line because their best performers were ageing stars, but surely their team players would have gained more and performed better with Junior McBrine on their team rather than in the support team? A balance between young and old could serve them better going forward. There is a place for Development squads in Irish cricket but we can't dilute the new Interpro competition to accommodate them. We did that in the Nineties and it destroyed an Interpro tournament that had served Irish cricket well for over 30 years.
If a player is good enough he will make the Interpro team and if he can't, can we really see him as a future Ireland player given the quality already there? Dozens of teenagers have entered test cricket albeit rare in the modern game because the modern 'experts' know better. However, the modern game is a much lower standard with plenty of average cricketers playing at test level. Let's not do that with our Interpro Competition. We have worked too hard to get it back. And don't ignore the huge benefits of a winning team in attracting sponsors, spectators and kids to the game.

B Picture


31st Jul 2013

Senior Interpros is about Best v Best (Irish Qual + 2 Pros), it's not about developing Cricketers to be better at Interpro level it's about developing Cricketers to be better at Irish/International level.

Development squads v Development squads = non International Cricketers. Best v Best = those who are Irish Qual/available being better tested & therefore better prepared for International Cricket. Surely we are not trying to create 33-45 average Cricketers but instead looking to polish the diamonds (4-8 Cricketers), so in turn we (Irish Cricket) are in a far stronger position to replace the 'in possession' out of form/retiring Internationals when the time comes.

Big picture stuff here... don't lose sight of a First Class structure/concept. Because that's exactly what this type of competition leads to - better prepared future International's! Marcus Trescothick is still allowed (good enough/should) to play county Cricket & is a far better option for any young/up and coming future English 'International' bowler to bowl at than bowling to an average/out of his depth Batter for example. (Put players under pressure - it's the only way they learn/develop at a rate/level that will encourage higher levels of performance)

Structures that underpin Interpro Cricket need the real attention - playing standards will then improved & in turn 'younger' players will be better prepared to make the step up to Interpro Cricket - therefore resulting in the knocking out of 'old hands' + Irish Passport holders because they are then deemed to no longer be the 'Best'. Earn the right, be the 'Best' & therefore gain selection - far to many easy rides when looking at 'Development' squads. Test the 'Diamonds' to find out what they are worth & then work to find more!!!

Ryan Haire


31st Jul 2013

Clarence the best v development interprovincial debate is certainly an interesting one! I still feel with a lack of Ireland / Regional / Academy / Under 19 Irish fixtures against top quality opposition the interpros represent the only real challenge and shop window for our aspiring 18-24 year olds. I definitely don't think sides should have players on them who won't / can't or don't want to play for Ireland whilst the younger guy isn't involved in what for them could be make or break cricket!

Clarence Hiles


30th Jul 2013

Just like to echo Ken comments on Dunmurry.
Keep the chins up guys and don't give in to the thugs.
If you need help from your cricket colleagues please ask.

Clarence Hiles

CPL opening at Kensington Oval

30th Jul 2013

Very interesting point on the respective strengths of each union but I'm not sure the Interpros should be used solely to evaluate budding players and the respective strengths of cricket breeding grounds. We have youth teams aplenty to do that and this tournament is not about development squads-it is about the best playing the best in a potential 1st Class tournament to impress the ICC godfathers. How many Manchester United players come from Manchester-but does it matter? The NCU team contains players with NCU qualifications and that's the basis of selection. Also, if a player is good enough he should be selected irrespective of which club he plays for and there are plenty of examples of that down the years.

