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Clarence Hiles

UC Headquarters

11th Nov 2020

Downpatrick CC
What is happening at Downpatrick?
We understand a number of senior players have left the club, and the NCU has been asked, and agreed, to drop to another level. The club has also said, a 2nd XI will not be fielded in 2021, as the club is struggling to field the 1st XI.
We are not acquainted with the details, but obviously something is wrong at the Meadow. Very sad for a variety of reasons, as the club had recent success, and a shame that the Strangford Road ground might fold. And a shame that former stalwarts Alfie Linehan, Noel Ferguson, Bob Law, George Lennon, Dr Billy Ritchie, Eddie Malone, Hugh Linehan and many others, have built this club to the pinnacle of Irish cricket. And what a beautiful clubhouse and ground that hosted many international matches and Senior Cup finals?
Thankfully the NCU has been helpful during this crisis, but we appeal to former players and officials to answer the call.
Downpatrick need help or the town's cricket might be lost forever!



11th Nov 2020

Cyril Venn ard.
There was a time when the most eagerly anticipated fixture was the North Down v Laurel Vale game.
Not because they were the top teams but the after match entertainment.
Players often did not return home until Sunday afternoon.
Cyril was a fierce competitor on the field and then the heart and soul of the fun afterwards.
I loved meeting up with when he umpired our games.
A few years ago I had a plum lbw and Cyril raised the finger. The batsman, one of those I'm never out guys , delayed, gave both of us dirty looks before trudging off .
We both looked at each other agreeing he was out before Cyril said
Let's put that one down to the bowlers union
RIP my friend


LBW from Cyril? Nah. can'y believe that! LOL
We had some great days at the 'Vale.

Andy Kennedy


10th Nov 2020

All we seem to hear is about deaths in the wider cricket community but it is with real shock that I learned of the death of a real doyen of cricket - Lexie Millar. I first got to know Lexie while working in the North-West in the late 70s and it wasn't long before we established our mutual love of cricket. He has given a life-time of service in the NW, especially in the Mid-Week League and I am really saddened by his passing. My sincere sympathy goes to his son and family circle.


Yes Andy, sad to hear about Lexie. Lovely man and and a terrific fund-raiser for charity, and in particulr the Derry Midweek League where he was Treasurer for many years. He always had a big broad smile and it was great to see him when we met. Sadly, no longer now. RIP Lexie.

Gilbert Alexander


5th Nov 2020

Sorry to hear about the passing of Cyril Vennard. Also the passing of former Lurgan player. Victor Malcomson


Yes, Gilbert. I heard about Victor last night. Another fine cricketer.

Andy Kennedy


4th Nov 2020

Really saddened to learn of the death of Cyril Vennard - a feisty character in his playing days - and not the only one back in those days! Stories from his umpiring days are equally legendary. His passing is particularly poignant as we move into Remembrance weekend. Deepest sympathy to his family and wider family circle at this time.


Sad to hear this Andy.
Cyril was certainly feisty in play, but very congenial in the Laurelvale bar! We had many happy nights with his brother Eddie. Even his dad Bothwell was in the middle of the fun and revellry that followed. It didn't really matter who won in those days.
Cyril was a real character and a good umpire.
Sincere condolences to the family circle and the Laurelvale club.

Andy Kennedy


3rd Nov 2020

And another big hand-out to sport by the Southern Government announced yesterday!!

Andy Kennedy

Dreich Buckna

30th Oct 2020

According to the news, the NI Executive is making millions available to Sport NI so will be CI be in there bidding for support for the NCU & NWCU?



23rd Sep 2020

First class match at Bready yesterday and players fielding in beanie hats no wonder we get laughed at over here what's next if it's cold players wearing coats and scarfs what a joke yesterday


Yes, it is certainly cold at present. Perhaps hot drinks instead of orange might help or finish the season now?

John Kerstens


23rd Sep 2020

On behalf of Clarence and myself I would like to pass on our condolences to International umpire Mark Hawthorne and his brother Gavin, a former Woodvale player, on the death of their father "Herbie" at the age of 90. A lovely man who will be missed by the family.

RIP "Herbie"


Andy Kennedy

Balmy Buckna

16th Sep 2020

3 days of sunshine and temperatures in the 20+ and no cricket at Bready! Makes one wonder if there has really been any significant improvement in the infrastructure by CI?

Andy Kennedy

balmy Buckna

1st Sep 2020

Been asked by a few people what I meant by the comments about Cregagh celebrations - my reading of the regs “THE RESULT - 22 (b) if the scores are tied, the winner shall be the team losing the fewer wickets”. Saintfield lost fewer wickets & Cregagh win after OOPSE, referred to as a “super over”. Interesting!

Neale Matthews

The Law

1st Sep 2020

Re: Davy - Weather Watching.
The pitches produced at the Lawn got the various games - 2 finals and an inter pro were frankly superb and a credit to ground staff who had gone way beyond the call of duty.
Unfortunately the boundary straight at the Waring end was waterlogged at the bottom of the slope. This allowed for a boundary of approximately 45 meters. Clearly far too short for the men’s final. Of course far too short for today’s interpro.
For the avoidance of doubt this was the problem end that the umpires on Saturday indicated was unplayable and was even then a major concern for Sunday.
North Down stepped in at the last minute for both men’s games which meant they had to put in considerable work.
The women’s game was just about accommodated and with few alternative venues and few spare dates this was to some extent a compromise with the straight boundary.
A later start was considered but a clash of timings for the two finals was not considered a good idea.

Difficult balance was struck and frankly successfully so. Two excellent games of cricket.

Want to sincerely recognise the efforts of all clubs involved in putting on the amount of cricket we have had this year and not just the showpieces.


Thanks Neale. As we all know the weather is normally better at Costa del Comber! Apart from today!!! LOL

David Skelton

Queensway, Derriaghy

30th Aug 2020

On behalf of Derriaghy CC can I say a massive thanks to everyone who donated to our centenary charity partner Emerge Counselling Services via bucket collections at the 2 LVS T20 finals at Saintfield and Comber today. It was great to see large crowds at both grounds.
I also want to thank the NCU Management Board for giving their permission to undertake the collections, the various media sources who promoted the collections and the 2 host clubs for their support.


Ed - Well done Davy and all the best for a very worthy charity - JK

Andy Kennedy


30th Aug 2020

Have Cregagh’s celebrations been a bit premature?


Weather watching

29th Aug 2020

Very strange if a match is called off for a 3pm start for a mens final that the ground is playable for a woman's final at an earlier start yes boundaries are smaller but if not playable then no games take place


Let's hope both are played! The NCU don't control the weather.