C Boomer


30th Jul 2013

Formula 1 Cricket

A winning cricket team, is a much admired, glorious machine
that can be likened to a potent racing car
each component must gel and glean, on field be ruthless, mean
as a well tuned engine will propel it, fast and far

The captain sits behind the wheel, knows the buttons and pedals to feel
reads the road and stays in constant control
seeks out weakness in the opposition, to gain advantage and pole position
then decides if to bat or if to bowl

It’s the batsman who selects the gears, as the captain guides and steers
with perfect timing on the clutch
first, second, third, then really club her, fourth and sixth to burn rubber
fifths hard to find, stuck in neutral..Out! Return to the hutch

The bowler fuels a powerful carburetor, by means of the accelerator
he can rev it up and make those pistons sing
a tricky obstinate hairpin, can be overcome with a little spin
then pedal on the metal, mindful of late tail end swing

The keeper is the pick of the lads, with protective gloves and heavy pads
he looks after handling and if need be apply the brake
with swift hand eye reaction, the car retains firm traction
as the chasing pack get left behind in her wake

Waiting by the pit with assorted kit, when the track gets wet, he will cover it
the groundsman prevents accidents, pooling water and soggy mires
while the car nips in for shelter and to keep the track a belter
it can refuel, ablute and change tyres

On the course two men in white or blue, to assist and help all through
they uphold the law and give the relevant sign
undue care and attention will incur their wrath, as will running down the path
if unheeded they will impose a caution, then off the road with a heavy fine

In order to pass the chequered flag, its clear each cog is required to prevent lag
so jump onboard but heed the words of Aristotle
‘the whole is greater than the sum of all parts’, then turn the key and as she starts
can you taste the bubbly from that big green bottle?

Ken Sims


30th Jul 2013

I was upset to hear that once again Dunmurry's ground has been vandalised by mindless yobs (28 July).
It is a great credit to those involved at Dunmurry CC that they refuse to lie down in the face of this wanton destruction.
The club deserves any help or support that the NCU or its members can offer. They show a great example to us all about the value of our game.

Gareth Evans


29th Jul 2013

The comments re.the section one players I couldn't agree more with. Having said that Ivan's post re.producing home grown players should resonate with us all.
On a different note I watched two great games at Woodvale over the weekend. The weather was superb and the pitches were excellent. On both days the opposition had a drink or two afterwards along with the umpires. The general craic/banter was superb. Whisper it quietly but it was almost like the old days!!!

Robin haire

Sunny comber

29th Jul 2013

Ivan,good to hear your thoughts on section 1 players,always followed Robert Smiths performances with interest as he was in the same under 15 ncu team as J.Shannon and P. Stirling when I was their coach. I always thought he could be a major player in the premier league as he was excellent in all 3 disciplines. am guessing he,s 22 so still young enough if he wants to give it a real go, could he make the pl with Templepatrick in a few years time ?

Ivan Mccombe

At home

29th Jul 2013

I may be biased but Neil Gill must be the stand out player in Section One just now. He constantly gets early wickets , he now bats like a batsman and he would get in any XI as a fielder. I was just talking to John McCormick today and mentioned Craig got 150 yesterday and he said " magnificent player " . I haven't seen Bunting or Magowan this season but I think it's accepted they could play in the Premier League I know nothing about Joel but no one will be surprised on seeing Davy Munn rated as one of the top players in Section One. . From the games I have seen the player that impressed me the most was Robert Smith of Templepatrick . He bowled ten superb overs of left arm spin against us in which I don't remember a bad ball , is a very athletic fielder and was winning the match on his own with the bat when Brian Baguley with a moment of magic ran him out for 34. Playing for the Knights is a big step up from the Premier League but Neil has already played for Ireland ' A ' and I don't think he would look out of place and I think Smith has the attributes to play at a very high level. I think the others might need to prove themselves in the Premier League for a season or two first. Another player who caught my eye was Jordan Lyttle who at 16 is a useful looking quick bowler for Laurelvale.
Following on from my earlier post about " Union bragging rights " it has been pointed out that if players like Haire , Kidd , Wylie and Eakin were available the make up of the Knights team might be different although that wasn't the point of my post. I was simply saying that this week's three day game isn't an indication of which Union is in the best shape in terms of player development based on the two teams that take the field.